The Round Earth Company, a professional theatre company in Strahan, Tasmania

Sun Face Logo
Sun Face Logo

The Round Earth Company is a professional Performance Company that specialises in researching and telling local stories.

At present we are operating principally in Strahan on the West Coast of Tasmania, conducting:

Tour Guided Tours of Sarah Island in Macquarie Harbour;

" of the best bravura commentaries and the most entertaining
interaction with visitors that I have ever experienced as a tourist,
anywhere in the world."
Tim Bowden, Author

ShipDaily Performances of The Ship That Never Was, the story of the last great escape from the Sarah Island Penal Settlement;

"It is an exciting and dynamic dramatic experience, not to be missed."

Bookand the Publication of books and information material, including The Sarah Island Conspiracies, shortlisted for the 2005 Tasmanian Book Prize.

PO Box 170, Strahan TAS 7468 Australia
Phone: 61-3-64717700

This website has been designed by Purple Hippo Productions