Super funds pressure banks to stop using credit cards for online gambling

Retail and super funds are lobbying the big four banks to stop credit cards being used for online betting.
Retail and super funds are lobbying the big four banks to stop credit cards being used for online betting. Simon O'Dwyer

Retail and super funds have waded into the controversial debate on problem gambling, lobbying the big four banks to stop credit cards being used for online betting.

The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA), whose members manage $1 trillion in assets under management, has written to the chairs of the big four banks outlining the concerns of some of its members – ethical and mainstream funds – about the growth in online gambling and the role of the banks facilitating it through credit card merchant facilities.

RIAA chief executive Simon O'Connor indicated a positive response from the banks and said he was continuing a conversation to "work through what a solution may look like".

Separately, AMP Capital, which has $160 billion in funds under management, has confirmed it is engaging with the banks on the same issue.

It is a significant step that indicates the social harm caused by problem gambling has now moved from being an issue solely for ethical investors to hit the radar of mainstream investors.

According to Mr O'Connor, mainstream investors are reading the signals of a rapid loss of social licence for online gambling that could "quickly translate into a tightening of the regulatory environment, with particular risks for associated companies, including the banks".

The banks too, which are already under attack for the way they treat some of their customers in relation to life insurance and financial advice, can't afford to be implicated in another scandal.

Some, including Citibank, Bank of Queensland, Suncorp and American Express, have stopped facilitating gambling transactions on their credit cards.

Booming industry

Online gambling is a booming industry with an estimated 800,000 wagering accounts across Australia – and growing like topsy.

UCA Funds Management, an ethical fund with $1 billion in funds under management, has ratcheted up the lobbying by engaging the big four and also writing to its banker, Bank Australia, asking for a review of the bank's position on offering credit card facilities to merchants that operate in the Australian online gambling sector and instead replace those facilities with a debit-only system.

In a letter to the Bank Australia chair, UCA chief executive Michael Walsh said: "Providing people with credit to gamble does not fit within a responsible lending ethos. We are concerned that this will cause financial risk and reputational damage to the bank as more case studies emerge of banks facilitating problem gamblers getting more deeply into financial difficulty."

The concern is that Australia's fastest growing form of gambling – online gambling, particularly sports betting – presents a financial risk to banks because many problem gamblers use credit cards to fund their online gambling, often holding multiple credit cards with multiple financial institutions.

As Walsh raised in his letter, providing a line of credit for online gambling poses a compliance risk under the banking sector's responsible lending obligations.

It is an issue that hasn't been lost on federal government, which recently announced it will ban online gambling operators from providing credit to customers to gamble. Legislation to this effect is expected to be introduced in the next few weeks, which will fuel the debate on problem gambling.

Coles' push for $1 cap stonewalled

Supermarket giant Coles got the ball rolling when it took the bold step just before Christmas and went public in its push for $1 bet limits on its 3000-plus poker machines that it owns through a chain of hotels.

Coles shocked the public when it revealed it was being stonewalled by five poker machine manufacturing giants – Aristocrat, IGT, Konami, SG Gaming and Ainsworth Game Technology – which refuse to reconfigure the machines to help execute a trial of $1 bet limits on the machines.

Since the revelations, nothing has changed, according to Coles chief executive John Durkan.

In other words, the pokie manufacturers continue to play hard ball. Meanwhile, Woolworths, which is the biggest poker machine operator in the country through its Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group (ALH) joint venture with the billionaire Mathieson family, refuses to back Coles in a $1 cap on the 12,000-plus machines it owns through a network of more than 300 hotels. Its argument is it is not evidence based.

But surely the best way to test that is to conduct trials and assess whether such measures do contribute to reduced losses by problem gamblers.

The high profile legal suit launched by Maurice Blackburn against Aristocrat and Crown alleging pokies are misleading and deceptive will keep the spotlight on the need to reform problem gambling.

If successful, the litigation will have ramifications for the design of other poker machines in the industry.

Clock is ticking

The legal action is being supported by the Alliance for Gambling Reform, which estimates that 60 per cent of poker machine players go on to become problem gamblers. In Australia more than $11.5 billion is spent on pokies, which, if the figures are correct, equates to more than $6 billion of problem gambling.

The various developments in the industry has prompted Citi's Elaine Prior to write a 19-page report, Poker Machines, Rising Risks, warning investors that the growing awareness of problem gambling could exacerbate regulatory and reputational risk and fuel gambling reform efforts.

"This could eventually lead to changes to poker machine operations [eg game design features; ability to change bet limits; voluntary moves to reduce bet limits]. Reduction in losses to problem gamblers could reduce industry profits over time," the report says.

It also asks the question, do companies really act to reduce brand damage? "Cynics might argue that Coles does not really want to forgo profits by introducing $1 maximum bets, but is aiming to enhance its social standing simply by appearing to try," the report says. "Time will tell what eventuates, and what type of action Coles might be prepared to take. This may in part depend on what harm minimisation options are technically open to Coles, how Coles values potential reputational damage to its retail brands compared with reduced pokies revenues, and to what extent it believes any initiative might weaken Woolworths, its key competitor in supermarkets."

One only needs to listen to some of the harrowing case studies Financial Counselling Australia comes across to know that something radical needs to be done. In one case Peter, a 40-year-old, received a $60,000 redundancy payment and within two months had blown the lot on two different online sports betting companies. According to FCA he racked up so much debt that his young family had no money for food or bills. He was not eligible for Newstart Allowance as the retrenchment payout was counted as income.

The clock is well and truly ticking. With a senate inquiry likely to be called this year, a rising concern by mainstream investors of the risks associated with problem gambling, banks, retailers and other companies linked to gambling will need to get on the front foot.