Landess Kearns

Entries by Landess Kearns

Disney's 'Moana' Looks Like It Could Be The Next 'Frozen'

(0) Comments | Posted June 13, 2016 | 3:37 PM

Ever since we learned that Disney's newest princess would be a Polynesian heroine, we were sold.

And after seeing the newly released teaser trailer for "Moana," we're fully expecting the film to be the next "Frozen"-level hit.


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휴식이 생산성을 높일 수 있는 이유 5가지

(0) Comments | Posted June 10, 2016 | 12:57 AM

1. 스트레스 수준이 확 낮아진다

미국 노동자 중 83%는 일 때문에 스트레스를 받는다고 한다. 그러니 휴가를 내고 쉬어야 한다는 건 당연한 일이다.

미국 심리학회에 따르면 만성 스트레스는 불안, 불면증, 고혈압, 면역 체계 약화, 우울증, 심장병 등 심각한 건강 문제를 낳을 수 있다.

잠시라도 일을 쉬면 스트레스...

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Someone Put A Flippin' Swing On Hawaii's Most Illegal Hike

(0) Comments | Posted June 2, 2016 | 5:10 PM

If you've ever heard of Hawaii's Stairway to Heaven hike, you know two things: 1. It's gorgeous. 2. It's completely illegal.

Despite warnings and hefty potential fines, daredevils have been flocking to the mountainside staircase, also called Haiku Stairs, for years. It's one of the most breathtaking views on all of Oahu, so photos of the hike are frequently shared on social media, drawing locals and tourists alike to the precarious climb. 

Now, a new addition to the hike is making quite an impression on Instagram: a makeshift swing that looks like a really bad idea, to be quite honest.

The jerry-rigged contraption, constructed with metal chains, is affixed to two rusted poles atop a ridge in the lush Koolau mountain range, looking over the east side of Oahu. 

Fortunately, its time will be short-lived. The Board of Water Supply (BWS), the agency responsible for the land, told local news outlet KHON2 that the swing, along with the pre-existing poles, would be removed by a contractor within the next few weeks.

The view may be beautiful, but the experience is certainly not worth the risk. It is unclear how long ago the swing was built, but it's another safety hazard for the already risky hike. The Honolulu Fire Department conducts frequent rescues in the area, due to a large number of distressed hikers.

The stairway has been off limits to the public for more than 30 years, but after a storm badly damaged a portion of it last year, it became clear that a more permanent solution was needed. BWS has been taking steps toward demolishing the stairs altogether.

However, many Hawaii residents believe the iconic stairs, which have been in place since World War II, should be preserved.

A nonprofit organization called the Friends of Haiku Stairs, for instance, has proposed a plan to repair, maintain and manage the hike by charging hikers to ascend.

"To remove the stairs would be so shortsighted and so narrow-minded," John Goody, a member of the nonprofit’s Board of Directors, previously told The Huffington Post. "Surely we’ve gotta be able to find a way to do this."

The debate on the stairway itself is ongoing, but the swing is something the Friends of Haiku Stairs and the Board of Water Supply agree on.

"If they’re swinging out over an open area, then potentially if they fell off, it could be fatal," Friends of Haiku Stairs president Vernon Ansdell told KHON2. "It’s not helping our cause to have people up there, and we certainly don’t condone it." 

And to be clear, since the swing is on BWS land, using it is completely illegal.

Bottom line: stick to your backyard tire swing. Here's a selection of photos so you can experience the illegal rush secondhand, without putting your life on the line.

A photo posted by Caressa Pitt (@caressame) on

Would you dare? 🌈

A photo posted by C R E A T I V E • D E S I G N (@solhaugen) on

There goes Martina's crazy ass doing the swing on top of the mountain ! #nuts #stairwaytoheaven #haikustairs #swing

A video posted by Tattoo Dave (@tattoodavenyc) on

A photo posted by @cq__ on

A photo posted by Caressa Pitt (@caressame) on

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5 Ways Taking A Break Will Make You A More Productive Person

(0) Comments | Posted June 1, 2016 | 6:40 PM

Americans have a twisted relationship with vacation days. We love to plan for time off (especially while we're at work), but we don't actually put our vacation days to use.

In 2014, 42 percent of Americans took zero vacation days, according to travel website Skift. In fact, Project: Time Off found...

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지난주에 분출을 시작한 하와이 화산을 헬기에서 찍었다(영상)

(0) Comments | Posted June 1, 2016 | 11:58 AM

지난주 하와의 군도 빅 아일랜드에 있는 킬라우에아 화산에서 두 줄기의 용암이 분출을 시작했다.

정확하게 5월 24일부터 시작된 이 분출은 거대한 규모로 계속됐고, 드디어 '파라다이스 헬리콥터'의 제작진들이 그 모습을 카메라에 담았다.

화산암들 사이로 흘러내리는 붉은 용암의 모습을 하늘에서 내려다보니 정말이지 장관이다!

하나는 봉우리에서 북서쪽으로 흘러내리고 있으며 다른 한 줄기는 남동쪽으로 흘러내리고 있다. 둘 다 1983년 이래 폭발을 계속하고 있는 킬라우에아의 '푸우오오'분화구에서 시작되었다.

아래는 이 촬영팀이 공개한 영상 전체다.

현재 이 용암의 분출이 주민들에게 위협이 되지는 않는다고 미국 지질조사국의 웹사이트가 밝혔다.

*본 기사는 허핑턴포스트 US의 'New Lava Breakouts Cascade Down Hawaii Volcano'을 번역 편집한 것입니다.

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There IS A Way To Save Those Wilted Greens. Get Your Grill Ready.

(0) Comments | Posted May 31, 2016 | 9:55 PM

If you've ever felt the guilt of throwing sad-looking greens in the garbage, find solace in knowing you'll never have to do it again.

