Posts Tagged ‘International Conspiracy for Revenge’

Imprisoned anarchist comrade Joaquin Garcia attacked the former boss of the dictatorship’s intelligence police inside prison (Chile)

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

Comrade Joaquin Garcia, who was arrested on November 2015 accused of bomb attacks, some days ago has attacked the former boss of the dictatorship’s intelligence police, a bastard who is condemned for ‘human rights violations’ in the same prison that the comrade is in.

Joaquin was arrested with Kevin Garrido, and they are accused for the attacks against a school for prison guards and against a police station, this last action was claimed by ‘International Conspiracy for Revenge/Gerasimos Tsakalos Cell’.

The comrade beat the bastard, hitting him in the head, hurting him in the face. The bastard was sore, claiming to be a poor victim.

Solidarity with Joaquin and Kevin!
Long live anarchy!

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Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project 'Phoenix' (Black International)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.

Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.

“We are here, where everything starts now.”

The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.

The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.

The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign Let’s destroy repression. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…




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Update about the 3 arrested comrades accused for explosive attacks (Chile)

Monday, September 22nd, 2014

(Translated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras with info from Refractario)

During the morning of September 18, 2014, several raids shook Santiago seeking to give results to the latest explosives attacks. Finally the police in a broad operation gets the arrest of 3 comrades. According to the press and the police, detention realized thanks to a investigation from the security cameras inside the subway train and a ticket-card used by the suspects.

Comrades arrested are:
Natalie Casanova Muñoz (26 years),
Juan Flores Riquelme (22 years) ,
Guillermo Durán Méndez (25 years).

When comrades were transferred to the “Jusitice Center”, they keep their heads up and Juan shouted “Down with the Police-State!”

The press, as the power carrion, has been reporting about the “dangerous individuals” that “belong to an hermetic anarchist cell”, developing their classic campaign creating an internal enemy. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

International Conspiracy for Revenge claim responsibility for the coordinated attack on the 39° Bosque and 1° police stations in Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

from contrainformate transl. waronsociety:

On August 11 we carried out an attack on the 39° Bosque and 1° police stations in Santiago. We wanted to show that it is possible to hit the police right in the nose. It ended up as we would have liked as some bastion of law was injured.

/”they are mortal and their laws are destructible”/

We love to see wounded or dead cops whether in conflictual clashes or acts of sabotage.They should know that anyone of them could face the same fate as the pigs Moyano, Vera, or Bobadilla; they are all responsible (and volunteers) of belonging to a military institution that represses the population on a daily basis and orders us to comply to the laws imposed by the powerful.

It should be clear to them that each aggression that has been committed by the pigs of power is not forgotten, that their condition of impunity will not last long, they are human beings, mortal like any other.

Let us dare to confront them, there is every reason to detest the existence of the police, ratis, repressive forces, and/or guardians of the rich. They are the military force of the bourgeoisie in charge of suppressing and punishing every attempt to recuperate that which has been accumulated for centuries thanks to exploitation.

Whether in robberies or protests, they are those in charge of exerting fear on the population. Their essence is the defense of the system making us submit to its miseries. They and their bosses should be beaten and attacked with every means and all their manifestations.

We remember each blow given and yearn for the multiplication of direct attacks against their repulsive authority, as the preparation of material needed in order to cause the desired damage is minimal.

We remember and align ourselves with the compañerxs who carried out the failed attack on January 1, 2014 on the 14° station in ñuñoa, we also would have liked to see how this powerful device detonated and we celebrate the attack on the Lo Prado station!!

We send our fraternal greetings to all the families and loved ones of those fallen at the hands of the police.

Present in our minds are Matias Catrileo, Jhonny Cariqueo, Claudia Lopez, Daniel Melinao, Javier Mendoza Collio, all are present, dead here or in whichever part of the world they are part of the social war.

