r.a.w. studios defies description to provide a new wellness hot spot

One space at r.a.w. studio is set up for yoga, meditation and barre workouts.
One space at r.a.w. studio is set up for yoga, meditation and barre workouts.
by Paul Best

"There's nothing quite like it in the world." So says Sam Nivas, the hospitality entrepreneur behind r.a.w. studio, a new venture in the Melbourne CBD that defies simple description.

In explaining r.a.w. – for "ready and willing" – Nivas is quick to point out what it isn't. It's not a gym, fitness centre or day spa, in the conventional sense, although it flirts with elements of each. Broadly speaking, r.a.w. is about caring for the wellness of body, mind and spirit.

The studio, in the basement of the Hero Apartments building, is three discrete studio spaces, each focusing on a different set of disciplines based on functional movement training, learning and nutrition. As Nivas shows off each in turn, it quickly becomes apparent why it's tricky to neatly encapsulate his undertaking.

One room offers boxing classes and suspension-based training on gymnastic rings and TRX ropes (TRX stands for total body resistance exercise). A second is set up for yoga, meditation and barre workouts uniquely designed by a physiotherapist. In between sits a third – an open, amphitheatre-like studio that will host pilates classes but has also been used as a communal space for down-time, having a drink, and hosting workshops and events.

The design is clean, modern chic with a raw industrial edge.
The design is clean, modern chic with a raw industrial edge.

"It started with me having some back problems and sciatica and being introduced to functional movement training and eating properly," says Goan-born Nivas, founder of the hotel development enterprise Like Minded Group. In Los Angeles at the time looking at a start-up in hospitality or technology, he was forking out big dollars for personal and functional movement trainers, yoga membership and meditation.

If he could put all of these together in the right venue, along with nutrition and corporate wellness, he figured, he'd have an original and workable enterprise.

His original plan was to set up r.a.w. in LA – the home of the body fit and fab. Instead, he settled on the Melbourne site, putting his original plan to open a bar in the space on ice. If all goes well, he plans several more studios nationally and possibly abroad.

For the time being, r.a.w. is a luxury sanctuary from the city hustle above. In one studio, an instructor is revving up a class for a workout on the rings and TRX, both suspension-based training systems focusing on core-body strengthening. The music is loud, the mood is upbeat, the energy rising. TRX, developed by an ex-US Navy Seal, has been gaining popularity since the mid-2000s.

It's quieter and slower in the second studio, where a yoga instructor is entreating a class to stretch and breathe.

Clever lighting and natural wood are key to the aesthetic.
Clever lighting and natural wood are key to the aesthetic.

Given his background in hospitality and bars, Nivas sees his wellness project as "trying to do something slightly disruptive". It's an antidote, if you like, to Australia's drinking and recreational drug culture. "I got sick of people drinking and doing drugs," he explains. "Being in hospitality, I can easily open another bar, but I wanted to do my take on the whole wellness thing."

A crucial point of difference is r.a.w. studios' high level of design. The result of a collaboration between Travis Walton Architecture and interior design and brand communications outfit 21-19, it's clean, modern chic with a raw industrial edge.

Timber, glass, concrete and steel are layered with the building's original structural elements: steel beams, piping, a semi-sandblasted ceiling and concrete walls. In the yoga/meditation studio, a pair of original crossed beams against one wall is back-lit, giving the studio a modern and dynamic presence. And motif – there are three giant Xs all up.

The lighting is also key. It's soft, subtle and slightly sombre, with clever use of back and up-lighting for atmosphere. "It's half night club, half yoga studio," says architect Travis Walton.

A finalist in last November's FX Interior Design Awards in London, the project was described by the judges as "bold yet comfortable (with) the right balance of materiality, scale and function".

Nivas says he was chasing a look and feel that whispered "Berlin underground".

As he gives me a tour, it's clear how much he has invested in this project. Not just in dollars, but of himself. He hasn't just overseen the project; he has involved himself at every level, ticking off on every detail. The equipment, for example, had to be the best of the best. Rogue kettlebells, Iron Edge battle ropes and Manduka yoga mats imported from the United States, for example.

His fingerprints are all over the design, too. For the floors, he insisted on natural timber and modified jiu jitsu matting, which required trips to Germany and Japan to find out how to lay it. He wanted MDF 16 sheets thick to soundproof the yoga and meditation studio and stairs-cum-bleachers for the open studio to create a sense of theatre-in-the-round.

He also spent several months on getting a customised track for the 70-kilogram boxing bags to be loaded on and off easily. "We visited an abattoir looking for someone to help us … but eventually found a company that built a custom bag track for the Victoria Police Academy."

For all its slickness, r.a.w. is a work in progress. After a false start with an international crew, Nivas has contracted home-grown operator S3 Studio to provide expertise in barre, pilates and physiotherapy. And he is in talks with another local wellness studio to introduce indoor bike riding workouts.

The studio has hosted events, such as young entrepreneur Nick Bell from WME Group on building a start-up and Kenko Kitchen, and Nivas has big hopes for future events.

Longer term, he envisions an Amazon-like green wall with a waterfall, maybe a library and a canteen serving "farm-to-studio" meals.

More immediately, and importantly, there are plans to create wellness programs for corporates and establish a r.a.w. academy to train barre and pilates instructors.

"We'll teach what we practise," Nivas says.

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