Woman finds glasses inside Cadbury Easter egg

Woman finds glasses inside Cadbury egg.
Woman finds glasses inside Cadbury egg. Photo: Facebook/Charlotte Garner‎

When Charlotte Garner opened her Cadbury Twirl Easter egg on Sunday, she expected to find chocolate. While there was certainly chocolate, she also found a pair of glasses.

Seeing the funny side, Garner posted an image on the Cadbury UK Facebook page informing them someone has lost their glasses.

"Just opened my Easter Egg and one of your workers must have left their glasses as now I have them," wrote Garner. 

Photo: Facebook

The post has since been liked over 10,000 times with most people seeing the funny side of the situation.

"I'm guessing cadburys didn't see that one coming," said one commenter.

Another joked: "Cadbury have replied and they say they can't seem to see the problem."

"Looks like a very spec-tacular piece of chocolate," said another. 

According to Metro.co.uk, the Twirl Easter Egg was actually for Garner's four-year-old cousin, bought by her aunt, Sarah Sehmi.

"It was hilarious. I could not believe it", Charlotte told Metro.co.uk.

"We were completely taken aback. My four-year-old cousin Ollie opened it and he thought it was a gift."