Posts Tagged ‘Sureños Incivilizados’

Dark Nights #44 : ‘Turn up the Heat’ & ‘Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell′ – Feb 2016 (ACN)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Dark Nights #44

1. Turn up the Heat.
2. Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell.
3. ‘Forever Guilty’ – Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF.
4. ‘Against the Slander of Civil Anarchism’ by Sureños Incivilizados (Chile)
5. Civitavecchia, Italy: FAI/FRI take responsibility for an explosive attack on the city court.
6. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for two incendiary attacks.
7. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for an explosion at Tax Office.
8. Direct Action Chronology.
9. Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)


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Posted in Library

'Against the Slander of Civil Anarchism' by Sureños Incivilizados (Chile)

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

January 21, 2016 ~ losdelatierramaldecida

Tierra Maldita receive and publish – From the lands of the Chilean southern region I got this text which is about a statement where the authors denied the existence of groups opposed to technology. Somebody that has been there in Chile… Against conspiracies; is the facts that shall speak.

From Tierra Maldita:

Courage, strength and savagery to the eco-extremists of the South!
Death to the civil-social anarchy!

A few days ago it came to our eyes a text* criticizing the initiative of call for “Black December“. While criticism in the first half is held with good arguments and brings its point well, we will focus on the points made in the second half. We would have liked to be first read the aforementioned critique to better understand these words. But it surprises us that the page in account published the text then deleted the entry. A fact that speaks bad about the mentioned website itself, as obviously these responsible of actualizing the blog withdrew its publication, due to things expressed in this vile critique, we can imagine. ¿Do they not read first what they publish?

In short, for those who managed to read the critique will understand us a little more, and for those who did not, we’ll try to be as clear as possible. And we can imagine that also authors of the critique must feel disappointed that an informative blog of “affinity” despised them in this way. We refer to you: “Colectivo Libre Observador”. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

‘Against the Slander of Civil Anarchism’ by Sureños Incivilizados (Chile)

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

January 21, 2016 ~ losdelatierramaldecida

Tierra Maldita receive and publish – From the lands of the Chilean southern region I got this text which is about a statement where the authors denied the existence of groups opposed to technology. Somebody that has been there in Chile… Against conspiracies; is the facts that shall speak.

From Tierra Maldita:

Courage, strength and savagery to the eco-extremists of the South!
Death to the civil-social anarchy!

A few days ago it came to our eyes a text* criticizing the initiative of call for “Black December“. While criticism in the first half is held with good arguments and brings its point well, we will focus on the points made in the second half. We would have liked to be first read the aforementioned critique to better understand these words. But it surprises us that the page in account published the text then deleted the entry. A fact that speaks bad about the mentioned website itself, as obviously these responsible of actualizing the blog withdrew its publication, due to things expressed in this vile critique, we can imagine. ¿Do they not read first what they publish?

In short, for those who managed to read the critique will understand us a little more, and for those who did not, we’ll try to be as clear as possible. And we can imagine that also authors of the critique must feel disappointed that an informative blog of “affinity” despised them in this way. We refer to you: “Colectivo Libre Observador”. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle