Posts Tagged ‘Stefano Gabriele Fosco’

‘Operation Ardire’ – Communiqué of Culmine (Italy)

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

Via informa-azione, BPD

Dear comrades,

as many of you already know the anarchist blog Culmine was released from prison on September 7 because the period of pre-trail detention had expired.

However it cannot be said that we were freed because they have inflicted restrictions on us: we can’t travel abroad, are compelled to live in our towns and have to report to the police station twice a day. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Stefano and Elisa are free! (Italy)

Sunday, September 8th, 2013

We learn today (8/9/13) that the comrades Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa di Bernardo, arrested June 13, 2012 for the so-called “Operation Boldness” (‘Ardire’) were released today in response to a request to expiry terms. The companions, as well as Giuseppe and Alessandro who were released from prison in mid-June this year, are subject to the obligation of signing and mandatory residence. Sergio at this time remains in custody and he is the last prisoner of this repressive operation.

Solidarity and strength to Sergio!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Interview with Individualist anarchist prisoners Elisa Di Bernardo and Stefano Gabriele Fosco of the blog Culmine (Italy)

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

From Aversión -Publicación Anarquista-issue 8, May 2013.
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now/B.pd

1 – Aversión: In recent years, for reasons we won’t analyse here, which mainly concern the direction the system is taking, but which affect our ways of relating with one another, blogs and websites have been taking on the task that our publications used to fulfil in the past. In your opinion, how does this affect the struggle and its perception?

– Culmine: We are convinced that we are going through a new era in anarchism. Blogs and websites allow the quick spreading of communiqués, texts and writings all over the planet, and make possible the exchange of ideas and proposals between comrades who will probably never get the chance to meet in person. This is a proper revolution in the relations between anarchists. We are well aware of the limits of this new way of relating considering both the fact that the instrument we use is not neutral, but is run and controlled by the enemy, and the fact that the risks are high, as Culmine demonstrates, even if the latter didn’t choose to stay anonymous. The anarchist blog Culmine was locked up on June 12 2012 also due to its work of counter-information. (more…)

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Posted in Interviews

Repression update from the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara (Italy)

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

In the proceedings based on article 280 against Nicola and Alfredo following Roberto Adinolfi’s wounding, the court of Genoa (in the person of Judge Baldini taking over from Judge Giacalone over the summer) has ordered letters censorship over a period of six months towards Sergio and Stefano, locked up in Ferrara following Operation Ardire. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #33 : 'The Submissive Crowd' & 'About the case of the arrested anarchists in Nea Filadelfia (Northern Athens)' – May 2013 (ACN)

Saturday, May 11th, 2013

Download: Dark Nights #33

1. About the case of the arrested anarchists in Nea Filadelfeia (Greece)
2. ‘The Submissive Crowd’ by L
3. Athens, Greece: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Trial updates
4. Letter from anarchist prisoner Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos
5. Manolada: Workers demand pay, Golden Dawn open fire (Greece)
6. Gabriel Pombo da Silva transferred back to Villena Prison (Spain)
7. Mayday build up for anti-G8 (UK)
8. Accused anarchist, Henry Zegarrundo, given house arrest (Bolivia)
9. Letter from Stefano Gabriele Fosco about a non-controversy (Italy)
10. RadioAzone: Wires of the telephone line and ADSL found cut (Italy)
11. Update about anarchist prisoners Nicola and Alfredo (Italy)
12 Lecce: Update on repression and anti-militarist protests (Italy)
13. Three letters of advice for saboteurs from Marco Camenisch
14. Marcelo Villarroel ‘Let’s walk together: it’s time to fight!!’ (Chile)
15. Extracted Interview with Alfredo Bonanno




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Letter from Stefano Gabriele Fosco to Liberacion Total, Material Anarquista, Publicaciòn Refractario & Viva la Anarquia concerning an anti-judicial non-controversy (Italy)

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

I receive from Stefano the following letter. As I publish it, I want to reconfirm that critiques are always welcome and the ‘assholes’ will suffer the consequences they deserve [This is the premise of RadioAzione]:

To the dear comrades of Liberacion Total, Material Anarquista, Publicaciòn Refractario and Viva la Anarquia.

I give you all my anarchist and brotherly solidarity following the attack you got from a pseudo-nihilist asshole. There’s no censorship when one decides not to publish a text that attacks a prisoner while the investigation on him is still ongoing.

It must be known that in Italy there is no anti-judicial controversy. There are only assholes playing the same game as repression. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Dark Nights #32 : Words from José Miguel Sánchez to all the comrades and underground action groups of the world – Apr 2013 (ACN)

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

PDF Freesheet to be printed off and distributed. Assembled from international news and reports. Returns after a month break in the regular release schedule… change is coming…

Dark Nights #32

1. Words from José Miguel Sánchez to all the comrades and underground action groups of the world.
2. Editorial – Who are we?
3. Letter from Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai.
4. Marco Camenisch writes about the decision of the court of review on Stefano and Elisa’s case.
5. Report from imprisoned anarchist comrade Giuseppe Lo Turco.
6. Anarchist comrade Giulia released from prison and put under house arrest.
7. Turin: Arrests and other restrictive measures: three comrades are jailed.
8. Update about Gabriel Pombo Da Silva.
9. Mail addresses for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.
10. Italy: FAI/FRI claim parcel bombs against La Stampa and Europol.


