Posts Tagged ‘Olga Economidou’

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : For Sebastian – ‘From the refusal of work… To the rebuff of authority’ (Greece)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

[Text for a gathering in memory of Sebastian Oversluij that took place in an anarchist squat in Chile]

The real death is forgetfulness.

On the 11th of December 2013 a robbery took place on a bank at the district of Pudahuel. When the anarchist Sebastian Oversluij walked in the bank announcing the robbery, he received the bullets from the armed guard-keeper of the bank-defender of the wealthy and authoritarian. Sebastian fell down dead after he emptied his machine gun…

But every day there are deaths without dying. Deaths that are repeated every day… because of the mornings alarm clock so you won’t be late at work, because of the sad routes between the lonely crowd that goes to offices, factories, stores, because of the boss’s yells who wants more from you and faster, because of the mechanical movements during the work that kills creativity, because of the feigned politeness, because of the debasing salary as recompense for the life that they have stolen from you.
A life that is measured based on money.

When we rob a bank, we don’t steal the money, we take back the life that they have stolen from us.

But a robbery can be an addictive job also. A job like everyone else’s, with the only difference that the “salary” isn’t sure and in case of industrial accident, jail or death awaits you. Often the robbers are not different from the salaried workers, they only work less in conditions of high risk. But they share the same cast of mind. The one of a consumer who deifies money, who admires the power of riches and his car, his clothes, his watch, which are the prolongation of himself.

Sebastian Oversluij was not a robber. He was an anarchist. He refused to be a slave on the boss’s blocks. He was a disclaimer of work because he refused the morality of working, the morality of a slave who thinks like a consumer. A robbery by itself isn’t a revolutionary action. But it is one of the methods of the anarchist war, so that we take back from the bosses the stolen time and organise it aggressively against them, planning anarchist actions, helping comrades in captivity, strengthening publishing ventures and creating armed infrastructure of attack against dominion.

We belong to the generation that Sebastian belonged to. A generation that has no age, no nationality. The generation of the impatient, the uncompromising and the dreamers.

We don’t need heroes, we want comrades who set fires with their ideas.

When we keep alive in our memory Sebastian and all the comrades who fell on the battlefield, we keep the struggle alive. A fight against dominion and we know that jail or death are often the cost. But as one said: “Five free birds started the journey to the South. Only one arrived, but what their journey for certain wanted to say, that it was worth it for trying to fly…”

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell

Giorgios Polidoros,
Christos Tsakalos,
Gerasimos Tsakalos,
Olga Economidou

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – “For Alfredo and Anna – Until we meet” (Greece, Italy)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

In Italy, comrade Alfredo Cospito since October 3rd and comrade Anna Beniamino since October 10th, are on a hunger strike against the isolation imposed on them and on the anarchists imprisoned for the attacks of FAI (Operation “Scripta Manent”).

We know that the struggle against authority is unequal… Nevertheless we choose the war for freedom instead of the peace of fear.

Because we know that there are “free” people, who are more enslaved than prisoners, and living people that are more dead than most of our dead comrades who fell in the battle for freedom.

Because for every battle that we lose, a new one begins.

“Because if I don’t get burnt, if you don’t get burnt, how will the darkness turn to shining…”

For us solidarity is not simply a “touching” word, but a way of life, of becoming people with the dream as our measure.

We stand by our comrades Alfredo and Anna with all our hearts and minds, until our dreams meet…




CCF / FAI – Urban Guerrilla Cell

George Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Korydallos prison

CCF Per Alfredo ed Anna fino al incontro

In Italia dal 3 ottobre il compagno Alfredo Cospito e dal 10 ottobre la compagna Anna Beniamino sono in sciopero di fame contro il regime d’isolamento imposto a loro ed agli anarchici incarcerati per attachi di FAI (operazione scripta manent).

