Rich Tom: I saw your article on travelling to GuangZhou China. Yes, the airport is indeed extremely expensive. The wait was long. The bottled water is expensive even for an American. The lighting is poor. Plus you have to take a bus to the plane. It is an uncomfortable environment. Perhaps try ShenZhen airport, which I haven't tried yet or go to the HK airport. However, the food of GuangZhou is cheap and delicious outside of the airport. I would go to "GuangZhou restaurant" and stay at the "DongFang Bin Guan" hotel. Then I would go to "Yi De Lu" for the dry seafoods and birdnest market. I once almost got beaten if I did not delete my digital photos of dry shark fins from the market. They have tons of sea cucumbers and fish maws. They have beautiful huge abalones. Of course, I sell 4A edible birdnest and sea cucumbers, fish maws in New York City. I hope to find sellers of huge dry abalones from Australia.
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