We are adding to the initiative of the compas in Indonesia and we make up part of:

C.I.V (Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza)

International Conspiracy for Revenge

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Manado: International Conspiracy for Revenge / FAI – 'An Attack as Direct Solidarity for Pandang Raya' (Indonesia)

Sunday, September 14th, 2014


Through fire, we sent our direct solidarity to those fighters and arrested comrades who stood against the eviction of the State in Pandang Raya, Makassar, South Sulawesi. We deeply feel connected with those people, although we haven’t seen each other. But your stories, your spirits and your courage, reached us here who are hiding in the dark and awaiting our momentum to hit back at the enemies. (more…)

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Phoenix Project #12 : ICR – FAI/IRF take responsibility for arson barrage in solidarity with Adriano Antonacci, Gianluca Iacovacci, other worldwide anarchist prisoners and the combative memory of Sebastian O. Seguel (Indonesia)

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Phoenix Project #12 [previous acts here.]

“Our words, carve today like a blade and our actions burn the bridges with yesterday… With tenacity and will, until we murder authority.”

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis and Sypros Mandylas, (Letter to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai)

The declarations of war against authority won’t stop with one single action nor one single letter of publication. It is a totality of our lives, each one of us, who stands here as egoists under the name of International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR) as part of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front. We won’t step back, even if we are isolated or deserted by the other “revolutionary anarchists” who devoted themselves to the dreams of society, those who let their own values as anarchists be imposed wholly by reformism, negotiation and conformity. We are out of their league and we won’t play their game. We have our own, one of violence and direct action. With nihilist comradeship through fire and fists to our comrades locked behind bars everywhere, in Europe, in South America and Mexico. Our comradeship also goes to those anonymous comrades who went underground to carry on a constant confrontation with Power.

Recent Situation Concerning the General Election in Indonesia

Since the first New Year fireworks started, all forms of oppression revelled in the curiosity and impatience before the general election (both the parliamentary election and the presidential election). We saw how the oppressors and the oppressed were walking hand-in-hand to celebrate what they call: The time of new hope for a better change. They printed the faces of those who are running for parliament and others are debating what should they do to contribute to make democracy better than they have it nowadays. Mass and social media all filled with empty words and the camouflage of how the general election will bring the oppressed to gain their freedom. And that is definitely right, because Indonesians will have the chance to choose who will be their oppressors for the next five years.

We are not even surprised when we found out that those who claimed themselves as anti-authoritarians were also merely trapped into the logic of giving your voice during an election or abstaining.

They producing memes, producing posters, shouting it out, organizing people, just not to vote. To say no to voting boxes, to say no to the parliaments candidates; they say no to the parties, they say no to every infrastructure of the voting system, but forget one important thing. To say no to the boundaries that kept them away from real freedom. They wish a different result by trying the similar way as used by Power. And how it can lead you to freedom? A question that doesn’t need an answer, since it is useless to question the choices of these people.

Anarchism is dead. And these people are the ones who proudly carry the coffin of their so-called ideology: Anarchism. An ideology of the weak and cowardly who called us “obsessed with violence” to cover up their fear. They are afraid to arm themselves and walk alone into battle, a long battle without end or goal.

And how different are we from these mobs?
We performed our disagreement with both those mobs by burning down two offices of the general election committee located in Donggala, Central Sulawesi on 16th April. We won’t stay away and let our enemy play around with their party of democracy. We directly sent our anger and transformed it into fire. We are not abstaining in this war. We attack.

We are not those anarchists who went to voting spots and painted slogans and chants on the ballot boxes. We won’t smear our values by letting our finger be painted with purple ink, a sign used by the authorities to identify who voted and those who did not. We won’t let one single inch in our body be polluted by our enemy. On the contrary, we attacked them without compromise.

On another chance, we sabotaged two cars (28th April) which were planned to transfer the ballots from South East Minahasa district to the capital city of province, Manado. We hit them not only to cause delay, but for our further action, which we cancelled because of an intervention by some “good citizens”. Next time, we will hit those who prevent us from our actions. With violence, of course.

