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Boosting education or cutting company tax: which will do more to boost the economy?

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Don't look now, but this election is being fought on actual policy grounds. Yes, it's economic modelling at 20 paces in a fight to determine which party's policies will deliver the biggest boost to the economy.

The Coalition's centrepiece is a $48.2 billion policy to cut the corporate tax rate from 30 per cent to 25 per cent over a decade.

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Schools: more money, more conditions

Schools are set to get an extra $1.2 billion in the budget, but the states will need to meet new federal government conditions. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Labor is pledging to spend an extra $37.4 billion on schools funding over the coming decade to boost the future productivity of the workforce.

The battle lines are clear. Labor won't cut company tax and the Coalition won't spend as much on schools.

So which policy is best? One way to think about it – and the way the parties are arguing about it – is which policy will deliver the biggest boost to Australia's economic output, or gross domestic product.

Of course, you might think fairness and the distribution of economic activity matters too. And you'd be right. But let's focus for now on GDP.


The Coalition is armed with Treasury modelling suggesting that cutting the corporate tax rate will boost GDP by about 1 per cent over about 30 years.

Great, so we can expect growth each year of, say, 4 per cent not 3 per cent?

Not quite. The economy in 30 years will be about 1 per cent bigger, in today's dollars, than it would have been without the cut. Wow.

Because domestic shareholders are compensated for company tax by offsetting dividend imputation, most of the immediate benefit of this cut goes to foreign shareholders.

But it's true that Treasury also thinks the cut will lead to more investment and higher wages for workers here.

In terms of gross national income – what Australians actually get paid for our economic output – the boost is expected to be about 0.6 per cent in 30 years.

The economic boost from Labor's policy of spending more on education is a bit harder to pin down.

The best international literature we have on the impact of better education on economic growth comes from the work of Stanford University economist Eric Hanushek. In a paper published last year for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, titled "Universal Basic Skills – what countries stand to gain", he estimated the potential boost to countries' economic output from lifting schools' results to a "basic" level and ensuring universal enrolment in high school.

It found that by 2095 – when all kids educated under the old policy settings have moved out of the workforce to be replaced by the new – the Australian economy would be 11 per cent bigger than otherwise.

The Coalition has made merry with the idea the biggest benefits from the policy don't accrue for many, many decades. Its true that, in the heat of an election campaign, Labor appears to have overstated the immediate benefits to growth.

That's all to be expected.

But which policy delivers the bigger economic boost?

The school education program director at the Grattan Institute, Peter Goss, has compared the two very different models. He points out that for the first 20 years of the policies, the economic boost from a company tax cut, based on Treasury's numbers, slightly exceeds the benefit from improving education outcomes modelled by Hanushek.

But after two decades, the benefits from the company tax cut peak, while the returns from improvements to education continue to grow so that they are twice as valuable after 30 years "and keep getting more valuable".

Why? Because education changes lives, and the lives of people's children. We know the children of more highly educated parents enjoy better outcomes on a host of measures. They are less likely to rely on welfare. They are less likely to go to jail. "The benefits of better education grow over time and ripple through future generations," Goss says.

Some points to note.

The OECD figures are not a costing of Labor's policy. Nor are they are counterfactual to Coalition policy. Both parties propose to spend more on education – Labor would just spend more.

We don't know exactly what improvement in test results we could hope to secure for each extra dollar of taxpayer money spent. Or what improvements might be possible without increasing overall spending.

Of course, how you spend money on education matters enormously. Spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to bolster the bottom lines of prestigious private schools is extremely wasteful. (It is also – incidentally – a policy with bipartisan support.)

Perhaps we should be glad this election is being fought on two competing policies which would both boost growth and investment. Our post-mining boom economy sorely needs it.

But when it comes to weighing up the long-term boost to individuals, the economy and society, it's hard to beat the returns from better education.