• The Escape Issue
    January 2017 #36
    Escape cover web

    Table Of Contents

    J20 reportback

    Before the DC police arrested 230 people, the energy was ecstatic.

    On the Ground at the Anti-Inauguration Riots

    by Ash Jegroo


    watch the trailer for I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO, James Baldwin's powerful last words


    On J20, people locked down to protest the tech takeover of San Francisco

    Alesia pullins

    Masque Up by Alesia Pullins

    Winter Skin 101

    How to combat dry skin during the winter months.


    Haley Markbreiter went to DC for the Women’s March, prepared for disappointment.

    Marching with My Friends and Enemies

    by Haley Markbreiter


    He Will Not Divide Us Shia LaBeouf amends this fateful day with a bit of internet performance art.


    Young Thug Flaked When things don’t go as planned you have be creative.

    Redstuy featureart

    This Brooklyn punk house hosts basement shows where you can “come home from America”

    Welcome to Red Stuy

    by Ash Jegroo


    Cameos: Eph, Mica Levine, and V Piquett share their current looks and guilty pleasures.

    Agbrown mask

    En Rogue by Alex G. Brown

    Still Trending: Tears

    Being sad never looked so cute.

    Dj20 web2

    #DisruptJ20 People are gathering in DC to disrupt the inauguration of Donald Trump.

    Horoscopeart fixed

    Horoscopes by Corina Dross

    January 2017

    Sometimes an opportunity looks like a crisis. Who do you want to become?


    No Brow by Jaime Chu

    Good Books for Bad Times

    In times of devastation and confusion, here are some books that help make sense of how to move forward.

    Untitled 2

    Letters by Em Marshall

    Make It Through

    2017 may come to make 2016 look like 2015. Its walls are closing in and it’s time we plan our escape.

    Mask Magazine

    Mask Magazine


    Mask Magazine

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