Posts Tagged ‘Ignacio Munoz Delgado’

Dark Nights #42 : ‘In Cold Blood’, 'The Fleas and the Jackal' – August 2015 (ACN)

Thursday, August 13th, 2015

PDF: Dark Nights #42

1. ‘In Cold Blood’ by CCF/FAI-IRF.
2. ‘The Fleas and the Jackal’ by L.
3. International Solidarity Week for Imprisoned Anarchists – August 23-30 2015.
4. Direct Action Chronology.
5. Letter from anarchic nihilist comrade Sergio Alvarez.
6. Letter from Anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza.
7. Vatan Budak, wounded in Suruç bombing died.
8. Anarchist Ignacio Munoz Delgado detained for carrying an explosive device.
9. Update about imprisoned comrades Javier Pino and Natalia Collado.
10. Solidarity with Evi Statiri, Athena Tsakalos and Nikos Romanos.

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