Posts Tagged ‘Venona Q.’

Dark Nights #41 : ‘Against all States – Against all Gods’ – Sept 2014 (ACN)

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

24 pages B&W : Dark Nights #41

International anti-prisons insurrectional newsletter Dark Nights is back after a summer break. Front page news is the communique by ‘FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed’ for the incendiary attack prior to the NATO summit in Wales, against BAE Systems Arms Development Centre. News of this new anarchist urban guerrilla attack taking place has been suppressed by the regime, as they are frightened of the spread of the anti-system attacks and the damage to the image of the blood-soaked company. The fiery attack took place in Filton, Bristol, where many military-industrial-technological companies are situated, and proved that the direct action groups can strike the military-industrial complex in their closed sites.

Primary article by individualist nihilist-anarchist comrade Venona Q. is about authoritarian fundamentalism and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The brief article is about raw power and the total liberation war against all Gods and States. Against “progress”, the “West”, “democracy” and “civilisation”, the writer sounds a sharply critical and vengeful cry against the mullahs, militias, bureaucrats and fundamentalist murderers of the Middle East and the West alike. Reminding us of the continuous visions of the fight for human dignity against dominion by concepts, authorities and the power of death.

There’s an incomplete round-up of direct action sabotages, attacks and riots in our chronology, compiling incidents since late May 2014, and a complimentary section giving coverage to the International Week for Anarchist Prisoners which recently took place, that was organised by the world-wide Anarchist Black Cross groups, counter-information groups, action cells and others. During the last few months there have been intense efforts taking place in prisons across Europe, as prisoners in Greece carried out a campaign and hungerstrike against the Type C prison plans, where Domokos prison will be turned into a huge Guantanamo. The hungerstrike is finished now, but the prisoners of Greece and their friends and relatives have vowed to undertake an struggle by all means. This has now spread into the prisons of Germany and Switzerland, as prisoners there also found common cause and solidarity with the fight taking place and carried out their own hungerstrike mobilisation. This kind of trans-border action is a vital sign of a re-construction of the new internationalist struggle happening and we are with the prisoners in struggle in our hearts, words, thoughts and actions.

And there is the usual selection of prisoners letters, including the text by imprisoned anarchist Carlos ‘Chivo’ Lopez in Mexico about informality, an article by the imprisoned members cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about negation, coherence and refusal in the active sense during the trial prosecuting them, plus news reports and more writings from our imprisoned comrades enabling their wishes, dreams and struggles to escape beyond the walls of the prisons.

Tamara Sol, Francisco Solar, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Graziano Mazzarelli, Chiara Zenobi, Nikos Maziotis, dozens and dozens more… To the streets!

Replicate / Organise / Resist


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'Against all States – Against all Gods' by Venona Q. (ISIS)

Friday, August 29th, 2014

A brief musing by individualist nihilist-anarchist, Venona Q.:

The rise of the Islamic State and the atrocities coming out of Iraq and Syria has shocked, distressed and unnerved me. As an anarchist, I am used to criticising the West, capitalism, the incursion of Western troops into countries they want to de-stabilise and turn into a resource for the profit of the rich in Europe and America. But being an anarchist does not make me immune to fear or disgust and it is my responsibility to recognise what I feel, to understand it and if possible to act. Coming at the end of some years now of rising worldwide Islamic fundamentalism, these latest acts send a shiver down my spine. How could they not? Hearing of the beheading of journalist James Foley, the executions of hundreds of ‘non-believers’ and the rape and enslavement of thousands of girls and women, makes me feel as if I have been plucked out of time and place and have been deposited back in the Dark Ages. As a secular Westerner, invocations to God and atrocities committed in his name are frankly medieval. Surely everyone can see how ridiculous it is to fight in a God’s name and to brutalise those who call ‘Him’ something different? Who or what is God? Where is He? Does He exist? How can anyone believe such nonsense in this day and age? (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Out Now : 325 #11 – Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Brand new magazine from the furnace of the 325 editorial collective free online now. 60 pages of b&w printer-friendly insurrectional nihilist-anarchy and anti-civilisation war.