Conosciamo che la battaglia contro il potere è ineguale….però scegliamo la guerra per la libertà che la pace di paura. Perché sappiamo che ci siano “liberi” più schiavi che i carcerati e vivi più morti che i nostri compagni caduti in battaglia per la libertà. Perché per ogni battaglia che perdiamo, una nuova comincia. “Perché se non mi brucio io, se non ti bruci tu, come il buio diventerà splendore…”

Per noi la solidarietà non è una parola “emozionante” ma una maniera di vivere ad essere umani dove la nostra misura sarà il sogno.

Stiamo a lato dei compagni Alfredo ed Anna con tutta la nostra cuore e nostro mente fino al incontro del sogno…


Polidoros Giorgio Iconomidu Olga Tsacalos Gerasimos Tsacalos Christos Dalle prigioni di Coridalos

Italy Anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino ended their hunger strike on 22nd October
On 22nd October, following the revocation of solitary confinement, Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, which they had begun on 3rd October and 10th October respectively.

via: Croceneranarchica, actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Nemesis Project : Athens – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire take responsibility for the bombing at the home of the Judge Georgia Tsatani / Conspiración de las Células del Fuego reivindica ataque con bomba contra casa de fiscal (Grecia)

Friday, October 14th, 2016


We claim responsibility for attacking the house of the district attorney Georgia Tsatani, in Ippokratous street in Athens city center, next to the Exarhia police department.

We knew that G. Tsatani has a police escort and that she is a guarded target, but this didn’t stand in our way to accomplish our attack.

We chose a symbolic action with only material damage as a sole purpose, but the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire won’t be limited to that…

We have two reasons for choosing this particular district attorney.

The first one is that G. Tsatani is a member of the para-judicial network whose job is to take out of sight case files that impinge the interests of the business and politics mafia (with a view to profit of course). She is the judicial vanguard of her masters.

The apex of her tainted career is the Vgenopoulos case, where G. Tsatani closed the case, aiding him to be discharged of his certain conviction. Her venality by the businessman Vgenopoulos pumped up more her invisible para-judicial account. These inconspicuous courtesies of businessmen can built the villas of the judges as an exchange for their “justice”.

Another sample of this district attorney’s writing, that is being kept diligently secret from the media, is Meimarakis’ case. Georgia Tsatani is the one who took on the case file regarding the equipment and the bribes of Vagelis Meimarakis, the former minister of national defense back then and she made sure to “forget” to send these files in the parliament, with her sole purpose being to cover for him. The exchange of this conciliation was the placement of Tsatanis’ daughter and husband as minister candidates in New Democracy on Meimarakis’ presidency.

Georgia Tsatani was involved in the Vatopedi case, making clear once again the mafia-like partnership between Church and Justice, as well as in many other famous cases that she would “chop off” in order to conceal and protect the interests of authority.

The second reason for choosing to attack the district attorney Georgia Tsatani was her participation in the judicial thralldom of our comrades’ relatives.

G. Tsatani was the one who viewed as unacceptable one of the applications of release by Evi Statiri, who is the wife of Gerasimos Tsakalos, member of the C.C.F. Thus, she contributed in the anti-guerrilla campaign and in one of the most immoral extortions against anarchist revolutionaries.

The vengeful obsession of the judges against the families of our comrades is a choice that all judges involved will be asked to pay and at a great cost. We have remembrance and most of all patience, persistence and diligence…

We are dedicating this action to the imprisoned members of C.C.F, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polydoros and Olga Economidou.

We are sending our solidarity to the anarchist comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulou, to all unshakeable political prisoners that lie in the cells of the Greek Democracy, as well as to the Italian comrades Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai and the anarchists persecuted in Italy within the undertaking “scripta manent” against F.A.I.

Soon the complete version of this proclamation will follow, as well as our initiative for “Nemesis” Project.

We will be back…

Translated by A-politiko.

Conspiración de las Células del Fuego reivindica ataque con bomba contra casa de fiscal.

