
Far out: the Right renews its challenge

Donald Trump's surprise election in the United States has given the political right around the world new affirmation and new confidence. It would be easy to dismiss this as a fringe phenomenon; our reports today show why that would be a serious mistake.

Australian politics has always had a right-wing fringe. Today it is at its strongest in decades, and it is affecting mainstream politics. In the United States obviously it has gained the pinnacle of power. Here, the Trump victory has given far-right supporters an enormous boost. It raises the question: how good are our mainstream politicians at meeting and overcoming such a challenge?
Like Donald Trump, One Nation's Pauline Hanson thrives on being dismissed by mainstream politicians, journalists and commentators. The more her ideas are belittled or deplored by people who think they are smarter than she, the more her supporters rally round her. They, like Ms Hanson, believe they have been marginalised, ignored and despised in Australian politics. They point, with some justice, to the way mainstream debates have become governed by unwritten rules which control what can and cannot be said and what opinions are fit to be expressed. Right-wing politicians bring a certain understandable glee to smashing these rules in favour of speaking what they see as the truth, a practice which makes them inherently popular.  
When this degenerates into mere racism and xenophobia, the result is inevitably ugly and destructive. When however it attempts a reasoned critique of, for example, repressive Islamic attitudes to women and gay people, or income inequalities as the result of globalisation, it becomes something else: a possible basis for a political platform. Overseas examples show that given an able leader capable of effective persuasion, it might be taken far. 
Could Ms Hanson be that leader? As we report today, in her second incarnation as a federal politician Ms Hanson brings a new-found confidence based on overseas ideas and models, and on the support she has gained through internet-based connections with like-minded people. This broader network appears to have sharpened her thinking and made her look more adept than she did during her first foray into politics. Even then, during the late 1990s she posed a problem for the Coalition, drawing away significant support. It is to John Howard's credit – though it is unlikely that historians will ever praise him for it – that he managed to draw that support back from the fringe to the mainstream. It will be interesting to see how well Malcolm Turnbull fares, faced with a similar problem in a new, globalised and more sophisticated form. Mr Turnbull has spent much of his time in office as Prime Minister concealing sides of his character which voters thought they knew; perhaps in the fight to shore up Coalition support against reinvigorated opponents on the far right he will now reveal some hidden faculties they never realised he possessed.