Abstaining by not giving our voices is not enough for us. We want to bring this confrontation to be more wild than mere words or posters. We want to speak through fire, as we mentioned in one of our communiques before. But we don’t invite anyone to join us. We are not interested to have new members. We are not a party nor an anarchist collective. We are an armed group of the tendency of violence. To attack, and not to open a dialogue with our enemies.

Solidarity and Fire

During our campaign, we targeted some important spots which were never targeted before. We are expanding our targets by adding some more variety to them. On 19th April, for example, we burnt down the branch of the national electric office in Madiun, East Java. This action is part of our campaign to hit the vital spots of the enemy. By causing as much damage as we can. Causing terror as wide as we can. We set the fire early morning 3.00am, and let the flames do the rest. Awakening people in the morning with fire is our way to show our sarcasm to the workers who need to get up in the early morning for eight hours of slavery.

We chose this target as our way to send a message to Adriano Antonacci and Gianluca Iacovacci. Both are Italian comrades arrested and accused for several actions claimed by Anti-Civilization Subversive Individualities FAI/IRF. And our fire is specifically dedicated to two of them, to share our thoughts and dreams, our values and solidarity and to let both of them know that they are in our hearts. We will never forget comrades who are captured by the enemy.
And revenge is the only way to reply to this repression.

We continued our campaign by putting a similar incendiary device in the national electric company located in Semarang, Central Java, in early morning 23rd April, which failed to ignite. In fact, we swarmed over the security guard that came by when we were sneaking into the office. He is lucky we decided to let him down and not put an end to his life.

It’s not a mercy from us, but merely a warning that we are not playground kids who are playing around with fire. If one steps before our path, we won’t regret to help you to meet your end. All snoopers or wannabe good-citizens are part of the enemy for us. And please take it serious and do not say that we never warned you beforehand.

In the early part of this month, we continued our campaign by attacking another three power plants in three different places. One in Ternate (5th May), North Maluku and another two in Ambon (8th May), Maluku. We would like the enemy to know that all the regions are not safe and we will attack more and more next time.

All these actions are dedicated to our beloved comrades, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis – Spyros Mandylas, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Monica Caballero, Fransisco Solar, Tamara Sol Vergara, Fredy Fuentevilla – Marcelo Villarroel – Juan Aliste Vega, Hans Niemeyer, Alvonso Alvial – Hermez Gonzales, Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai, Giannis Mihailidis, Grigoris Sarafoudis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Alexandros Mitrousias, Dimitris Politis, Fivos Harisis, Tasos Theofilou, Argiris Dalios, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Babis Tsilianidis, Giannis Naxakis, Nikos Romanos.

And to remember our brother, Sebastian O. Seguel, who fell in the battle against the enemy in Chile. These acts of revenge are for you, brother.

Through these actions, we want to re-call our comrades of FAI-IRF to once again strike and re-launch the Phoenix Project. This time, harder than before. We want to call all active cells of FAI/IRF to once again go to reinforce the war, this time until the end.

Violence of war against the existent
Down with Society
Fire to the enemies

International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR)
Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
International Revolutionary Front (IRF)

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Posted in Direct Action

Update on the “Phoenix” Project trial (Greece)

Thursday, May 8th, 2014

via InterArma:

The trial for the case of “Phoenix” Project has been set for the 4th of June, 2014 and it will take place in the special courtroom, in the female section of Korydallos prison.