[“Reporte” por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras]

Con un comunicado subido a internet el grupo de guerrilla urbana anarquista “Conspiración de las Células del Fuego” se atribuyó la responsabilidad por una bomba que explotó el día miércoles 12 de octubre en la casa de la fiscal G. Tsatani en el centro de Atenas, cerca de la estación de policía de Exarchia.

En el comunicado – disponible hasta ahora solo en griego- se detalla que el ataque se realizó aun a pesar de que la fiscal contaba con protección policial y que la bomba buscó generar daños materiales, pero que los ataques no se limitarán solo a eso. También se mencionan los motivos para centrar el ataque en la fiscal Tsatani, siendo uno de ellos su participación en el encarcelamiento de lxs familiares de lxs miembrxs presxs de CCF. El comunicado menciona más específicamente el rol jugado por la fiscal en el secuestro judicial de Evi Statiri (actualmente en la calle), quien es la compañera amorosa del compañero Gerasimos Tsakalos (miembro de CCF actualmente encarcelado en el módulo subterráneo de la prisión de mujeres de Koridalos).

Según la prensa griega, el ataque fue precedido por una llamada anónima de advertencia y la bomba explotó aproximadamente a las 23.45 horas del miércoles.

A continuación se pueden leer algunos extractos del comunicado a la espera de una versión en inglés que permita una mejor traducción al español:



Asumimos la responsabilidad por el ataque a la casa de la fiscal Georgia Tsatani en la calle Hipócrates, en el centro de la ciudad al lado de la estación de policía Exarchia.

Sabíamos que Tsatani tiene escolta policial (…) pero esto no fue impedimento para instalar nuestra ofensiva. Elegimos un acto simbólico destinado únicamente a daños materiales, pero en el futuro la Conspiración de Células del Fuego no se limitará a eso…

La elección de esta fiscal en concreto fue por dos razones principales.

La primera razón es que Tsatani es miembro del circuito (…) que se compromete a hacer “desaparecer” los archivos que afectan los intereses de los empresarios y de la mafia política (con fines de lucro, por supuesto). Es la vanguardia judicial de los patrones.


La segunda razón por la que elegimos golpear a la fiscal Tsatani fue por su participación en el secuestro judicial de los familiares de nuestrxs compañerxs (…) por lo que también contribuyó a su vez con la campaña judicial anti-guerrillera (…).

La furia vengativa de los jueces hacia lxs familiares de nuestrxs compañerxs es una opción por la que pagarán un alto precio (…)

Tenemos memoria y, sobre todo, paciencia, persistencia y consistencia…

Dedicamos esta acción a lxs miembros encarcelados de CCF Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Georgio Polidoro y Olga Economidou.

Enviamos nuestra solidaridad a la compañera anarquista Angeliki Spyropoulos, a todxs lxs presxs políticxs no arrepentidxs en las celdas de la República griega y a los compañeros italianos Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai y lxs anarquistas perseguidxs en Italia dentro de la operación “Scripta Manent” contra la FAI.

Pronto lanzaremos todo nuestro manifiesto y propuesta para el ‘Nemesis’.


Conspiración de Células del Fuego / F.A.I.

Ver comunicado en griego acá.

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Posted in Direct Action

CCF escape plan trial is ending + Statement to the court by Olga Economidou, member of CCF / FAI-FRI (Greece)

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016

At the hearing on Friday, June 17th, one of the last ‘apologies’ heard was the prisoner Fabio Dusko who is accused of involvement in the CCF escape attempt. Fabio refused to answer questions from the judges and declared in a statement: “I am proud to cooperate with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and would do it again to regain freedom. Escaping from prison is the duty of every prisoner”.

The trial was suspended until June 29th. It is important to note that under Greek legislation pre-trial detention has a maximum period of 18 months. After this the prisoner can then be released to await trial. In the case of the comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou and other defendants, the pre-trial detention term expires on July 13th. In light of this, judge A. Yfanti managed to conduct an “express trial” and has stated that the trial will be finished on July 10th with sentences for the the defendants, seeking to prevent their return to the street.

