Posts Tagged ‘Francisco Solar’

Free at Last! Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar onto the Streets! (Chile)

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

SANTIAGO – Chilean Anarchists, Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrived this morning at Santiago’s International Airport, after having been expulsed from Spanish custody and deported back to their home country.

Monica and Francisco had been charged under Spanish Anti-terrorism legislation for the alleged bombing of the Basilica del Pilar Church in Zaragoza, on Oct 2nd, 2013, and were arrested a month after the incident. Spanish prosecution initially sought a 44 year sentence for the accused, but instead received a 12 year sentence in 2014. The Defense took Monica and Francisco’s case to the Spanish Supreme Court, where the sentence was further reduced to 4 and a half years this past December, having dropped one of the initial charges. (more…)

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Anarchist prisoners Mónica Caballero & Francisco Solar to be expelled from Spain and released in Chile soon

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

According to corporate media in Spain and Chile, the Audiencia Nacional (National Court) of Spain decided on January 30 to commute the rest of Mónica and Francisco‘s sentence to expulsion. The lawyers of the comrades are thought to have requested for article 89 of the Spanish Penal Code to be invoked which allows for foreign citizens serving more than one year’s imprisonment to have their sentence replaced with expulsion from the Spanish state. The comrades had their original sentence of 12 years reduced on appeal to 4 years and 6 months last December which means they have now served more than a third of their sentence.

It is expected that following police bureaucratic processes that the comrades will be flown by Spanish police to Chile where they will be handed over to Chilean police and then released back onto the street.

More news as it becomes available.

via insurrectionnews

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Supreme Court reduces the sentences of anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

On December 16, the Supreme Court reduced the sentences of comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, accused of placing a bomb in the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragoza in October 2013, repealing the initial sentence of 12 years that was dictated by the National Court to 4 years and 6 months.

This decision was made after partially received an appeal by the defense for the comrade Francisco Solar, who asked that they should not be convicted for the crimes of terrorist damage and separate injuries as if they were the result of two different actions as it was originally in the National Court. In addition the defense noted that the comrades took care when they placed a small homemade device to attack the religious symbol of established power and that they did not intend to cause any injury to any person. To reinforce this defense it noted that at the time of the attack the Basilica was closed to the public and that in addition the device did not contain shrapnel and that they gave a warning before the device was detonated. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

During the almost three years that we have been confined by different prisons of the Spanish State, there is one aspect that particularly calls attention to its determinant importance in prison life; we refer to the dispersion.

The dispersion corresponds to a policy of Penitentiary Institutions implemented by the socialist government in the mid-1980s, which consists of transferring determined prisoners to distant prisons many kilometers from their place of residence. In many cases these transfers are incessant and see the prisoners forced to go through various prisons in a short period of time preventing them from establishing themselves and establishing lasting relationships with others. The purpose of this policy was to curb the riots and protests inside the prisons that had been occurring during those years by drastically removing prisoners considered hostile to the prison system. (more…)

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Letter from imprisoned anarchist comrade Francisco Solar : Nothing is over (Spain)

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016


‘Anarchist prisoners are not alone’ and ‘if they touch one, they touch all’ are slogans that lived once again in the everyday anarchist action before, during and after the trial against us. The screams of disgust for authority that pierced the police control and the walls around those on trial clearly enraged the judge and magistrates, as was evident on their faces and which put smiles on ours. The presence in court of dear ones known and unknown filled us with pride and joy, preventing the prosecutors’ accusations and demands from having any possibility of intimidating us. They can’t stop us. The acts of solidarity and the negation of the existent that have multiplied in various countries are further proof of the fact that we are everywhere, for us borders do not exist and solidarity is inseparable from our practice. Comrades who have chosen and are continuing to choose conflict by taking their chance and attempting to make their lives reflect their desires, instincts and passions so as to put an end to power in all its forms everywhere, who not content with empty and self-complacent words persist and expose themselves through gestures of active solidarity: my love and respect to all of them. Their disdain and courage give me immense strength. It is in trying to do what one says and believes, transforming words and ideas into action, that one starts to take back control of one’s life. We stop being spectators and become protagonists wanting to take the reins of their existence by deciding autonomously about priorities, rhythms, times and projects. (more…)