325 #11 : Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

325 #11 cover image : A3 download – Full size, Hi-res


3. Direct Action Chronology
8. No Illusions – Alfredo M.Bonanno
9. Climate change, nuclear-energy and urban war in the new century – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Road Ahead Closed – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Electricity grid at risk as floods increase – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
15. The Dictator – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
15. Industrial Alienation – B.I
23. Memories from the Future: The Coming Technological Singularity – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
29. Information and Slavery – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
31. Anarchist comrades contributions to the IX Meeting for Animal Liberation in Italy, 2013 – Silvia Guerini & Costantino Ragusa
38. War against the machines! – Gianluca Iacovacci
41. Letter from Adriano Antonacci about the refusal of video-conference trial
42. Necrotechnologies – Synthetic biology
43. Parts & Labour – Fabricating life in a lab
45. The Daleks Are Coming! – Robot security guards
46. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behaviour
48. Predictive Surveillance Technology Arrives
48. The Problem of Strategy – Alfredo M.Bonanno
49. Empty House & Crowded Forest – Eat
51. Some Thoughts on FAI/IRF – Eat
53. Don’t Trust, Don’t Fear, Don’t Beg – Ihar Alinevich
54. Fear – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
54. Escape into Sanity: The Fall – V.Q.
57. In the Fall-out of the Black Smoke Cloud of Black Rock Quarry
57. Perpetual Cycles
58. Someone else’s meal – L
58. Mechanics of Nature


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Darko Mathers has passed away (UK)

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

I will wander the world alone carrying my hatred and scorn everywhere.
Alone in struggle.
Alone in victory and in defeat.

Bruno Filippi

Our friend Darko Mathers, one of the brightest minds of his generation, nihilist-anarchist and comrade of Dark Matter Publications and the website prisonislanduk.noblogs.org is dead.

Darko was the one of the few; intelligent, articulate, original and brave. His thinking had ranged from anarchist-syndicalism to insurrectional nihilist-anarchy. He also liked Class War (the newspaper), because it was close to many ordinary peoples thinking, as he saw it.

The last time we spoke to each other was in December of 2013. Darko had really developed his ideas, and our exchanges were on a new level. He spoke very eloquently about his interest in chaos, the art and writing of Austin Osman Spare and the anti-civilisation critique, but he seemed to be a little bit lost, and struggling against the pull of a much greater self-destruction. I tried to warn him but to no avail, and to my regret. We were due to meet again soon, but now I will conserve my words for the limitless sky.

I remember one time we were sitting around the first year I met him, 2011, trying to figure out who each other was, and he related to me that reading Max Stirner whilst taking Psilocybin at an early age of 14 had propelled him towards what he was. I didn’t doubt it. He was a reckless genius.

Darko was in his early twenties. He died too soon, like many of the best.

Into the void, my friend, we’ll meet again in the stars.


Souls who are grieving for this world, this is why I call you to gather together.
The flag is already waving.
It is black; it stands for mourning. Forward then, wild Promethei. The cry of vengeance is music sweet and dear.
Today it is necessary to kill, to destroy … tomorrow we will be daisies …
Forward, Federation of Sorrow!

Bruno Filippi

The last time I saw Darko Mathers, we spent a wonderful three days together, sharing writing, thoughts, conspiracies and finally putting together the pamphlet critiquing Civil Anarchism which was a term that he had coined. As usual, I found myself astounded by the coherence, breadth and eloquence of Darko’s political analysis. He was a wild, thoughtful, enquiring, compassionate, and brilliant man, slightly lost amongst a generation in whom he could find few equals. I am proud to have known him and I will miss his company, his sensitivity and affection. I hope he knew how greatly I admired him.

Nothing delicate can survive here.
Nothing fine.
Only the brutal.
Seagulls brash as boys.
The rest sit thin-skinned as frogs,
trying to throw themselves like the sun into the formidable sea.

So, farewell for now, my friend, until the next round of magic and mayhem against civilisation.


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'The Disappeared' by V.Q

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Text taken from our pamphlet printed with Dark Matter Publications‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts Against Civil Anarchism.