To fast track the trial – as mentioned in previous updates – the judge ‘read’ thousands of pages of judicial reports in record time, attempted to conduct the trial without the presence of lawyers, the defendants or the public and suspended other trials (including the trial of members of the fascist organization Golden Dawn) to ensure that the court room was always available for the CCF escape plan trial.

Let no comrade remain alone!

via Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras and Athens Indymedia, translated into English by Insurrection News

Statement to the court by Olga Economidou regarding the attempted prison escape by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

I did not come to this court room today to offer my apologies. I do not stand here and apologize to you because I do not regret anything. Even if I could turn back time a thousand times, I would still make the same decision. The desire for freedom cannot be put on trial or imprisoned. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘At the Source of Victimization’ by anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, Olga Cell FAI-IRF (Italy)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

PDF: At the Source of Victimization by Alfredo Cospito.

The English version of the brochure “At the Source of Victimization” that was translated by the C.C.F member Olga Economidou, originally written by Alfredo Cospito. Cospito is jailed in Italy for the FAI armed attack against CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.


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Posted in Library

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Our trials will turn into a conviction of the State (Greece)

Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

(For the April 20th court of appeal).

“The distance that separates freedom from slavery… is boldness…”

On April 20th, at Korydallos prison, the Court of Appeal for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire begins.

We’re on trial for the explosive device found at the house in Halandri (“Halandri” case), for the bombings of the former Interior Minister P. Hinofotis’s house (he worked in the army during the years of the Junta), of the home of the ex-deputy and current president of the Bank of Greece L.Katseli and the bombing of the Macedonia-Thrace Ministry, on the eve of the Thessaloniki International Fair.

We are also accused of sending parcel bombs to embassies, international police-judicial institutions (Eurojust-Europol), as well as to Chancellor [Angela] Merkel, to the Prime Minister of Italy (at that time) media mogul Berlusconi and to racist ex-French President Sarkozy.

Finally, we’re on trial for aggravated gun possession and for the scuffle with cops in Pefki.

All these are some snapshots of the action of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We’ve openly claimed responsibility and defend all of our actions, as we are convinced that one cannot gain the world neither with prayers nor with curses.

It’s not only the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and other anarchists for other cases that go on trial on April 20th, BUT the option of the urban guerrilla in total.

In fact, what’s on trial is the option of armed struggle against the murderous machine of power.

Today, anyone who does not understand the necessity of armed anarchist action against the tyrants of our life, is either extremely naive or a cop.

All those who roll the dice with our lives in the stock markets, the central banks, the international meetings of power, are not going to give up their offices and their wealth because we politely ask them to do so… The only language they understand is fear.

Our voices and ideas are more powerful when they come from the barrel of a gun…

Enough with tolerating the scarecrows of the power mocking us as they speak of “democracy”, “freedom” and “rights.”

If you want to understand what all of them think do not listen to their words… just look at their pockets…

They are the same ones who have imposed a murderous financial dictatorship strangling our life every day, pushing some people to resignment and others to suicide.

They are the same ones who send armies and turn whole countries into mass graves favoring the interests of oil and multinational corporations.

They are the same ones who run the propaganda and the spectacle which is turning lies into the truth, life as digital fakeness and happiness in mobile phone accessories.

No peaceful protest, no left wing illusion is going to overturn power from its throne.

The question that often sounds like a dirge “and how is the world going to change?” is crappy, defeatist and cowardly… Anyone who wants to change her life and the world, gets armed and becomes the answer.