The charges are linked with three acts of the “Phoenix” Project (acts 1,3,4)

The defendants are:

1) Comrade Andreas Tsavdaridis, member of FAI/IRF

2) Anarchist Spyros Mandylas

3) All the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

The comrades’ accusations are:

1) Andreas Tsavdaridis:

I) Being a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

II) Attempted homicide against the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos

III) Attempted explosion (for the parcel-bomb sent to the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos)

IV) Possession of explosives (for the parcel-bomb sent to the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos)

2) Spyros Mandylas:

V) Being a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

VI) Attempted homicide against the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos

VII) Attempted explosion (for the parcel-bomb sent to the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos)

VIII) Possession of explosives (for the parcel-bomb sent to the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos)

3) Conspiracy of Cells of Fire:

I) Instigation to the attempted homicide against the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos

II) Instigation to the attempted explosion (for the parcel-bomb sent to the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos)

III) Instigation to the possession of explosives (for the parcel-bomb sent to the former chief of anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoulos)

IV) Instigation to an explosive attack (the car owned by the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi)

V) Instigation to the possession of explosives (the car of the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi)

VI) Instigation to an explosive attack (the car owned by prison guard of Nafplio prison, Argyris Gelbouras, in Argos)

VII) Instigation to the possession of explosives (the car owned by prison guard of Nafplio prison, Argyris Gelbouras, in Argos)

VIII) Instigation to severe damages (the car of the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi and the car owned by prison guard of Nafplio prison, Argyris Gelbouras, in Argos)


“Phoenix” Project, started on the 7th of June 2013 and it is a call made from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the Gangs of Conscience FAI/IRF, “Sole-Baleno” Cell, whose target is “the rebirth and the dynamic comeback of urban guerrilla”. A project, that would create the terms of the rise of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from the ashes, left behind by police oppression.

11 Project acts have taken place so far:

1) Greece (Athens):

7th of June 2013. The car owned by the director of Korydallos prison, Maria Stefi, was blown up by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire-FAI/IRF and the Gangs of Conscience-FAI/IRF, “Sole-Baleno” Cell.

2) Greece (Athens):

12th of June 2013. The car owned by the prison guard of Nafplio prison, Argyris Gelbouras, was blown up by the International Conspiracy of Revenge.

3) Indonesia (Jakarta):

26th of June 2013. The third floor of Sheraton hotel was torched by the Anger Unit-International Conspiracy of Revenge.

4) Greece (Thessaloniki):

3rd of July 2013. A parcel bomb was sent to the former chief of the anti-terrorism agency, Dimitris Chorianopoylos by “Mauricio Morales” Cell-FAI/IRF.

5) Indonesia (Balikpapan):

24th of August 2013. A police academy was burned to the ground by “Freedom to Mandylas and Tsavdaridis” Cell, International Conspiracy of Revenge-FAI/IRF.

6) Greece (Athens):

1st September 2013. A parcel-bomb was sent to the special prosecutor Dimitris Mokkas by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire-“Ryo” Cell.

7) Russia (Bryansk):

2nd of October 2013. A sawmill in a hunting resort was torched by ELF/FAI-“Nestor Makhno” Commando.

8 ) Chile (Santiago):

16th of November 2013. A Letter-bomb was sent to the 98th Electoral Council of La Reina community by the “Long live Ilya Romanov” Cell, in affinity with the Black International.

9) Mexico (Toluca):

I) 18th of November 2013. An incendiary device was placed outside a church and a bank in San Sebastian area.

II) 21st of December 2013. An incendiary-explosive device was placed outside a bank near the airport by the Anti-Civilization Faction of the Earth Liberation Front, in affinity with the Informal Anarchist Federation (FA/FLT/FAI).

10) Indonesia (Malang):

9th of January 2014. An ATM was blown up by the “Sebastian O. Seguel” Cell, International Conspiracy of Revenge, FAI.

11) Germany (Berlin):

I) 8th of April 2014. A vehicle owned by the municipal regulatory authority and a vehicle owned by a security company were torched.

II) 24th of April. An embassy vehicle owned by a Greek diplomat was torched by Autonomous Cell “Christos Kassimis.






