Posts Tagged ‘Rumah Api (social center/house project)’

London: Soli-banner at Tourism Malaysia Office against the repression targeted at Rumah Api (UK)

Sunday, September 20th, 2015

A small act of solidarity from London for Rumah Api (KL): Banner drop outside
the Malaysian Embassy on the same day as a massive ‘Malaysia Night’ event
takes place in nearby Trafalgar Square. Rumah Api is a Kuala Lumpur based
anarcho-punk social centre and gig space, and was raided by armed police on
August 28th. This resulted in 160 people being arrested.


Rumah Api website: http://rumahapi.weebly.com/

News story: http://325.nostate.net/?p=17229

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Posted in Direct Action

Dark Nights #43 : 'Beyond right and wrong' & 'Evi Statiri on hunger strike 14/9' – Sept 2015 (ACN)

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

September 2015 version of the international anarchist anti-prisons newsletter, released with intent to spread info about the hunger strike of Evi Statiri, life companion of Gerasimos Tsakalos of CCF.

PDF: Dark Nights #43 – Sept 2015

1. “Beyond right and wrong” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF.
2. 14th Sept: Evi Statiri starting hunger strike in Korydallos prison.
3. “From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou of CCF.
4. Direct Action Chronology.
5. Chile: Words from anarchist prisoner Sergio Álvarez in memory of Sebastián
‘Angry’ Oversluij.
6. Malaysia: Police raid anarchist centre Rumah Api.


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Posted in Library

Kuala Lumpur: Police raid anarchist space Rumah Api (Malaysia)

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

On 28th August (Friday), over a dozen police with automatic weapons and K-9 unit attacked Rumah Api (social center/house project in Kuala Lumpur) during a concert on that night. The police raided the house project and raid everybody during the concert and also trashed the living space of people who live there without any warrant or solid reason for the raid.

We all believe the raid were conducted due to the connection of Bersih 4 Rally which happen on the next days (29 and 30th) which is totally insane since the organizer of the concert, participants, and Rumah Api have little interest to join or even support the rally, due to our political stance on the issue of election and voting system.

The state use Rumah Api as the scapegoat of recent event of attack on banks and multinational corporations in KL for the past 2 years. So far, they found nothing to link us with that events. The police seize all the musical equipment at the concert hall, seize 2 computers of people who live there, one smart phone, artwork, and books belonging to people who live there. The police said they search the building for any weapons or explosives that can link us to terrorism. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control