On April 20th the judicial Inquisition wants to elicit from us, a sign of remorse, a sign of truce…

We were locked in cells, they moved us into the isolation section, they arrested and imprisoned our relatives, we are being on trial inside the prisons BUT we’re not going to be at peace with death and subjugation…

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire will be reconstructed and will be back on the attack…

“The ugliness of power has been analyzed and interpreted by every generation and every aspect… What is happening today does not need further analysis, it needs actions…”


The members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI / IRF

Olga Economidou

Giorgos Polydoros

Christos Tsakalos

Gerasimos Tsakalos

*Translated by A-politiko as a minimal form of solidarity to our comrades, for the solidarity day on April 23rd.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged (Greece)

Friday, March 18th, 2016

Prison is a milestone in the revolutionaries’ path towards freedom. It’s an intermediary stop, but not the end.

The authority often chooses the subtraction from mathematics. Like when they subtract lives with bombings in the warzones of their energy-generating and geopolitical interests, like when they subtract refugees from the cityscapes, entombing them in isolated concentration camps, like they subtract the smallest crumbs of the underpaid wage slavery, beating more brutally with whips, bodies that have gotten used to rickets, like when they want to subtract everyone who defies them, by locking them up inside prisons…

In this way, every revolutionary anarchist is facing the biggest contradiction. They are fighting for freedom and yet they’re flirting with the captivity of the prison, they love life so much and yet death from the guards of authority wants to ambush them.

In these years that we are in prison, our steps have gotten used to be calculated inside the barbed wires, our eyes have learnt by heart every centimetre of these few cubic meters of the forecourt, but our minds have never been captured by the iron fences.

How can you let yourself capitulate, when you are facing on one side the provocative wealth of those in power and on the other side tearful eyes of a child at a concentration camp, on one side the mafia of the politicians, judges and journalists who are counting people like louses of the earth and on the other side men and women who are committing suicide because of the standoffs of the economic crisis, looking in garbage to find food, sleeping in the streets, on one side armies of happy slaves being dazzled from the storefronts and the screens of a fake life and on the other side the bad bevy of loneliness and silence being your only companion.

We don’t intend to capitulate with the tyranny of authority, neither get used to living like slaves.

We know that freedom isn’t something that can be given away… neither can it be bestowed… Our freedom blossoms from the blood and the sacrifices of our struggle. Even if once again, our desirable rendezvous with freedom has been postponed because of the dastardliness of one pilot- former policeman- and the helicopter that never reached its destination, that doesn’t mean that we will give up…

We are fully aware that the recovery of our freedom will be only achieved through revolutionary violence, which will attack against the monopoly of the sadistic violence of the power.

A freedom that in our opinion is the SAME with the continuation of urban guerilla, in order to escalate the anarchist struggle. A freedom that will walk on top of the debris of this aged world and its monuments… prisons, courts, parliaments, police departments, concentration camps, labs of the technological totalitarianism…

With certitude and determination of those who will risk everything for liberation, putting again the conundrum at the table… “Freedom or Death…”

A decision… we are fighting till the end

Never repentant

Never defeated

The struggle continues…

Comradely greetings to the anarchist member of Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa

The members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

Giorgos Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Radiofragmata Translation Project

* The Free Besieged is an unfinished collection of poems composed by Dionysios Solomos that was inspired by the third siege of Missolonghi (1825–1826), where the Greek rebels held out for almost a year before they attempted a mass breakout, which however resulted in a disaster, with the larger part of the Greeks slain.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #43 : 'Beyond right and wrong' & 'Evi Statiri on hunger strike 14/9' – Sept 2015 (ACN)

Sunday, September 13th, 2015

September 2015 version of the international anarchist anti-prisons newsletter, released with intent to spread info about the hunger strike of Evi Statiri, life companion of Gerasimos Tsakalos of CCF.

PDF: Dark Nights #43 – Sept 2015

1. “Beyond right and wrong” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF.
2. 14th Sept: Evi Statiri starting hunger strike in Korydallos prison.
3. “From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou of CCF.
4. Direct Action Chronology.
5. Chile: Words from anarchist prisoner Sergio Álvarez in memory of Sebastián
‘Angry’ Oversluij.
6. Malaysia: Police raid anarchist centre Rumah Api.