Translated by Inter Arma

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Posted in Social Control

3 new brochures about FAI/IRF/CCF translated into Czech by Cerná internacionála group

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

Hello, we have translated to Czech and brought together some texts about insurrectionary anarchism (the whole brochure of ‘A Conversation between Anarchists’, communiqués and texts about the Roberto Adinolfi case and finally some important texts about FAI).

You can download it from here:

(versions for printing)

We would be pleased, if you add them to your distro and help us with distribution. Thanks a lot.

Long live anarchy!
Cerná internacionála group

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Buenos Aires: Friends of the Earth / FAI claim the bombing of the Mutual de Gendarmería and arson of two cars (Argentina)

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

Trying to be at our best and to continue maintaining the dignity deserved by human lives that rebel against the authority that provokes all kinds of oppression over the face of the earth in which we live, we again go on the offensive in the war declared by the lovers of freedom and their enemies.

We remember that in the prisons of the territory dominated by the Argentine State the prisoners who are there continue to be murdered and tortured. And in the streets the misery goes on increasing, the alienation of work and consumption obscures the consciences of the people who constantly go around tensioned by the contradictions of a system that is proclaimed consolidated by a government that speculates with the economic sciences, trying to hide their tyrannical condition at all costs.

Sit down, victims, because nothing you have yet suffered compares with the humiliation that all of us feel, we who are threatened with the death and radical confinement which nourishes the theory of those who have the power and will to profit off of the authoritarian methods and practices of civilized society.

Our proposal is the direct attack on those responsible for the misery of this reality, now the prison guards are in the sights of all the insurgent compañerxs — or is it necessary to keep saying what points we have in common? Actions say much more than words, but it is also necessary sometimes to mention what the media constantly try to hide.

The cars that we burned at 3000 Amenabar street were parked right outside one of the properties of Sergio Berni (secretary of the Ministry of Security), under 24 hour surveillance by the Federal Police.

The little bomb we set off in the Prison Guards’ Mutual (Argentine Borders Building), located at 2264 Bartolome Mitre street, on Thursday September 19, 2013 at 1:40 am, unfortunately only caused material damages; we would have liked to find out that a servant of law and order had at least been injured.

We salute the compañerxs of the Conspiracy for Revenge and all those who, without lots of questioning, go on the offensive against authority all across the world.

Long Live Anarchy!

Friends of the Earth
Informal Anarchist Federation

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Dark Nights #37 – 'Letter of anarchist Andreas Tsavdaridis' & 'Letter by ICR-FAI/FRI Indonesia' – Sept 2013 (ACN)

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

Dark Nights is an international anarchist & anti-prison publication of resistance reports and repression news ready to print out and distribute on the fly.

Dark Nights #37

1. Athens, Greece: Letter of anarchist Andreas Tsavdaridis from Koridallos prison.
2. Letter by International Conspiracy of Revenge Indonesian sector Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front.
3. Barcelona, Catalonia: Basic contributions to the discussion about actions and revolutionary struggle.
4. Castelli Romani, Italy: Communiqué on the arrest of comrades Adriano and Gianluca.
5. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Communiqué for the attack on the Academy of Justice.
6. ABC Bristol, UK: Thoughts on the Anarchist Witch Hunt Following Attacks in Bristol.
7. Direct Action Reports.


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Open letter by International Conspiracy for Revenge – Indonesia FAI/IRF

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Finally, we had an opportunity to write a letter in a ‘detailed way’ from our own point of view in our group. From beyond the geographical borders, -although it’s never been a limitation for our meetings in ideas and actions-, it is one of the basic problems that prevent our physical meeting,. Through this letter, we want to offer some of our analysis regarding the situation around us (as individuals and as a group), and also our own analysis related to the recent situation of FAI/IRF, since we are part of it. The letter is our critique and contribution for international anarchists of praxis around the globe.