The folks at have a few solutions that will perk your greens right up. First, they suggest plunging your lettuce in an ice bath...

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New Lava Breakouts Cascade Down Hawaii Volcano

(0) Comments | Posted May 31, 2016 | 3:54 PM

Last week, two new lava flows broke out on Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island, oozing red hot molten rock down the volcano's Pu’u O’o cone.

The breakouts, which began on May 24, have been continuously flowing -- and are quite a sight to behold. Helicopters flying overhead on...

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Car Plunges Off 200-Foot Sea Cliff On Hawaii's Hana Highway

(0) Comments | Posted May 30, 2016 | 4:27 PM

A car plunged off a 200-foot cliff on the Hawaiian island of Maui Sunday afternoon, killing one woman and critically injuring another.

The incident occurred at approximately 4:41 p.m. near mile marker 48 of the Hana Highway on the island's east shore, according to Maui Now. The Ford Explorer...

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This Is The Only Royal Cemetery Within The U.S.

(0) Comments | Posted May 24, 2016 | 10:16 PM

Before Hawaii was annexed by the United States and became America's favorite vacation destination, it was a sovereign nation, reigned over by native Hawaiian ali'i (royalty).

Today, more than 120 years since the monarchy was in place, there are still many remnants of the crown throughout the state. Spots...

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Everything You Need To Know About Hawaii's Wildly Popular Poke Bowls

(0) Comments | Posted May 23, 2016 | 9:17 PM

If you live in any major U.S. city, you've probably caught wind of the nation's new favorite food -- the poke bowl.

Not "poke" like the always awkward Facebook feature, but "POH-keh" -- cubed raw fish, seasoned any way you want it.

While it may seem like a new trend,...

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Ölüdeniz May Just Have The Bluest Water In The World

(0) Comments | Posted May 19, 2016 | 4:11 PM

When we think "beach," our minds typically drift away to Hawaii, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. 

Now, after seeing the aquamarine of Ölüdeniz, our sights are set on Turkey.

Ölüdeniz is a beach town on the Mediterranean Sea, and the water puts every beach we've ever seen to...

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Rotterdam's Incredible Scaffold Staircase Is Unlike Anything We've Ever Seen

(0) Comments | Posted May 18, 2016 | 5:15 PM

We never thought taking the stairs could be an unforgettable experience, but Rotterdam just changed our minds.

On Monday, the Netherlands port city erected an enormous staircase to celebrate the rebuilding of Rotterdam following WWII.

The scaffolded structure -- called the Stairs to Kriterion -- is a symbol of how...

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PETA Gives Leather Shoppers A Grisly Surprise

(0) Comments | Posted May 16, 2016 | 7:13 PM

The animal-rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals doesn't appear to consider subtlety a virtue in its fight against animal products.

In the graphic PETA Asia video below, unsuspecting shoppers are shown browsing leather goods. But within every purse, glove and jacket is a grisly surprise.

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Watch This Man Destroy A Coconut With His Teeth

(0) Comments | Posted May 12, 2016 | 2:45 PM

Opening a coconut is easy as pie -- if you have superhuman jaw strength.

Kap Te'o-Tafiti, a performer at Hawaii's Polynesian Cultural Center, just showed us his simple, efficient way to husk a coconut in mere seconds -- no sharp tools necessary. All you need is an impressive set...

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Watch A Lava Flow Quietly Eat Away At A Hawaiian Forest

(0) Comments | Posted May 10, 2016 | 7:42 PM

Breakouts of lava have been slowly consuming sections of forest on the rural southeast corner of Hawaii's Big Island for several months.

Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes, has been continuously erupting for more than 33 years. It claimed one home and

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The Good News Is Congress Passed A Bill. The Bad News Is It's About Bison.

(0) Comments | Posted May 9, 2016 | 4:11 PM

Sound the trumpets! Congress passed a bill! 

President Barack Obama on Monday signed the National Bison Legacy Act into law, elevating the American bison -- our new national mammal -- to bald eagle status. 

The law is "a validation of the many meaningful ways this animal represents...

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Kelly Slater's Perfect Artificial Wave Could Change Everything About Surfing

(0) Comments | Posted May 5, 2016 | 6:49 PM

When world-famous professional surfer Kelly Slater unveiled his artificial wave pool in December after nearly 10 years of research and development, the entire surf world was stoked.

This week, after Slater invited a group of professional surfers to try out what he has dubbed "a...

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The Future Of Stand-Up Paddleboarding Will Melt Your Brain

(0) Comments | Posted May 4, 2016 | 5:49 PM

Stand-up paddleboarding seems simple: Acquire board, add H2O, stand up, paddle into the sunset. 

We thought so, too -- until Kai Lenny threw a hydro foil into the mix off the coast of Maui.

In a new video, Lenny, a professional stand-up paddleboarder, pushes the boundaries of the...

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The Adorable Mystery Of Where Baby Corn Comes From Is Officially Solved

(0) Comments | Posted May 3, 2016 | 7:47 PM

Ever since we uncovered the startling truth about baby carrots, we've been brimming with questions about our favorite fruits and vegetables -- and we're on a crusade to find answers.

Next up, the miniature version of a summer cookout staple: baby corn.

Unlike its baby carrot brethren, baby...

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Bibimbap, The Delicious Dish That You're Probably Too Afraid To Pronounce

(0) Comments | Posted May 2, 2016 | 6:41 PM

If you've ever refrained from ordering something because you didn't know how to pronounce it, we totally feel you.

But no one should be deprived of the deliciousness that is bibimbap for fear of embarrassment. Once and for all, it's pronounced "bee-beem-bahp," but it might as well be called "beautiful bowl...

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