
Ringing in the changes at the High Court

The new appointments to the High Court of Australia, taking effect on Monday, have naturally attracted much interest.

The reasons include Justice Susan Kiefel's elevation to Chief Justice, the first time a woman has been chosen for this paramount office in Australia's judiciary.

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Susan Kiefel named chief justice

After much speculation, the Turnbull government appointed Justice Kiefel, the first woman to hold the office, to be chief justice. (Vision courtesy ABC News 24)

The contemporaneous choice of Justice James Edelman, filling the vacancy occasioned by Chief Justice Robert French's retirement, has aroused a certain curiosity stemming partly from his youth – reportedly, after justices Evatt, McTiernan and Dixon, the youngest person to join the court; partly from his stellar academic record – only the second person with a doctorate to be appointed; and partly from engaging individual idiosyncracies. He is also the first person of Jewish faith to join the court since Sir Isaac Isaacs.

These appointments warrant attention for other reasons, however. They illustrate the increasingly but still incomplete federal character of the court, albeit more in geographical (state of origin) terms than philosophically; diversification and internationalisation of the court educationally; and the hierarchy, combined with mobility, of the Australian judiciary.

Neither of the new appointees comes from NSW or Victoria, historically the major sources of High Court justices (about three-quarters have been either Sydney or Melbourne-based; indeed, nearly half have come from Sydney).

From 1919, when Chief Justice Sir Samuel Griffith (from Queensland) retired, until Sir Garfield Barwick's retirement in 1981, all six chief justices came either from NSW or Victoria.


But, in the subsequent three and a half decades, only two of the next six have come from these traditional sources (both, Mason and Gleeson, from NSW). Three have been Queenslanders (Gibbs, Brennan and now Kiefel); and the other Western Australian (French).

This is a particular manifestation of a general federalising of the court's composition in the past four decades. When Barwick became chief justice in 1964 six of the seven justices were New South Welshmen!

NSW remained the principal source for nearly 40 years more. When Chief Justice Gleeson was translated from the NSW Supreme Court to the High Court in mid-1998, five of the court's members came from his home state; the other two were recent appointees from Victoria and Queensland.

The present membership of the court reflects the pattern of appointments since 2000. There have been nine in these years, three from Victoria, and two each from NSW, Queensland and WA.

Although something of a movable feast, the turning point against almost complete domination of the court by the two major cities was the Fraser government.

Up to 1975 there had been 29 appointments to the court (not including A. B. Piddington, who resigned before taking his seat). Sixteen came from NSW, 10 from Victoria (including Justice Powers, a Queenslander located in Melbourne after becoming Commonwealth Crown Solicitor in 1903), and three from Queensland, two of them chief justices of the Queensland Supreme Court.

The court as it stood at the end of 1975 included five members from NSW, one Victorian and one Queenslander. In the ensuing four decades there have been 23 appointments, nine from NSW, six from Victoria and four each from Queensland and WA.(These figures are somewhat fluid; for example, new Justice Edelman, formerly of the WA Supreme Court, sat in Brisbane as a member of the Federal Court.)

When the Fraser government lost office in 1983, the state distribution was: NSW, 3; Queensland, 2; and one each from WA and Victoria.

The reasons for the change are not definitively clear. Contributing factors could include new legislation requiring formal consultation about appointments and an attorney-general, Senator Peter Durack, from WA (1977-83).

All but one of the five appointments during the Hawke-Keating years came from NSW; Toohey, from WA, was the exception. The Hawke government's main claim to fame was the first appointment of a woman to the court, Mary Gaudron.

The pendulum swung somewhat in the Howard years but has done so decisively in the last decade when, of eight appointments, it has been a case of two each from NSW, Victoria, Queensland and WA (depending on how Edelman is counted). A consequence of this shift is that Sydney University, alma mater of almost half the justices, now has but one alumna on the court (Bell).

Another three justices are law graduates respectively of ANU, Queensland and Melbourne. Two come from the University of WA; as it happens, the economics faculty of the ANU can also boast two alumni on the High Court bench!

Bar examinations rather than university provided Chief Justice Kiefel's path into the law. Later earning a master's degree at Cambridge, she thus became the second Cantabrigian to be chief justice after Sir Adrian Knox (1919-1930).

Her colleagues number three Oxonians. Two, Keane and Nettle, have the much envied bachelor of civil law (BCL); and Edelman a D.Phil. To this international roll-call may be added Gageler with a master's from Harvard.

Historically, while several justices had master's degrees, usually in arts or laws, it was rare for them to have studied abroad. Wilson, appointed in 1979, was a Fulbright scholar who secured a LL.M. at the University of Pennsylvania; and Deane studied at the Hague Academy of International Law. Dawson has a master's from Yale. Hayne and Heydon were Rhodes scholars like Keane and Edelman and, like them, have the illustrious BCL.

It is not strange, given the extent to which Australians in the past 70 years have undertaken graduate study abroad, to find this reflected in the educational background of judges.

What is strange, in light of Australia's federal government, is that so many have felt the pull of the old universities of the empire rather than universities of the other two great English-speaking federations of the world, the United States and Canada.

The route to the High Court since World War II has been through a hierarchy of lower courts.

Six of the seven judges now have been members of other courts. Four have been members of the Federal Court (Keane was Chief Judge for a time) and three of these have also been members of state supreme courts (Kiefel; Keane; Edelman).

Another two were elevated from appeals benches of state supreme courts (Bell; Nettle).

Most of those coming directly from the bar have formerly been in politics (Barwick; Murphy) or solicitors-general (Wilson; Dawson; Gaudron; now Gageler).

Only four of the 35 appointees since 1950 have moved directly from the private bar to the High Court. The last to do so was Justice Callinan in 1998 and, before him, Justice Windeyer 40 years earlier.

J.R. Nethercote is adjunct professor, Canberra Campus, Australian Catholic University.