Posts Tagged ‘Javier Pino’

Palabras del compañero Javier Pino (Chile)

Saturday, August 22nd, 2015


Cuando llegó la propuesta de ayunar por la semana de agitación en memoria
del Pelao Angry mi corazón se revoloteó entero, mi interior dijo vamos y
decidí desafiar a la cana y a mi cuerpo. No es fácil ayunar en una cana tan
plástica como Santiago 1, toda la alimentación de aquí no ayuda en nada
para hacer ayunos y dañarte lo menos posible.

Ahora compartiré lo que siento individualmente por recordar a Pelao.
Físicamente compartimos 2 veces pero esto no hace que me sienta cercanx,
leyendo su libro y compartiendo con seres que lx conocían ha hecho que
cuando lo traigo a mí sienta emociones liberadoras, son sensaciones
encontradas, pero todo el rato trato de deconstruir la idealización de la
muerte física sin “apologizar” el contexto en el que murió. Viene a mí una
sensación de tranquilidad sabiendo que físicamente se fue enfrentándose en
ese arrojo que tanto le gustaba, ese arrojo puro y hermoso que hace
destruir de cualquier forma la civilización. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #42 : ‘In Cold Blood’, 'The Fleas and the Jackal' – August 2015 (ACN)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

PDF: Dark Nights #42

1. ‘In Cold Blood’ by CCF/FAI-IRF.
2. ‘The Fleas and the Jackal’ by L.
3. International Solidarity Week for Imprisoned Anarchists – August 23-30 2015.
4. Direct Action Chronology.
5. Letter from anarchic nihilist comrade Sergio Alvarez.
6. Letter from Anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza.
7. Vatan Budak, wounded in Suruç bombing died.
8. Anarchist Ignacio Munoz Delgado detained for carrying an explosive device.
9. Update about imprisoned comrades Javier Pino and Natalia Collado.
10. Solidarity with Evi Statiri, Athena Tsakalos and Nikos Romanos.

Resist / Organise / Replicate


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Posted in Library

Update on the case of the comrades Javier Pino and Natalia Collado ($hile)

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Now that the investigative period is over and we await the hearing date for Javier Pinto and Natalia Collado, as a close group of friends we wanted to inform and disclose how our comrades were accused of burning a Transantiago bus three months ago and were taken from us.


In the early morning of April 7, at the corner of Ecuador and Concon, located in the community of Estación Central, the darkness was interrupted with the scene of a burning route 210 Transantiago bus that was completely consumed by fire.

Minutes later Natalia Collado (Tato) and Javier Pino were arrested in Alameda, outside USACH (University of Santiago Chile) and detained on suspicion as their appearance allegedly coincided with descriptions given to the police by the bus driver who reported the fire.

The comrades were taken to Central Police Station 21 where they were told that the bus driver recognized them as two people who boarded the bus without paying at the corner of Alameda and Cumming and left a bag in the back seat before exiting from the rear door of the bus. Tato and Javier were then transferred to the BIPE (Police Brigade of Special Investigations) where they both had DNA samples forcibly taken from them. By now relatives, close friends and comrades who had heard about the arrest began to demonstrate out the front in solidarity with both comrades. Also as usual, the press began to appear in order to caputre the faces of our comrades for the television cameras. The following morning as they were taken to court Javier yelled at the press “Down with anthropocentric patriarchal society!” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago: Two comrades arrested for arson attack on a bus ($hile)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

[Translated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras from Refractario]

On April 7, 2015, a bus was set on fire. Near the action, the bastards of police arrested comrades Natalia Collao (24) and Javier Pino (22).

When the journalistic carrion arrived to police station, both Natalia and Javier walked with head up. Javier shouted out loud: Down with the patriarchal and anthropocentric society!

On Friday 10, the judge decreed three months of preventive detention on charges of incendiary device installation in a public transport bus. Outside the Tribunal, comrades in solidarity stayed with banners and slogans.

Javier is now detained in Santiago 1 prison, and Natalia is in San Miguel prison.

All our solidarity with the comrades!

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Posted in Social Control