The letter itself is the result of our discussion. But one must be aware from the beginning that we are an association of individualists, although we use one name in order of anonymity. In some part of this letter, the view represented the joint agreement among individuals in our group. But we never want to abolish the individual’s judgment. That is why below, you will find some parts where we mention about individual analysis or individual gesture.

thus democracy – the mother of socialism – is the daughter of religions*
Renzo Novatore,
(Toward the Creative Nothing)

Since June of this year, we noted that in Indonesia there were at least 4 cases of political shooting against police officers. In our brief analysis, these actions are done by Moslem armed groups. Fundamentalist groups who exist since several years ago. Some individuals said that they started to appear in early 2000 and run until now. Their type of actions most easily recognized by the targets. For example, the bombings of churches and ‘capitalist symbols’ such as hotels or cafés where many foreigners (western or easily-said-to-be white skins) hangout. The most famous actions of this group are the Bali bomb part 1 (12 October 2002), the bomb against JW Marriot hotels (5 August 2003), the bomb action against the Australian embassy in 2004 and three bomb actions known as Bali Bom part 2 (1 October 2005). We highlight one thing, that now the group moved to another tactic. Rather than to send any suicide bombers like before, now they are targeting the pigs (police).

Why are they targeting the police? Because for them, the police are the most repressive tools of the State. Police institutions and all the police officers are the ones who must take responsibility for all of the ‘counter-insurgency’ from the State against this Moslem group and all of its members in the last ten years. The Indonesian special unit against terrorism is well known as Densus 88, who are the number one enemy for this Moslem group. The pigs in Densus 88, specifically carry a purpose to smash down this Moslem group and all terrorist activities around and in Indonesia. In the last five years we noted that the pigs of Densus 88 held several raid operations against the Moslem group where some of the members were killed in gunfire battle with the pigs and a big number of the members arrested. At least more than 30 members of this group now face different charges in trial for their actions. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Jakarta: Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF burn down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, 'The Media Hotel and Tower' (Indonesia)

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

“Brothers in chains, comrades in suffering, the battle is at hand. Soon we will launch our attack, intoxicated with vengeance; the enemy will flee, because the Federation of Sorrow is terrible.” Bruno Filippi

Our action (if it can) can be named PHOENIX PROJECT-PART 3. This is our collective decision to respond to the call from our Greek comrades – (1), (2).

Tonight (June 26) we moved out and brought the fire and burned down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, ‘The Media Hotel and Tower’, in Sahari Mountain Street, Jakarta. Our fire is to respond to the call from our brothers in Greece in the Phoenix project and as a gesture of solidarity to K. Sakkas, anarchist in hunger strike action to reach his freedom. We put the incendiary with timer in one of the trash cans in the karaoke room (which is located on the third floor) and let the fire speak for us.

Bring far our revolutionary greetings to the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Imprisoned Members Cell, to the 4 anarchists who were arrested in Kozani –we never forget you, for Cospito and Gai, to Carla, Ivan, Juan, Marcelo and Freddy, and to Henry and always to the anarchists prisoners in Greece and Italy, and to other cells of FAIIRF around the world.

We will never say that we are just a few, but we will let the fire speak on our behalf.

Let’s make the Phoenix project as an international project for revenge!


News media link:


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Communique: International Conspiracy for Revenge / FAI take responsibility for blowing up the vehicle of Argiris Gelbouras, Navplio prison screw (Greece)

Saturday, June 22nd, 2013


The Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)International Conspiracy for Revenge claims the responsibility for the placing of an explosive mechanism and the blowing up of the car of known people-guard Argiris Gelbouras who serves at Navplio prisons. This attack is a part of the “Phoenix Project” which began with the blowing up of the car of the director of Koridallos prisons by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

The choice to strike this specific prison guard was not accidental. Argiris Gelbouras (a.k.a. Rex) is for years now a faithful watchdog of authority. He is one of those in charge of the dozens of beatings of prisoners in the prisons and is at the same time a good friend of the plain clothes cops of Navplio police station. Often he uses prisoners-lackeys of his in order to frighten or hit other prisoners who demand their obvious “rights” or simply do not belong in his circuit of influence inside the prisons. Argiris Gelbouras is a bully in a uniform. If some screws insist on having ‘relevant behaviours’ and take out their complexities and frustrations on the prisoners, we will visit them with worse intentions. Nothing will remain unanswered. The enemies of freedom have names and addresses.

