Posts Tagged ‘Genoa’

Genoa: Telecommunications repeater sabotaged (Italy)

Monday, February 20th, 2017

Ericsson repeater sabotaged in Genoa in solidarity with Greece’s prisoners Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou and the prisoners of operation Scripta Manent. Against the State. Against technology. Against armchair anarchists.

Source: CNA | In Greek

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Posted in Direct Action

Genoa: Sabotage against Italsite Spa in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Italy)

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015


The present society is without doubt best described as a technocratic system where global science operates unrestrained and the products they put on the market dominate and govern life.

The multinational companies maintain their dominion over the planet via the States and their international institutions (UN, EU, IMF, ECB).

The hyper-technological society is the perfect accompaniment to meet two primary requirements of Power: profit and social control.

Thanks to the modern deities of science and technology, profit knows no limits with endless military contracts and an incredible amount of useless products continuously marketed.

Social control of life is now becoming more and more widespread as it evolves from simple surveillance cameras to the use of nanotechnology.

The people, already deprived of their autonomy and their own free wll are indoctrinated into this fabulous world of science via a partial and fictitious access to technology.

With the chimera of improving the quality of life the only real effects are unbridled production, the atrophying of people’s minds and abilities, the cancellation of genuine emotions and finally life itself.

Meanwhile what remains of nature is devastated to build mega-projects to ensure the speedier travel of goods and faster access to information.

Meanwhile the general indifference continues as television transmits images of people massacred and starved to exploit the resources required to increase the production of consumer goods.

For once we decided to evade control and threaten the profits of the technocratic society.

We set fire to the power cables for a repeater owned by Italsite Spa, a company that specializes in the telecommunications sector in Italy and Europe.



(via contra info, translated into English by Insurrection News)

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Posted in Direct Action

Alberto Funaro, convicted of rioting against the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa, was released from prison! (Italy)

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Alberto Funaro was released on probation, after two and a half years in prison for the events in Genoa in 2001, for which 10 people were convicted of devastation and looting by Italian courts.

Marina Cugnaschi and Francesco Puglisi, sentenced in the same case, remain imprisoned.

Vincenzo Vecchi, also convicted in the ‘Genoa 10’ trial, is still free / at large.

– ContraInfo

Write the comrades:

Francesco Puglisi
CC di Roma Rebibbia
Via Raffaele Majetti 70
00156 Roma
(Braccio G9/2° Piano)

Marina Cugnaschi
CC Bollate
Via Cristina Belgioioso 120
20021 Milano

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #38 : ‘Letters of Nicola Gai & Alfredo Cospito’ – Nov 2013 (ACN)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Another issue of the international anti-prisons anarchist newsletter. Download and distribute as you like…

Dark Nights #38


1. Genoa, Italy – Court declaration of anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai at the trial for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi.
2. ‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas.
3. CCF trial updates.
4. Italy: Communiqué of counter-information group Culmine, target of ‘Operation Ardire’.
5. Italy: Comrade Gianluca Iacovacci transferred to the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria.
6. Italy: Comrade Francesco Carrieri imprisoned in Savona.
7. Switzerland: Update on anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch.
8. Mexico: Eco-anarchist and vegan straight-edge prisoner Braulio Duran is free.
9. UK: New zine ‘On the Out’ by Bristol ABC.
10. Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos.
11. Greece: Text by the detained anarchist comrades of the Nea Filadelphia case in Athens.
12. Greece: Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo, Kozani about their trail on 29 November.
13. Greece: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas.
14. Greece: About the case of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou.
15. Direct Action News.


Anti-Copyright Network 2013

International Network of Counter-information and Translation

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Posted in Library

Fresh investigation warrant for subversive association – Anna Beniamino (Italy)

Friday, March 8th, 2013

This morning I received the visit of four ugly faces of Genoa ROS [Special Operations Group] and Digos [the political police] and was delivered an investigation warrant for 270bis (participation in a subversive association aiming at committing acts of violence against people, such as Roberto Adinolfi, and institutions, and with purposes of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order) along with the charge of carrying firearms in a public space (an offence confirmed in January 2013). (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Reawakened investigation to revenge the lack of evidence against hungerstriker Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

From RadioAzione:

I received this piece of writing with an update on the situation of comrade Alfredo Cospito, who’s been on hunger strike since January 29 along with another comrade, Sergio Maria Stefani. Yet another search and another investigation against Alfredo. Obviously someone is very pissed off because their “very reliable” evidence is crumbling in the face of the tests carried out during the investigation. Obviously someone wants to strike while the iron is still hot for them… but be aware because some sparks could reach your eyes and the hot iron could burn you and prevent you from sleeping soundly and safely. Unconditional solidarity and complicity with Alfredo and all the other comrades.


This is the text I received:


February 19. From Alfredo Cospito’s solicitor we learn that this morning the ROS of Genoa delivered an investigation warrant to Alfredo Cospito, concerning an attack on the RIS [Technical Investigation Unit], carried out in Parma in… 2005. The comrade’s cell was raided in search of traces of the comrade’s DNA, after he had refused to give it spontaneously. We want to point out how this provocation by cops is being unleashed when Alfredo is at his 22nd day of hunger strike and a few weeks after tests on the motorcycle helmets were made precisely by the RIS of Parma investigating the wounding of the manager of Ansaldo Nucleare, tests which were negative in spite of the triumphant tones of the mass media at the time of the comrades’ arrest.

Having been humiliated, RIS, ROS, etc are having another try… Unconditional solidarity with Alfredo and all the comrades hit by repression.

PS. So far we’ve got no news of other comrades being searched or investigated. Updates will follow.

nidieunimaitres { at } gmail.com

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call for an international mobilization in solidarity with the convicted rioters of Genoa 2001 (Italy)

Monday, June 11th, 2012

From informa-azione.info:

On 13th July the last grade of judgment against 10 comrades, convicted for having participated in the clashes occurred in Genoa in 2001 on the occasion of the G8 summit, will be held.

The comrades were given heavy sentences, ranging from 10 to 15 years, by the Court of Genoa and now their imprisonment may become executive.

Ten people are being used as scapegoat: through them, the State wants to attack the hundreds of thousands of people who took to the streets in those days, and particularly those who contributed to unleash the revolt against the arrogance of the Powerful. We won’t accept the reprisal of the State; condemning these comrades means to attack the whole movement. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Stunning Like Marrasi in Flames (Italy)

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

This video clip is taken from ‘Detour’, an Italian-made film about the severe disturbances in Genoa, Italy, during the 2001 anti-G8 summit. The summit was marked by extreme pre-planned police brutality with a large number of detainees who were systematically abused and beaten. Some prisoners were made to grovel on the floor like dogs whilst guards simulated sex with them, some made to sing fascist songs and salute pictures of Mussolini. During the riots the Black Bloc attacked the administrative offices of Marrasi prison, attempting to burn down the section of the prison guards.

The overlaid narrative actually describes the liberation of Newgate prison, London, during the ‘Gordon Riots’ of 1780. The riots were the largest municipal insurrection in the 18th Century, in a time that saw several others across the world. It was “a motley crew, and of every colour”, The insurgent masses were working class, multi-racial, and fought for liberty against the slavery and confinement enforced by the rich. The insurrection had the aristocrats besieged and houses destroyed, the bosses and upper-classes armed themselves with military encampments and checkpoints. Parliament and the Bank of England was attacked. Newgate, the largest and most terrible dungeon, was liberated amid such fire and destruction that one spectator felt “as if not only the whole metropolis was burning, but all nations yielding to the final consummation of things.”

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