The great Santa present divide: wrapped or unwrapped?

Wrapped or unwrapped? That is the question.
Wrapped or unwrapped? That is the question. Photo: Getty Images

Several nights ago, we asked ​Essential Kids readers a question:  "Santa presents - wrapped or unwrapped?"

Who knew it was such a controversial issue?

We received over two hundred comments from parents about their Christmas traditions - and they fall into one of several (very clear) categories.

1. Wrapped of course - are you serious?

" I couldn't imagine not wrapping all the presents," wrote Taryn. "How is it fun if you run out and see all the presents immediately? Unwrapping is the fun."

"Wrapped for sure!" agreed Tara.  "Xmas is over in 2 mins flat otherwise. Nothing more joyful than watching your child unwrap presents to see the look on their face."

2. Unwrapped, of course - are you serious?

"Unwrapped! But in a Santa Sack!!!!" argued Jennifer.

"Unwrapped..." concurred Danielle. " I learnt the hard way by giving all the great presents from Santa and just a 'few' wrapped from us. So now..Santa gives 1 big good present and mum and dad give the loads of unnecessary ones for fun."

Susan's reasoning for not wrapping gifts was also pretty solid. "They play until you get up for the rest," she wrote.

3. Unwrapped - "Ain't nobody got time for that."

"Santa doesn't have time to wrap for all the kids in the world," said Lauren. "And he cares about keeping the environment safe so doesn't want to chop down loads of trees just to wrap presents."

"Unwrapped," said Brenda. "Santa's a busy man."

4. Wait a minute - people DON'T wrap their presents? 

"Omg! I didn't know people didn't wrap," said Jess. "I have even wrapped surfboards and scooters..."

"Same," said Tatum. "I'm 43..what is this Voodoo?"

"ALWAYS WRAPPED," said a very passionate Renee. "Actually presents from a premium, established professional elf factory have special paper and printed name labels (thank you vista print). Anything less flies in the face of every magical Christmas movie and image you ever knew! NB cool if it's not your thing."

We told you it was polarising!

However you do Santa presents in your family, whether they're wrapped or unwrapped, from the team at Essential Kids - Merry Christmas!

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