Isn’t it strange how those who most loudly talk about ‘the mass’, ‘the people’, ‘the community’ – who repeat ad nauseam the importance of the social and pour scorn upon the individualists, that these people should begin their project by separating themselves off from their professed acolytes. And that, in their wild vitriol against those anarchists who refuse to submit to their rule, and their group-think, they impose a separateness on us who, in our anonymity and getting-on-with-it-in-our-own-way, are simply some of the people? When we break with the movement and submerge back into the ‘mass’ (whatever that means), the civil anarchists attempt to crush us, to ridicule our thought, our goals, our personal strategies for life, to describe our daily lives, activities and our characters in their arguments – as if they knew us – in order to shoot us down. And in this microcosmic revelation of the social tyranny, we see how this way is no more for liberation than Society’s: it is for conformity and the erasing of the difficult elements – a dystopia. (more…)

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'Fighters, do not despair or hesitate!' by V.Q

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Text taken from our pamphlet printed with Dark Matter Publications‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts Against Civil Anarchism.

Fighters, do not despair or hesitate! We are at war. And as in all wars, distinctions begin to gather – rebels, fighters, discreet purveyors of safe houses, information and weapons, collaborators, the acquiescent, the ones who sit it out and keep their heads down, the new police which is made up of friends and lovers, not only the common enemies. We must understand that anarchism is a word that can be taken by anyone and so we must look to action as well as to speech. Not every anarchist is an anarchist, not every anarchist is for us. This is the first wound of war, but need not be fatal.

Comrades, do not be afraid to attack your friend if this becomes necessary because it is only when war is declared and we wake from more sonambulent times (I do not say peaceful), that the things we let pass then, now become essential to confront. Years of creeping irritation and depression become outright argument. And not only that. Last year, in response to heightened night-time attacks against infrastructure by anti-social anarchists, a social anarchist group in Easton, Bristol, (UK) cut back some trees on a cycle path “in broad daylight” so that the nice middle-class cyclists who are gentrifying the area could be safe from the teenage underclass muggers and wrote a communiqué as if it was a political action in a blatant attempt to insult and recuperate the attacks by the anarchists of praxis and the new FAI. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Dark Nights #35 : 'Fragment: Violence' + 'Letter from Giannis Naxakis' – Late June 2013 (ACN)

Monday, June 24th, 2013

New issue of the international news letter for mutual aid and solidarity, compiled from reports from the global informal network of anarchist counter-information and translation… Download and distribute!

Dark Nights #35

1. Letter from Giannis Naxakis, Athens, Greece.
2. ‘Fragment: Violence’ by L.
3. Hunger strike declaration by Kostas Sakkas, Koridallos prison, Greece.
4. Chile: Carla and Ivan trial results.
5. Italy: Communiqué from RadioAzione on counter-info and repression.
6. Italy: Operation Ardire update.
7. Belarus: Support Dmitri Zvanko, antifa prisoner.
8. Bolivia: Letter from Krudo, accused and imprisoned in the FAI case.
9. Direct Action Chronology.
10. ‘Hero with a 1000 Faces’ by V.Q.


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"Return Fire" – Anarchist publication from UK

Friday, May 24th, 2013


325 receives and transmits:

Our new zine Return Fire is now available. It’s a diverse mix with liberatory aims, which we hope to be informative and inspiring for anyone who decides to make their life a weapon against the dominant order.

We present fresh content such as the new anti-psychiatry piece Fucked Off Not Fucked Up by V.Q., updates on modern surveillance and alienation (New Technologies, New Control), an article situating the ongoing Sealife Deformities from the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill within the industrial catastrophe everywhere, and ‘The State Always Has a Conspiracy… Have You?’ from some U.K. irreducibles on refusal, illegality and attack, and more. (more…)

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Scandalous thoughts – a few notes on civil anarchism

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

325 receives and transmits:

Every so often, cyclically, collective or social anarchism becomes restrictive to some anarchists and an anarchist individualism reasserts itself. It happened at the turn of the twentieth century when some of the great anarchist thinkers began to question some of the more communistic dogmas. It is happening once more, and once more we witness some of the social anarchists writhe in panic as their comfortable dream is disturbed and they wittingly or unwittingly reinforce the stranglehold of the State by condemning their unruly sisters and brothers who appear to threaten the pursuit of what one comrade has aptly described as ‘civil anarchism’.

It is a horrible creature, this civil anarchism. A slathering, craven and despotic monster with eyes in the back of its head which tries to be what anarchism will probably never be – palatable to the modern consumer masses. (more…)

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