
Lauren McCauley, staff writer
"All Americans, should be outraged that President Trump is gutting federal programs and funneling their taxpayer dollars into the hands of less-regulated private companies who answer to their corporate shareholders and not the American people," said AFGE national president J. David Cox Sr. (Photo via AFGE)
President Donald Trump's repeated pledge to create more American jobs, it appears, didn't include positions within the federal government. One of the new president's first orders of business on Monday was to sign an executive order establishing a federal hiring freeze, which the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) warns will impact...
Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order withdrawing the...
Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
Belying promises he made on the campaign trail, President Donald Trump will not...


Well this is cool: Trumpian efforts to block information on climate change - 'cause who needs science/a planet? - have sparked fierce resistance by the National Park Service, suggesting the Revolution may yet be tweeted. After being gagged for posting science FACTS - think about that - defiant rangers at Badlands National Park re-posted them, swiftly followed by Golden Gate, Death Valley, NASA, and new alt-park sites vowing, "You will never silence the truth, tiny-fisted dictator."