

21 January - 19 February

A fortuitous meeting means the start of great things during this current planetary cycle. An introduction to someone with a whole new slant on life can be inspiring intellectually but also very practical at the same time. The new Moon in Aquarius, your Sun sign is an excellent omen and reflects favourably on you. Therefore, you should be receptive to any new ideas that are presented to you today. There's no point arguing about money especially if you know that the problem is due to your own extravagance. Humility is the keyword where discussions about finances start spiralling into world war. There are a few important lessons to be learned just now. Listen carefully.


20 February - 20 March

You're in your own element at present and your words can carry great weight wherever you may go. You mustn’t underestimate your own power at this point in time. A business or creative idea is brilliant and you need to trust your instincts, even if in the past your ideas haven’t really flown. If you're pitching a concept, don't take no for an answer. Martyrdom is the predominant theme of your life over the coming days and there won't be any shortage of victims on the take for your services ( and stupidity either!! ). Why are you feeding fuel to the fire when you know someone is capable of dealing with their own problems? Stop giving away your time and energy!


21 March - 20 April

You'll be spending some time investigating new educational or travel opportunities and this along with some great professional and monetary opportunities will present themselves. Make an appointment with your local travel agent to set the wheels in motion. The new Moon in your 11th house is a great omen indicating both new friendships and financial opportunities. If you have been waiting on a verdict for some work compensation claim, outstanding will or legacy, this is an excellent time to receive news that will boost your assurance that these matters are now coming to a close. Today is superb for any contractual arrangements you may be contemplating especially if you’ve been introduced through friends.


21 April - 21 May

Sudden events are not necessarily disruptive but could spin your head around. A decision made or an assurance given by someone might test your level of faith and confidence in them. Actually, this is all probably a storm in a teacup so don't let the situation get the better of you and try to use humour to get through what will at first seem a dicey situation. If you're trying to help someone at this time could be well worth mentioning the fact that handing over bad money after good is not necessarily the proper course of action to achieve the result you want. Helping others to help themselves would be more appropriate at this time if you feel as if you’re beating your head against the wall. Remain relaxed!


22 May - 21 June

An excellent romantic combination takes place now. You'll be feeling happy in your friendships and discussions you have with someone at this time could make you feel very special. Try to be more lenient in your approach to money and the way others in the family wish to spend or save. You may find that you have a difference of opinion over these issues. Live and let live. This is one of the better times to pursue your romantic dreams. You'll be hyped up and ready to take advantage of any and every social engagement that is presented. You will also make quite an impression wherever you go. Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb and try something different with a fashion statement.


22 June - 23 July

There may be moments where you could be caught off guard with impromptu offers or invitations so don't forget to take you make or keep an extra garment in the car so that you make a quick change to look your best for what could be the odd glamorous occasion. Romantic relations could be a little strained but this won't hold you back from enjoying the day to the max. The planets reveal something of your past to you which can either be seen in a positive or negative light depending on your frame of mind. Even if what you discover is a little unsavoury, this is still an opportunity for you to improve yourself and to use this as fertiliser for spiritual growth. Your pride or ego may be wounded learning the truth about how someone feels about you.


24 July - 23 August

Lucky opportunities, gifts and other favourable connections can be expected. This is likely to be an excellent period in your work and any assistance you require will be easily provided to you. You'll also want to spend a little more time on the home front balancing both these areas of your life. Your immense drive and determination is visible now. You’re unstoppable at this time but may also steam roll a few people whose only intention is to help you. Try to remain sensitive as you could end up having to do more work on your own when a few extra pairs of hands were available after all. Listen to the advice others have to give you.


24 August - 23 September

Although your career may seem to be bottoming out try to think carefully about your professional prospects, albeit in a more private and cloistered environment. In fact, some you may choose to do more work from home this month as your work and domestic affairs seem closely linked. You are preoccupied with financial matters and new business or financial opportunities bring a smile to your face. Communications regarding these matters are also highlighted at this time. You’ll also have the chance to spend some quality time at home and share some of these exciting opportunities with your loved ones. ]


24 September - 23 October

Emotional thinking is a certain cause of financial confusion at present. Numbers have to add up and as beautiful as creative dreaming is, it doesn't pay the bills. Add and subtract - ordinary maths procedures will show you the results in black and white. It's as simple as that! Your drive to achieve a better position at work will be fulfilled but you must be prepared to sacrifice a friend or two on the way. The stars are hinting at envy in the shadows. You'll sense this but mustn't play into the spider's trap. Rest on your own laurels and self-confidence just now.


24 October - 22 November

If you take up a friend's unexpected offer to travel somewhere today you'll be richly rewarded on many levels. Getting yourself out of your day to day rut is essential just now. Your heart is yearning for some new experiences and this is one of the ways to do it. You can't always deal with things personally. In fact, a face to face confrontation can sometimes backfire. Just now you need to get someone else to do your dirty work - especially if the problem has to do with neighbours or people who are just not listening to you. Enlist the help of someone stronger and neutral. Make sure you have everything on the home front in order as the new Moon indicates family needs may complicate your plans.


23 November - 22 December

A problem that you are currently dealing with is the seed of something quite positive. With the new Moon in the third house of ideas and communication you can come up with brilliant new perspectives, but is currently you’re not exactly looking at the issue from each and every possible vantage point. You can turn a financial debt into a money making opportunity if you look at the problem with a set of fresh eyes. A windfall or coveted position is yours now and paves the way for some exciting and successful transitions in your life. Get ready to do some serious celebrating. Just don't spend too much of the money before it lands in your bank account, though.


23 December - 20 January

It's time to revive your relationship especially if you're guilty of being lazy in demonstrating your love. You might be finding it easier to do your Sudoku or other word puzzles at night when your partner wants greater intimacy. Make an effort because what you put in is what you get out of a relationship. If you feel obstructed in your efforts to improve yourself, be patient. Life has its own timetable and pushing it around only delays the inevitable improvements you dream of. A friend is instrumental in pointing you in the direction of a self-help "guru" or psychology book. The new Moon in your second house of finance also hence that new business or career opportunities on the horizon.

Astrology.com.au with Dadhich