Browse Profiles

Bloggers with favorite music that includes The Pogues.

Results 1 – 10 of 7,100



Location: Brooklyn : New York

Interests: ant farms, Asterix, Ben Grimm, board games, Buster Keaton, cold cereal, egg bacon chips & beans, Frank Flowers, Keira Knightley, Lady Alheydis von Körckhingen, Lego, London Underground, Magnum P.I., Monopoly, Mystery Science Theater 3000, pirates, Rory Gilmore, Shappi Khorsandi, Soterios Johnson, Spike Milligan



Location: Ottawa : Ontario : CA

Interests: I am interested in many things, but in relation to this Blog, Irish traditional music and culture.

Hans Georg Lundahl

Hans Georg Lundahl

Location: Paris : FR

Interests: composer, écrire poësie, Thor Heyerdahl, BD, écrire scénarios, débats, randonnée, calligraphie, layout, mise-en-page, reliure, bookbinding, grammaire, arithmétique, géométrie, critique des sciences, café au lait, cappucino, thé,:,darjeeling, earl grey, assam,.,vin,:,côtes de rhône, côtes de ventoux, Moselle, Wachau,Grinzing,.,bière,:,Kilkenny,Baltic Porter,Leffe,Pilzner Urquell



Location: 大阪 : JP

Interests: マンガ,おもちゃ,金魚,散歩,散財,散髪,

Joel Jonsson

Location: Nordanstig : Gävleborgs län : SE

Interests: Musik, teater, alkohol, film, sex, öl, filosofiera, onani, politik, vinylskivor, sprit, hårdrock, fornnordisk mytologi, grekisk mytologi, historia, humor, wrestling, drama, whiskey, fester, konserter, festivaler, samla citat, serietidningar



Location: Buenos Aires : Capital Federal : AR

Interests: FreeBSD, Os X, Linux, Ubuntu, OpenBSD, the weather on Buenos Aires,

Atti and Reino

Atti and Reino

jody bean

jody bean

Location: Austin : TX : US

Interests: card games, board games, RPG's, playing with technology, all sorts of movies, hiking, stimulating conversation, exploration, performing arts, creative writing, mathematics, the "hard" sciences, perplexing puzzles, spirituality, psychology, world cuisine (cooking and eating), drawing on occassion..

Michael Doherty

Michael Doherty

Interests: I love going to see bands perform. I am interested in many types of music, and i hosted a folk and acoustic radio program in the mid-nineties. I'm also something of a film buff. I have quite a few DVDs, and i love going to the New Beverly to watch older films. I am a big Red Sox fan.

Rog T

Location: London

Interests: Punk rock & Rock n Roll, Football, local issues, Drinking, Mill Hill

Results 1 – 10 of 7,100
