
Trump administration defends Steve Bannon's role on Security Council

Washington: The Trump administration has defended a reorganisation of the National Security Council that elevates the President's chief strategist, Stephen Bannon - a political adviser with no direct national security role - to full membership and while downgrading the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The alteration was contained in a memorandum issued late on Saturday defining the organisation of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council, the top decision-making bodies inside the White House on everything from diplomacy to counter-terrorism, crisis management, nuclear policy and cyber policy.

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Stephen Bannon is widely expected to soon be one of the most powerful men in America.

Trump's document drew from organisational precedents in the Obama and George W. Bush administrations. But the ascension of Bannon, who until last year was the head of Breitbart News, and the diminishment​ of the President's top intelligence and military advisers took Democrats and Republicans by surprise.

The new memo said that the intelligence director and the Joint Chiefs chairman would attend the "principals meetings" - the meeting of Cabinet-level officials - only when "issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed."

Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, said on Sunday (US time) that Bannon's past service as a US Navy officer merited his attendance at all meetings, as part of a "streamlining" of decision-making. He did not explain the downgrading of the four-star general who heads the Joint Chiefs, Joseph Dunford, who rose through the Marine Corps and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Well, he is a former naval officer," Spicer said of Bannon on ABC's This Week. "He's got a tremendous understanding of the world and the geopolitical landscape that we have now."


He added, "Having the chief strategist for the president in those meetings, who has a significant military background, to help make, guide what the president's final analysis is going to be, is crucial."

When pressed on Dunford's role, Spicer said, "The president gets plenty of information from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff".

Current and former military officials said they suspected that the decision, in part, was prompted by the national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who retired as a three-star general after he was dismissed during the Obama administration as the head of the Defence Intelligence Agency. It was the previous director of national intelligence, James Clapper, who delivered the news to Flynn that he was being removed from his post.

Throughout the transition, Flynn was reportedly hesitant to place many people around the National Security Council table who had outranked him in the military. Nonetheless, there are two in the Cabinet: Defence Secretary James Mattis, who retired as a four-star general, and the secretary of homeland security, John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine Corps general who served for 45 years, ending his military career as the commander of US Southern Command.

Both men remain principals on the council.

The CIA director, Mike Pompeo, is not mentioned at all in the reorganisation order. A week ago, Trump went to CIA headquarters to assure officers there that he had their backs and valued their contributions. But Pompeo's predecessor, John Brennan, was also not a formal member of the council, though he often attended meetings to provide intelligence assessments.

Susan Rice, Flynn's predecessor as national security adviser, denounced the downgrading of the intelligence director and the Joint Chiefs chairman. "This is stone cold crazy," she wrote on Twitter. "Who needs military advice or intel to make policy on ISIL, Syria, Afghanistan, DPRK," she said, using abbreviations for the Islamic State and North Korea.

Former Defence Secretary Robert Gates, also appearing on ABC, questioned the wisdom of the move.

John Bellinger, who was the counsel to the National Security Council during Bush's administration, noted in a commentary on the Lawfare blog that Bannon's role was highly unusual, because "the NSC function usually does not include participants from the political side of the White House". He noted that Karl Rove, Bush's top political strategist, did not attend council meetings.

But in the early days of the Obama administration, David Axelrod, also a top political strategist, did attend many meetings resetting policy on Afghanistan and Pakistan - as a guest and an observer, but not as a full member of the council.

New York Times