Chasing the elusive tiger in Gadchiroli

Edit The Times of India 09 Apr 2016
Nagpur. Pursuit for tigers in Gadchiroli, which has 76% dense forests, turned out to be a wild-goose chase last week during a six-day preliminary survey conducted by Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) of pockets known for tiger presence ... Official figures state that Gadchiroli had presence of 115 tigers in 1989, but now has none ... When Chouhan sought to know from Madias and Gonds, they too said tigers have not been sighted for long ... RELATED....

Gondia villagers left in lurch

Edit The Hindu 05 Dec 2015
Nearly a year after district authorities took away their community forest rights (CFR) titles to rectify an error, villages in Gondia district have still not got them back ... In the neighbouring Gadchiroli, villages of Madia Gond adivasis are moving towards ensuring their habitat rights, including mountains and places of worship, which are linked to their traditional practices. ....

dna special: Skewed policies leave tribals out of development equation

Edit DNA India 13 Jan 2015
When it comes to female literacy, scheduled tribes lag behind the general population by about 41%, says the report ... The township and infrastructure projects on the Western Ghats have given rise to complaints of alienation of tribal lands, it noted ... The state has 45 tribal communities, and the Katkaris, Kolams and Madia Gonds have been classified as primitive tribal groups (PTGs) ... The school drop out rate of tribal children is also high....