Simultaneously with this attack, we wanted to break the veil of silence which covers up the tortures and the wretched living conditions of the prisoners in Navplio prisons (and not only). Navplio prisons are a cement grave where about 600 prisoners have been “buried” (at the same time when the “specifications” of the building are for 300). In the cells which fit 2-3 people, there are 6-7 prisoners, half of which sleep on the floor.

A few months ago on 4/3 a young prisoner in Navplio was let to die because of the homicidal negligence of some correctional employees. The specific prisoner suffered from tuberculosis and for days was complaining that he is in pain and did not feel well. The answer of the service and the prison doctor was the same which mockingly echoes in all prisons in Greece: “Take some paracetamol (if there is any) and be patient”. “Paracetamol” cures everything in prison… even tuberculosis. That day, the 26 year old died of cardiac arrest when transferred to the hospital too late. On Tuesday 5/3 the prisoners of wings 1 and 3 revolted because of his death and did not go into their cells. The answer of those in charge at the Ministry of Justice and Navplio prisons was as simple as the paracetamol, only now it’s called MAT (riotcops). So two units of the dogs raided the prison and the prisoners returned to their cells. Order and security triumphed in Navplio prisons. After that, for about a month and a half the prison guards of the gated cement bordelo of Navplio repeatedly beat the prisoners in revenge for the revolt and to remind those who disputed it even a bit, of who is boss. Society can calmly continue its eternal sleep. All its ugliness is well hidden away in the prisons of democracy, there where revenge is called justice and punishment correction.

In prison most prisoners become guinea pigs to the sadistic moods of every sergeant or employee. It is not only overpopulation, terrible food, lack of medical staff, but also the daily punishments of the service which roam around like axes over the heads of the prisoners. Because a prisoner in prison does not only have to do the sentence imposed by the scarecrows of justice, but often do double time because of the disciplinary punishments imposed by the self appointed little tyrants who wear a suit or tie and are called guards, sergeants, directors and prosecutors of prisons.

Disciplinary actions, isolation, beatings, humiliating searches, sudden transfers – kidnappings consist a part of the kidnapped daily life of the prisoners. But the authority of the little tyrants does not stop there. It poisons even the little daily moments of those captive. In each prison depending on the sadism of each sergeant or director the prohibitions are on the daily list. Each prohibition is accompanied always by the same answer: “Impossible because of security reasons”. Fans for the summer, heaters for the winter, hobs and utensils, weights for working out, mattresses to sleep on… “Impossible because of security reasons”.

The refusals and irrationality continues even for what the prisoners buy from the grocer. In some prisons you get some foods that in other prisons are forbidden. Of course, there are not many times where the irrationality meets the lure of economic interests. The economic agreements and supplies under the table between the suppliers and the prison directors or sergeants are known in the prison world. All this is known in the palaces of the Ministry of Justice of sensitive leftist clown A.Roupakiotis. Besides, it’s not long since his secretary Kanelopoulos pocketed many millions of euros from V.Milionis and the rest of the ENERGIA clique who took 560 million euro from the society of the self-enslaved, bribed prosecutors and juridical circles in order to be released from prison, at the same moment that thousands of poor-devils are piled up in the prisons. Of course, no one speaks up and everyone bows the head yet again. But no sheep ever saved itself with bleating. This is why we choose the path of the lone wolf. We have no illusions about peaceful changes and fair solutions from authority. Even if democracy created a “golden” prison with equal rights for the prisoners, with hot water, clean mattresses and larger yards, it would always remain a prison, a place of captivity. We are not looking therefore for better solutions, but for all those ways that we can tear down the prisons, with dynamite, with TNT, with guns, with bulldozers…

Simultaneously most prisoners must tear down the prison they have in their heads. The ethics of prison, the mentality of the incarcerated hyena which devours the weak, the pseudo-nationalisms of every kind, the humiliating dependency on drugs, the authority of the leaders and the enslaving of the subjects… This is the only way that the walls will collapse and the bars will bend.

