Posts Tagged ‘Georges Ibrahim Abdallah’

Demonstration zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen in Berlin – Demo for political prisoners (Germany)

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Freitag, 18. März 2016 um 18 uhr
S-Bhf Sonnenallee

Join us for March 18 – Day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners! Resist and fight against the justice system of the bourgeoisie and the imperialist oppression!

Freedom for all political prisoners….

The internationally-operating Rote Hilfe (‘Red Help’) – until present the most meaningful and largest solidarity organisation for workers’ and peoples’ movements – was officially founded not for nothing by the Communist Internationale on March 18, 1923. It was the anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871 – the first attempt of the working class to take over the power and carry it with the goal of reorganizing the society. France’s and Germany’s ruling classes united to drown in blood this struggle of the oppressed. 30,000 men and women, workers, fighters and revolutionaries were hanged, 363,000 appeared before court. To commemorate this massacre and honour the fallen, this day has been known up until now as the international day of action for the liberation of all political prisoners.

Even today it remains in the nature of things for the universal imperialist system of exploitation to produce copious amounts of hardship, poverty and war, calling forth the exploited and the oppressed to commit to a most decided resistance. To assure their continuous rule and profits, the bourgeois countries, their armed institutions and their justice system resort to various forms of political repression: intimidation, spying, news-baiting, monetary fines, tightened laws, bans, trials, imprisonment, isolation, counter-revolutionary violence, torture, planned disappearances, murder and terror are in the program of the so fully ‘democratic’ dictatorships of the bourgeoisie in the imperialist capitalist system. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Demonstration in Lannemezan on 24 October 2015 for the liberation of Georges Abdallah (France)

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a 64 year-old Lebanese communist, was arrested in Lyon (France) on 24 October 1984 and sentenced to life imprisonment for actions for which the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions (LARF) claimed responsibility.

In 1978 he fought with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to push back the Israeli invasion of the Lebanon.

He was due for release in 1999, and keeping him in jail responds to a political decision on the part of the French State, with the backing of Israel and the United States. The latest request for parole for Georges Ibrahim Abdallah filed in 2014 was once again turned down. But we will not be deterred by this decision; it will only make us all the more determined! We will not be silenced by this decision; we will make our voice heard! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Liberation immediate de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah – Textes de Dimitris Koufontinas et Nikos Maziotis (France, Greece)

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

– G.I. Abdallah : Nouveau refus de libération


(Coin des rues Vas. Sofias et Akadimias)

Le communiste révolutionnaire Georges Ibrahim Abdallah est dans son 31er année d’enfermement dans les prisons françaises. Toutes les demandes de libération conditionnelle qu’il a faites jusqu’ici ont été rejetées par les tribunaux sous des prétextes divers, après des interventions continues du State Department américain et du lobby sioniste aux gouvernements français. L’Etat français, en rôle de protectorat, met en œuvre un système d’exclusion contre un militant qui est libérable depuis 1999.

Le 5 Novembre 2014, le tribunal d’ application des peines de Paris a rejeté la neuvième demande de libération que Georges Ibrahim Abdallah avait soumis en Mars 2014.

La demande d’Abdallah était considérée «irrecevable» sous le prétexte que précédemment il n’a pas fait l’objet d’un arrêté d’expulsion. Cette parodie de justice, confirme encore une fois le régime d’exception applicable à Georges Abdallah pour plus de 31 ans. Il est confirmé que le maintien en détention de Georges Abdallah est une décision politique du gouvernement français. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Aktuelle Situation von George Ibrahim Abdallah (Frankreich)

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Georges Abdallah: Nein, meine Herren, Ihr Gericht ist alles andere als unpolitisch (1)
13. November 2014

Am 5.November hat eine Instanz der französischen Justiz den Antrag von Georges Abdallah auf Freilassung für unzulässig erklärt.

Georges Abdallah ist seit über 30 Jahren in Frankreich im Knast. 1984 wurde der arabische Revolutionär in Lyon verhaftet und seitdem ist er in den Händen französischer Kerkermeister. Über 30 Jahre Knast und seine Anträge auf Freilassung auf juristischem Weg sind unzulässig! (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Appello per una mobilitazione in solidarietà con Georges Abdallah (France)

Sunday, October 5th, 2014

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, militante comunista libanese, 63 anni, arrestato nel 1984 a Lione, è stato condannato all’ergastolo per azioni rivendicate dalle Frazioni Armate Rivoluzionarie Libanesi (FARL).

Il 24 ottobre 2014 inizierà il suo 31° anno di prigione.

Nel 1978, Georges ha fatto parte della Resistenza in Libano all’invasione da parte d’Israele. Ha combattuto a fianco del Fronte Popolare per la liberazione della Palestina. Poteva già essere liberato nel 1999. La prosecuzione della sua detenzione è una scelta politica dello stato francese, appoggiata da Israele e dagli USA. A tale proposito, la DST (Direzione di controllo del territorio, ora DGSI-Direzione generale per la sicurezza interna, ndt.) nel 2007 ha dichiarato: “Georges Abdallah è una personalità emblematica della lotta anti-sionista, senza dubbio la sua liberazione costituirebbe per il Libano un evento. Probabilmente sarà accolto da eroe al suo ritorno nel Paese, ma anche da diversi movimenti impegnati nella lotta rivoluzionaria”. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #36 – 'Freedom to the Wolves of the North' – August 2013 (ACN)

Sunday, August 11th, 2013

Dark Nights #36 – ‘Freedom to the Wolves of the North’

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August 2013 issue of Dark Nights dedicated to a long hot dangerous summer. International news and reports from the informal network of counter-information and translation. Front page covers the repression in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, against comrades from the Nadir squat after the attacks of the Phoenix Project by cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front. Front page sidepanel is the contribution of Actforfreedomnow!/BoubourAs to the gathering concerning the informal network of counter-info and translation which took place at Nadir itself previous to the repression.

Inside from then on you’ll find a concentration on the case of the Nadir 2, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis, the claim for the letter bomb against Dimitris Horianopoulos, scumbag ex-commander of the anti-terrorism unit which carried out the operation against the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, for which the Nadir 2 were arrested for, plus other assorted news and reports from anarchist comrades on the ground in the struggle. We’re really happy to print a letter from Claudio Lavazza, anarchist comrade imprisoned in the Spanish State, on initiatives of resistance in the prisons there. As well you’ll find a statement from the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about their court charges of responsibility for 250 attacks, and also you’ll find letters from rebel prisoners in Chile, including Marcelo Villarroel and Juan Aliste of the ‘Security case’ and coming from Switzerland, a letter of hungerstrike resistance from Marco Camenisch and Andrea Stauffacher in solidarity with Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, of the Lebanese Revolutionary Armed Fraction, arrested in Lyon, France in 1984.

This is dedicated to all the prisoners of the struggle who don’t have the ability to be free with their loved ones during the ‘holiday’ time, against the false-culture and the prison-society… From Chile, to Indonesia and beyond….

Long live the Black International


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