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Updates on the anarchist comrades imprisoned following operation ‘Ardire’ (Italy)

Friday, March 8th, 2013

This morning, March 6, anarchists Sergio Maria Stefani, Alessandro Settepani and Stefano Fosco were transferred from the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria to the prison of Ferrara. The transfer had been announced yesterday by public prosecutor Maria Grazia Pradella in the context of the Milan proceeding of so called operation ‘Ardire’, and was implemented under the pretext that the comrades were in contact with the investigated comrades of the Adinolfi case (since October 2012 all the comrades had been locked in the same unit and had been sharing the exercise yard). (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Dark Nights #30 : 'Days of Action in Solidarity with Marco Camenisch' – Jan 2013 (ACN)

Friday, January 18th, 2013

PDF: Download Dark Nights #30

Internationalist newsletter to download and publish on the fly. Put together from reports via Actforfree/BourbourAs, Contra-Info, Informa-Azione, Liberacion Total, etc… Features front page article about the demand for immediate release of anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch, who is held beyond his prison tariff. Secondary article “On Anti-Fascism” by an egoist-nihilist via Athens IMC. Inside is letters from the admins of counter-info project Culmine, Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa Di Bernardo, plus court-reports of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and more besides. Extensive direct action chronology covers the last month including the resistance to the Greek governmental repression against the anarchist/anti-authoritarian infrastructure, Villa Amalias, etc… Out of the era of false time into the destructive present!

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Anarchist prisoners conduct hunger strike in solidarity with Marco Camenisch, who is still held in the Swiss dungeons (Germany & Italy)

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

From Contrainfo:

RadioAzione reports that, as of December 15th, imprisoned comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is on hunger strike in solidarity with anarchist Marco Camenisch, who is facing yet another proceeding starting from scratch regarding his just request for conditional release.

Gabriel will be on strike in the prison of Aachen, Germany, until the 21st of December. Then it will be the turn of comrade Elisa Di Bernardo, who is held in the prison of Rebibbia, Italy. She will conduct hunger strike in the week from the 22nd to the 29th of December. A confirmation of a third round is awaited, which will likely include a strike by comrade Sergio Maria Stefani, incarcerated in the prison of Alessandria, Italy.

As Gabriel already suggested, the solidarity strike can be continued even in January 2013, if fellow prisoners are willing and able to participate in this protest for the immediate liberation of Marco.

Elisa (editor of Culmine, along with prisoner Stefano Gabriele Fosco) as well as Sergio are among the eight comrades who have been remanded in custody in the context of ‘Operation Boldness (Ardire)’. The particular anti-anarchist construct was initiated by the Italian State in June 2012, and implicates Marco and Gabriel, too, among others.

To all the comrades outside the prison walls, who want to feel closeness with Marco and other imprisoned anarchists: you do just that; let solidarity with imprisoned comrades shine.

Strength to prisoners in struggle!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #26 : ‘Crackdown in Italy' – anti-repression anarchist dialogue – Sept 2012 (ACN)

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

Dark Nights is an international anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news ready to print out and distribute on the fly.

Click to Download: Dark Nights #26

1. Open letter of Stefano Gabriele Fosco to the anarchist movement
2. The Key-Code of Order #3 (Edizioni Cerbero)
3. Germany: Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
4. Letter from Tomo, Parole Armate
5. Massimo Passamani in prison and Daniella Battisti under house arrest
6. Operation Thor: Searches in Ravenna
7. Letter from Sara Parole Armate: Waking up one morning… Thor!
8. Letter from Elisa Di Bernardo
9. Letter from Sergio Maria Stefani
10. Communiqués from the prisons of Alessandria and Rebibbia about the publication of an ‘Ardire’ legal PDF on movement websites
11. Letter from Giuseppe Lo Turco
12. Communiqué about operation ‘Thor’ from Federico Buono
13. Letter from Stefano Gabriele Fosco
14. Bologna: Operation Mangiafuoco’
15. Two comrades arrested and charged with attacking CEO Roberto Adinolfi

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

International Network of Counter-Information & Translation

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Posted in Library

Op. Ardire – Open letter to the anarchist movement from Stefano Gabriele Fosco (Italy)

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

from: informa-azione.info translated by Actforfreedomnow/sysiphus

We receive and are spreading this open letter to the anarchist movement, from Stefano Gabriele Fosco, anarchist comrade, prisoner since June 13 following the operation Ardire.

I sincerely thank all the bloggers who enter the hypertext links I refer to in order to facilitate understanding of this letter.

Open letter of Stefano Gabriele Fosco to the anarchist movement.

With due respect for the individual choices of comrades struck by the repression, I have always criticised anarchists who decided not to pronounce themselves concerning the accusations when they were arrested. Sure, it’s always good not to provide any information that could be useful to the investigations, but these silences have often come to affect solidarity itself.

If a comrade is accused of participating in some kind of direct action, for example, and the defence intends to demonstrate that they have nothing to do with the actions attributed to them, then it does not make sense for the movement to come out with the usual phrase “solidarity if innocent, even more if guilty.” (more…)

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