Daily Life

Kick off your shoes: the benefits of going barefoot

Going barefoot can be good for you. So kick off your shoes, writes Lindy Alexander.

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Remember going around barefoot for much of your childhood? As we grow up, we tend to cover our feet with shoes or socks most of the time, but studies have suggested there might be multiple benefits for the human body being in contact with the ground – a practice known as "earthing". Why might this be beneficial?

The theory is that because the surface of the earth and our bodies are electrically conductive, we build up a positive electrical charge throughout the day. Once our bare feet have direct physical contact with the earth, the ground's supply of negatively-charged electrons flow into our bodies. This neutralises the excess positive charge and stabilises the body's electrical environment.

Body benefits: Earthing shouldn't be written off as a New Age trend for hippies, says Jim McFarlane, a professor of physiology at the University of New England. He says a small body of research, including randomised control studies, suggests "that earthing produces small but significant benefits, such as reducing blood pressure, boosting the immune system and it also seems to have anti-inflammatory effects".

Other claimed benefits include better sleep and reduced pain and stress. A study published in the journal Health in 2015 found that even one hour's contact with the earth significantly enhanced blood flow, which may lead to improved skin health and tissue repair. And a 2011 study in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that earthing might be a factor in regulating both the endocrine and nervous systems.

Getting charged: The benefits of earthing can be especially important in our modern society. "We wear artificial fibres and shoes all the time and indoor spaces are carpeted with synthetic materials," says McFarlane. "We are very isolated from the earth's environment and this means we slowly but surely build up an electrical charge. Not everybody is going to benefit from earthing, but there does appear to be some truth in the concept and [it] warrants further research.

"Our nervous system is electrical and you really only need slight alterations to your [body's equilibrium] over long periods of time to have health effects."


The best way to release the accumulated charge is by taking our shoes and socks off. "Walking barefoot on moist earth makes better electrical contact with our bodies and hence allows discharge [earthing]," says McFarlane, who adds that earthing may feel strange initially. "Because we constantly wear shoes, our feet are soft and we don't like that feeling of pressure."

A study published in the podiatry journal The Foot in 2007 compared modern humans' feet with those of 2000-year-old skeletons and concluded that before the invention of shoes, people had healthier feet.

Barefoot forward: Building up gradually is the best advice to being barefoot and fancy-free, but for those who really want to jump in feet first, there's barefoot running. Dr Ed Wittich is an osteopath and performance consultant working on the Barefoot Running Project, conducted in conjunction with the University of Victoria, which looks at the injury and performance aspects of barefoot running.

"One of the biggest impacts we are seeing [from barefoot running] is the ability for people to really feel what they are doing and to get better neurological feedback and information," says Wittich. How do you know you're doing it right? "Make sure you have proper running technique, that you are not over-striding and that your cadence [the number of steps per minute] is quite high," says Wittich.

Running as quietly as possible is usually a good indicator of good technique, he adds. The type of surface you run on can also be linked to injury and the load on the body, so start on surfaces like a grass oval that allow your feet time to adjust. Barefoot running won't suit everyone, however, and Wittich is cautious about making sweeping statements. "All the current research says there will be variable results depending on the individual," he says.

Bare your sole

• To be effective, earthing needs to be practised regularly to disseminate the electric charge that accumulates throughout the day.

• Stand barefoot on soft, damp surfaces such as sand or grass. Slowly work up to standing and walking on moist dirt or gravel.

• To start barefoot running, build up gradually by stretching and warming up with bare feet to give your body time to adjust.