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“From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou, imprisoned member of CCF (Greece)

Friday, September 11th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

The condition of captivity in which I find myself in for 4,5 years now as a vindictive and exemplary punishment has created a distance between me and outside reality, action. Besides, the purpose of imprisonment for those who fight against the existent is separation, deprivation, political isolation, moral annihilation. But there are always bars to break, either you walk in the monotonous sterile corridors of a “penitentiary” or you cross the decorated streets of consumption of prison-society. Now, within the prison cells of democracy, my need for freedom continues to give breath to each of my days. It’s my moving force, to think, to imagine, to organize, to act. The decision of total conflict with the existent, the power of individual choice enriched by experiences of collective action, are the ingredients that can penetrate the prison bars and high walls. Why in prison you don’t give up… you go on. You reorganize yourself and you fight. For 4,5 years I wake up in a bed in prison always a little after sunrise, although many times I liked sleeping more when I was out, I organize my every move, although outside the spontaneous often moved me, I analyze and judge the data (political and personal) of yesterday’s day alone, although outside I always shared them with comrades. For 4,5 years I wake up every morning feeling sure that I alone defined my participation in the war against any form of authority and that freedom is not given away… you conquer it yourself. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Evi Statiri to commence hunger strike on September 14th, 2015 (Greece)

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Evi Statiri, held hostage by the Greek state at Korydallos Prison for no other reason than being the life companion of imprisoned Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) member Gerasimos Tsakalos, has announced that she will commence a hunger strike on September 14th.

The announcement came not long after Evi’s latest appeal to be released was rejected by the judicial council.

Here are some roughly translated excerpts from a text by Evi announcing her hunger strike that was posted on Athens Indymedia website…

“The latest refusal from the judicial council in consideration of my release has only confirmed what I already knew from the first day that I found myself in the cells of counter-terrorism. My imprisonment is not just a personal matter. My imprisonment is the reflection of an overall repressive strategy aiming to dominate via fear and to satisfy the vengeful fury of law enforcement against political prisoners and all those whose values are not consistent with the culture of power.”

“I still find myself in prison for the unique ‘incriminating’ element that I am the wife of political prisoner and member of the CCF, Gerasimos Tsakalos. I am still in prison because I refused to sign their ‘certificate of social conscience’ and refuse to disown my partner and our relationship.”

“Anybody standing beside political prisoners may find themselves in the adjacent cell… Anybody who refuses to bow their head, silence their voice or lower their gaze towards the idols of power can be dragged in handcuffs and detained by the courts and their investigation offices. But the solidarity actions carried out last week showed that fear can rule, but it cannot reign in the hearts and minds of free men and women. I send a big thank you to all those who by their actions expose the dictatorship of lies and hypocrisy of justice that keeps me locked in it’s cells. Now a new battle begins… The dismissive ultimatum of the judges leaves me only one answer – the last resort of the captive human – a hunger strike for my release.”

“Monday September 14 I begin a HUNGER STRIKE against fear and injustice.”


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on the comrades – hunger strikers Mihalis Nikolopoulos, Damiano Bolano and Olga Ekonomidou (Greece)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

Comrade Damiano Bolano begun the hunger strike weighing 90.1 kg, and has now reached 73.5 kg and suffers from a skin infection almost all over his body. Comrade Mihalis Nikolopoulos from weighing 78.5 kg, has now reached 66.5, while showing significant bradycardia with a pulse in the range of 40-44 per minute and low blood pressure (8/6 small).

Olga Eκonomidou is on the 28th day of hunger strike and has reached a critical level of body weight (42 kg), the blood pressure is very low (7/5) and blood sugar ranges with measurements starting at 70 and goes up to 52 which is a borderline for hypoglycemic shock.