On the other side of the walls, we the “free besieged” choose for ourselves the choice of weapons and dynamite against the prison guards of our lives, the bosses and their directors, the priests and their followers, the cops and their Golden-Dawners, the journalists and their viewers, the politicians and their voters.

The new anarchist urban guerrilla is not a means of struggle, it is our existence itself. All the rest which does not promote the continuous anarchist insurrection is ideological cowardice.

FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation) in cooperation with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire aims to create a diffuse network of direct action cell in the Greek territory which will strike where the enemy does not expect it. Small autonomous flexible armed cells watch, collect info, sometimes cooperate sometimes not and choose the moment of sudden attack. Only in the attack is there life. We are anarchists of action, chaotic, nihilist, egoists, godless, we are the carriers of the black flags of anarcho-nihilism.

For the diffusion of FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation) and IRF (International Revolutionary Front).

Now and always
Insurrection, Attack, Revenge
SOLIDARITY and STRENGTH to the unrepentant outlaws and the guerrillas of the CCF

Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) – International Conspiracy for Revenge

Translated by boubourAs and originally posted on the net by actforfree.

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Posted in Direct Action

Argos: Explosion destroys the personal car of a prison guard – ICR / FAI take responsibility as part of Phoenix Project (Greece)

Friday, June 21st, 2013

As the second part of the Phoenix Project, an explosion destroyed the personal car of a hated prison guard in Argos, Greece. The International Conspiracy for Revenge / FAI have taken responsibility for the direct action as part of their incendiary campaign of revolutionary solidarity. Despite the moves of the repressive authoritarian forces, the new anarchist urban guerrilla develops and conducts new operations, constructing and evolving the black international. Long live anarchy. Destroy all prisons.

The full claim in Greek language is here.

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Posted in Direct Action

Letter from imprisoned member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Panagiotis Argirou (Greece)

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

As has been known, in the first days of January 2013, I suffered a serious head injury after an accident. What followed were two successive head surgeries and a three-month stay in various hospitals. Of course, for some time now, I have escaped danger and I’m on the mend, awaiting a final restoration surgery on the skull. Now I am back among my comrades and my brothers and sister of the CCF, which in itself makes me feel better.

I gradually get some insight into the interest expressed during my hospitalization, and I feel the need to thank all those who stood by me in various different ways, from donating blood (which was much needed), to fundraising for covering medical expenses.

I have a special place in my heart, however, for the comrades of the International Conspiracy for Revenge-FAI/IRF who burned a private vehicle in Indonesia, and for the compas of the Insurrectionary Anti-authoritarian Cell-FAI/FRI who targeted with incendiary devices the building of Chile’s national association of penitentiary functionaries and previously attacked facilities belonging to the Chilean Gendarmerie, because of the great honour they have done me by giving my name in the direct action cells that claimed responsibility for these anarchist attacks against domination. Brothers and sisters, you should know you’re in my thoughts and that these actions have moved me deeply. May the fire of Insurgence and Anarchy always keep your hearts warm, and your hands armed against the enemies of freedom.

Finally, I would like to thank all those direct action groups in Greece and abroad who were interested in my condition and wished me a good recovery.

I am happy to see that all this time the project of FAI/IRF remains dynamic and active. I’d like to hope that, in the future, its intensity will grow enormously, and its diffusion will cause fear among the rulers globally.


Panagiotis Argirou
Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

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Posted in Prison Struggle