ACT News

We found Iggy the mysterious water seller on Mount Coree

We told you on Thursday about the entrepreneurial lad who was selling bottles of water on the top of Mount Coree last weekend.

Photographer Adrian Bradley supplied some stunning footage of the young boy, known only as Iggy, in the very remote location, about as far as you could get from the local shops.

Well, glad to say we've found Iggy and spoken to his mum but his water-selling career might be over before it's started.

It seems the young bloke is eight-year-old Iggy Gavrilovic, of Conder, who was pretty taken with the feedback he got from Thursday's story.

"He's chuffed, very excited," mum Michelle Legge said.

Like most kids, Iggy, a year three student at Gordon Primary, got a thought in his head that he couldn't shake.


"He was into 'shops' last week," Michelle said.

So he wanted to set up a shop, first at the end of his street, which went quite well, with sales of $14 in an hour.

"I often kind of look at things to get him out of the house so I said, 'Let's go up to the top of a mountain and set up a shop there' and he was pretty excited about the idea," Michelle, a keen bushwalker, said.

It was a good idea. What bushwalker doesn't like a cool drink? The location might just have been a bit too remote.

"He got no sales up there," Michelle said.

"A few people came up but they had no money. It was a bit sad because he'd gone to Lanyon shops to buy all this water.

"So he's decided after that he's never running a shop again. He's into bottle-flipping so he's got plenty of bottles for that now."

We still like the desire to get out and have a go. Good one Iggy!