Nevertheless, “justice” continues to play with the lives of the hunger strikers, delaying the council’s decision to release the relatives of members of the CCF in a bureaucratic way, leading them to the boundaries between life and death.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text written by the comrade – hunger striker Olga Ekonomidou from Sotiria hospital (Greece)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

We’ve never fit into the laws, the rules, the habits of this world. Besides, it remains too “small” for us to fit in. We loved real life and freedom and these are what we will always fight for. And if today we’re on the 28th day of hunger strike, with the risk of losing our lives, from now on, it is because a life with no dignity, is simply not life at all. What could be more undignified if we did not defend, if we did not fight for those people who, for no benefit, no political theses and choices, they stood by us morally, all throughout our imprisonment, remaining Humans. So, this time we are fighting for them. To avoid their becoming the side effects of a war that they have never been accomplices in. So, let the arrows of democracy target its real enemies again. Once more, democracy saw to me being away from my comrades, as they all are spread out to different hospitals and prisons. But my heart and my soul is with them, every moment. Their strength is my strength during the struggle we together started and together we will end.






Olga Ekonomidou

Member of the R.O. – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF

“Sotiria” hospital


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Hunger Strike: Four comrades of the CCF are transferred out of Korydallos to hospitals under intense police guard (Greece)

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

Comrades on hunger strike (since March 2nd), Haris Hatzimihelakis, Giorgos Polydoros, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Olga Ekonomidou are now transferred to hospitals out of prison, with an intense presence of cops. Τhere will soon be more information about the hospitals they are transferred to.

According to the mass media, it’s expected that there will be a Council decision announced on the release of the comrades’ relatives.

Immediate satisfaction of the demands of the fighters

+ Also read: Athens – A total of six CCF prisoners, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Για την προσπάθεια άξιζε…” – Συνωμοσία Πυρήνων της Φωτιάς / "Valio La Pena Intentarlo…" – Conspiracion de Celulas del Fuego / "E' Valsa La Pena Di Tentarlo…" – Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco / “It was worth a try…” – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece)

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

We will not give away a single word that would unlock information for the enemy. Escaping from prison is the only aim and purpose of a captive anarchist urban guerrilla. The word “escape” holds the concentrated sense of freedom which blows up the walls of prison that locked our lives. We, the captive anarchists of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, have never forgotten this word even if though most have forgotten us. The judges have condemned us to live for years as human shadows inside the locked buildings, but they have never been able to lock up our unruly desires.

Every night in the wanderings of our minds we escape into a world without prisons, armed guards and locked souls. And even if every morning the guard’s key brings us back to the concrete reality of prison, we know that at some point our day will come and we will dream of our anarchy with open eyes. The sound of the lock as it closes forges our hatred for prison. Every failure, every arrest, every mistake makes us even more stubborn. If we fall three times, we will rise four.

There is no victory or defeat, there is only struggle. We know that the anarchist urban guerrilla and the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire is a battle against all odds. In this battle weapons, explosives, hideouts, cars, money, may be lost but all of them can be found again. What is not lost are the comrades who made us feel that our day would come and we would say “goodbye” to prison without return. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: Phoenix Project – Demolishing the Walls That Keep Us Apart (Greece)

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

PDF: Phoenix Project – Demolishing the Walls That Keep Us Apart

A new pamphlet concerning the Phoenix Project has been released by the comrades of the Circle of Individualist Anarchists which includes transcriptions of the four events held nationwide in solidarity with the persecuted comrades for the actions of the Project which took place recently in Greece.

This is the first of a series of pamphlets regarding the ‘New Anarchy’ which will be released over the coming months which will ‘aim to disseminate our imprisoned comrades speech to as many anarchist comrades in Greece and the rest of the world as possible. This material is available to everyone for translation in any language, a procedure in which we will contribute ourselves, in collaboration with any comrade who wishes for it, in the context of partnership with individuals and groups/collectives with which we are politically associated.’ (more…)

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