
Contempt conviction demanded for unchecked reporter who scuppered murder trial

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Prosecutors have called for a journalist and her employer, news website Yahoo7, to be convicted and fined for contempt of court after an online article forced a Melbourne murder trial to be aborted.

Reporter Krystal Johnson last year bypassed sub-editors and published an article about Mataio Aleluia's murder trial but the report contained material that had not been put to a Supreme Court jury.

Justice Lex Lasry ordered a retrial over concerns the accused man would not receive a fair trial.

Johnson had not been in court covering the case, and instead included details she had lifted from an accurate report from an earlier court hearing.

Aleluia was later found guilty at a retrial of murdering his girlfriend Brittany Harvie.

Another judge, Justice John Dixon, last year ruled Johnson's report for Yahoo7 was clearly prejudicial. Johnson and Yahoo7 apologised to the court.


On Monday, the court heard prosecutors wanted both parties fined and convicted for the breaches, given the seriousness of the contempt.

Johnson was in court along with Yahoo7's head of editorial, Simon Wheeler.

Prosecutor Kerri Judd, QC, said the article had breached "the golden rule of journalism" and caused a murder trial to be aborted on its fourth day, which had caused Ms Harvie's family distress.

Ms Harvie's mother gave evidence at the initial trial and had to do so again at the retrial, the court heard.

Ms Judd called on Justice Dixon to impose a "modest" fine on Johnson, but a "very significant penalty" on Yahoo7, which was a well-known news website and should have had "the adequate systems and training in place to ensure this doesn't occur".

Defence counsel Will Houghton, QC, said Yahoo7 had better trained its staff since the article was published, had hired a senior sub-editor and had a new policy of not publishing court articles unless they were written by reporters in court.

The website also now had all court stories checked by lawyers before they were published.

The offending article had a "considerable" impact on Johnson, Mr Houghton said, as the 23-year-old was "embarrassed and ashamed of the mistake she made".

Her ability had been questioned by others in the media, the court heard, and she had been abused on social media.

Mr Houghton called for Johnson to be spared a fine and conviction, but conceded it appropriate Yahoo7 be fined, but without conviction.

Lawyers for the website were successful in having Johnson's contract details redacted from court documents.

Johnson's offending report included a Facebook post Ms Harvie wrote before she died, in which she feared Aleluia might one day put her "six feet under".

The article was read about 4000 times in Victoria before it was taken down.

Justice Dixon acknowledged it was important to deter other publishers from committing contempt, though he said Johnson would be unlikely to forget the lesson she had learned.

He reserved his decision on penalties.