Pool High and Dry

Mr Ayres believed the council was getting a good result out of his government.

“It is getting a new Western Sydney Stadium, a new Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, and it has had significant investment in roads to make the city more accessible,” he told parliament.

“It is only fair NSW taxpayers have an appropriate conversation with the council about the facilities we invest in. I do not think that creates an obligation on the NSW government to fund the complete relocation of the pool, particularly when ongoing maintenance and running of the pool will be a council responsibility.”

Most of the Sun’s questions regarding costs and why the pool relocation wasn’t included in the 2016 – 2017 budget were ignored by the minister’s office.



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NSW Government faces hammering over Powerhouse move

Similarly the North Parramatta Residents Action Group said no thought had been given to facilities that were appropriate for Parramatta, such as a local history museum.

‘In Parramatta we believe the state government is over investing in a ‘super-stadium’ over a significant strategic vision to expand the cultural and creative framework of the city … a considered approach to a holistic masterplan for the city to reach its full potential is being overlooked. This region has more heritage narratives from Indigenous and colonial history than anywhere else in NSW. Stories and themes that don’t need to be invented or transplanted from another community. There is existing potential waiting to be tapped into to create a sustainable cultural and tourist industry.‘ ”


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Minister for Sports Stuart Ayres Questioned

In Budget Estimates yesterday Minister for Sports Stuart Ayres was questioned by Shadow Minister for Sports Lynda Voltz about the State Government taking no responsibility to fund a new pool to replace the one THEY propose to demolish.

Plus more interesting questioning about John Chedid former parramatta Lord Mayor and PCYC allegedly having preferential negotiations with Venues NSW to take 4000 + sqm indoor sporting venue on the site of the pool. precinct……….

What do you think? Sounds like the State Government think they have given Parramatta everything we asked for and we should be grateful?

Listen to the audio of Stuart Ayres being questioned yesterday follow the link below:


O’Connell Street Site back on Public Housing Agenda

Last Monday Brad Hazzard announced that the site on Albert & O’Connell Street will become affordable housing…….. Hmmmmm wasn’t this site part of UGNSW development?

Some of you may recall that this was a battle with residents in 2009 to stop this block proposal to become 195 one bedroom affordable housing units. In fact Dr Geoff Lee helped the community stop the development.

Then in 2012/2013 Landcom that later become Urban Growth NSW marked this site as part of their new housing development ‘parramatta north’ of 6500 apartments from the other side of the Gaol to the Parramatta Female Factory.

Then in late 2015 the Albert & OConnell Street site was ‘deferred’ from the rezoning proposal by Urban Growth. We had been advised by informants that the Aged Care facilities had 10 years remaining on their lease so UGNSW had put this area off their plans. You will notice on the map that only the old school grounds are highlighted for this project with the aged care facilities on the Fleet Street side are left.

Expressions of Interest for developers are now being called for…… feel free to contact Geoff Lee and ask him what is going on his details are parramatta@parliament.nsw.gov.au




Can you imagine if they tried to move the war cenotaph in Martin Place? There would be an uproar. This pool is no different.”

North Parramatta Residents Action Group president Suzette Meade requested an urgent meeting with planning minister Rob Stokes.

She is concerned the only community consultation before the Environment Impact Statement (EIS) was put on public exhibition was with  “targeted” rugby league fans. She wants the community engagement process to start again.

“This hardly constitutes community consultation by any standard and does not comply with the requirement of the Department of Planning and Environment’s SEARs report,” Mrs Meade wrote.

“The approach by Venue NSW also deifies logic given the government’s commitment to properly engage with communities. The current EIS submitted by Venue NSW is premature.


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New Stadium Proposal casts Shadow over Old Government House




DETAILED plans for ­Parramatta’s new Western Sydney Stadium have sparked fears that Old Government House’s world heritage listing is under threat.

The 30,000-seat stadium will be significantly taller than Pirtek Stadium and obstruct views from the ­convict-built house, a State Government report into the environmental impact of the stadium said.

“The concept proposal would increase the overall height and footprint of the stadium, and locate it closer to O’Connell St,” the report said. “As a result, there would be potential impacts to key viewpoints as a result of the increased prominence of the stadium in the ­landscape. In particular, views identified for their high importance and ­heritage values.”

National Trust of Australia Parramatta branch president Brian Powyer said the concept for the ­stadium could significantly diminish the house’s ­heritage value.

read full story here

Approval pending for precinct plan

The proposal will seek approval to create large masterplan lots, deliver extensive open space and landscaping works and on-site infrastructure such as new roads. No buildings have been proposed in the first development application (DA).

“Once a formal DA is lodged, the documents will be exhibited and the community will have an opportunity to comment on the proposal,” an UrbanGrowth NSW spokesman said.

“All highly significant and exceptional heritage buildings will be retained.”

North Parramatta Residents Action Group demanded that no land be sold or sod turned until next year’s council elections.

“How can the future of this most precious site be under the autonomous control of a state government appointed administrator who is absurdly making decisions on a development application that is being fast tracked by a state government department whose only mandate is to reach maximum residential density on public land,” president Suzette Meade said.

Read Full Story Here





MEDIA RELEASE – Urban Growth NSW lodge DA to Subdivide Australia’s History

NPRAG have been alerted to the fact that the State Government’s Development Arm UGNSW last week lodged the first Development Application with City of Parramatta council for the Fleet Street Heritage Precinct:   an ill-conceived proposal that will turn public land containing Australia’s oldest and most intact heritage buildings into a high density residential suburb of 3000+ units.

This precinct was placed under a total Greenban by the CFMEU and Jack Mundey in August 2015 after the community concerns went ignored by the State Member for Parramatta Dr Geoff Lee.

“Dr Lee is ignoring constituents who have been working tirelessly to save our indigenous and colonial heritage from being desecrated, while he is gleefully handing it over to Mr Baird to sell for private residential development. Said Ms Meade President of NPRAG

State Member for Parramatta Dr Geoff Lee continues to ignore the community who have been fighting against this inappropriate development for almost 2 years.   All we hear is Mr Lee promoting Mike Baird’s mandate to sell every remaining piece of public land in Parramatta for residential or commercial development.

Before our local government was unceremoniously sacked and replaced by a State Government-appointed representative Ms Chadwick, the former Lord Mayor Paul Garrard of Parramatta City Council wrote to Planning Minister Rob Stokes demanding this totally inappropriate development be at least paused until the National Heritage Listing was finalised.  Requesting further transparent consultation with the wider community and other interested stakeholders was carried out.  This fell on deaf ears.

How can the future of this most precious site be under the autonomous control of a State Government appointed administrator who is absurdly making decisions on a development application that is being fast tracked by a State Government department who’s only mandate is to reach maximum residential density on public land.

This sort of undemocratic decision making process is something we would expect in North Korea but not here in Australia. It is a disgrace – a slap in the face to the Darug custodians of the land, the tens of thousands of women and girls from 1818 to 1974 whose lives were changed forever after being incarcerated within this precinct.

If the Greater Sydney Commission’s Lucy Turnbull is fair dinkum about making Parramatta Australia’s next great city then she will step in and stop this State Government proposal to vandalise Australia’s most significant precinct by dumping a new high density suburb here.  Residents of Parramatta are calling on Lucy Turnbull to champion the peoples’ plan for the best and biggest arts and cultural precinct for NSW to be created in this world heritage worthy oasis on Parramatta River.

The residents of Parramatta demand that NO development application pertaining to the Cumberland Hospital site be accepted by City of Parramatta council.  No land sold and not a sod turned until we have democratically-elected representatives returned to represent the community in the Local Government Elections in September 2017 – demanded Ms Meade.

Contact – Suzette Meade (0412 990 880) smeade@nprag.org



Repair & Restoration Works to start on Heritage Buildings in North Parramatta

“So many stories, so many layers of Australian history have their origins in North Parramatta. As Sydney gets bigger it is incumbent on the government (that) it gets better as well and part of that is respecting our heritage,” he said.

Mr Stokes said it was important restoration works started as soon as possible.

“There is an incredible depth of heritage here, including some world-heritage listed structures across the vicinity.”

Heritage advocates have fought passionately against the redevelopment, saying it will destroy the historic site.

North Parramatta Resident Action Group president Suzette Meade said Mr Stokes had ignored requests from the group and Parramatta Chamber of Commerce to meet to discuss alternative visions for the precinct.

“We firmly believe our business model for a cultural and arts precinct in the Fleet St heritage precinct will bring more social and economic long term benefit to a growing western Sydney. The proposed high density unit development to what is one of the most significant indigeonous and colanial precincts in Australia is a travesty,” Ms Meade said.

But Mr Stokes said the something needed to be done now.

“The point is, no change was never an option. If we didn’t intervene these buildings

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