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Incendiary attack against a Banamex bank in Oaxaca by Informal Anarchic Individualities (Mexico)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

On the morning of May 23rd in complicity with the full moon we decided to attack, in a city taken by police and military, we joined the night which makes us invisible and provides anonymity and secrecy. We torched a Banamex branch by placing tires in front of it and watering them with gasoline. So we illuminated the darkness and struck a blow, it’s a fleeting moment, but it’s a moment we enjoy and that for a few seconds makes us feel a little freer, releasing the fire that slowly eats away at the awful branch and it’s ATMs. We decided to videotape it so that everyone can see that some actions are easy to carry out, to encourage all comrades to take action wherever they are.

It is undeniable, we are everywhere. We see banks and those responsible for them as direct generators of poverty and social inequality. Banks are the temples where the “God” of money comes and goes, where misery is managed, where that “God” is placed above any form of life. (more…)

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Explosive attack against CORTV Oaxaca by ‘Informal Anarchic Individualities’ (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Received and translated by Insurrectionnews on 25.04.16:

In the early hours of April 23 we placed a homemade explosive device on the premises of CORTV Oaxaca, a media / manipulation channel working in the service of the state.

Given the wave of repression against anti-authoritarians that is especially focused on the anarchist movement, we undertook this action as a call to spread the attack against those who we consider our enemies.

We recognize the different faces of those who condemn us to a life of misery and oppression, and their collaborators.

This time it was the media of mass communication, who are noted as instruments of power for social alienation and as an indispensable part of the repressive framework of different sustained operations in recent times against the anarchist movement fulfilling the role of criminalizing our compañeros and their struggle.

Our objective is to break the social peace, exacerbate the conflict and sharpen and expand the revolt.

We stand in solidarity with our imprisoned compas and the fallen of this war sending them fraternal greetings, wishing them to feel the fire and the action.

For Fernando Barcenas, Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar and all anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners.


Informal Anarchic Individualities


La madrugada del pasado 23 de Abril fue colocado un explosivo casero en las instalaciones del canal CORTV Oaxaca, medio de comunicación/manipulación al servicio del Estado.

Ante la ola de represión especialmente enfocada contra el movimiento antiautoritario y/o anarquista, emprendemos esta acción, que a su vez deseamos sea un llamamiento hacia la propagación del ataque contra quienes consideramos nuestrxs enemigxs.

Rconocemos los distintos rostros de quienes nos condenan a una vida de miseria y opresión, y de sus colaboradores.

Esta vez fueron los medios de comunicación de masas, a quienes señalamos como instrumentos del poder para la enagenación social y como parte indispensable del entramado represivo de las diferentes operaciones sufrida en los últimos tiempos por el movimiento anarquista cumpliendo el papel de criminalizar y señalar a nuestrxs compañerxs luchadorxs.

Nuestro obbetivo es romper la paz social, agudizar el conflicto y provocar y expandir la revuelta.

Nos solidarizamos con lxs compas presxs y caidxs de esta guerra enviandolxs un fraternal saludo, deseando sientan el fuego y la acción.

Por Fernando Bárcenas, Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar y todxs lxs presxs anarquistas y antiautoritarixs.


Individualidades anárquicas informales.

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Communication antennas sabotaged in solidarity with prisoners (Basque Country)

Monday, April 18th, 2016

from Irakunditxs via Contra Madriz

translated by Earth First! Journal

Every tool in the toolbox! Capitalist society is held up by two fundamental pillars: repression and social control. This time we have wanted to hit a part of the system of social control via communication antennas. Between Saturday night and Sunday morning (April 2-3), led by the stars, we approached two antennas in the road between Iruña and Irurtzun (Nafarroa) and with the help of pliers we opened a breach inside wire mesh that surrounds the antennas. With wooden-handled mallets we destroyed the electricity meters inside both antennae and we broke the two AC units inside each, as well. With axes we cut the cables to the antennas’ electrical device as well as wires to the distribution substation that power the antennas.

This time we demand and make this action public in part to launch an irrintzi solidarity campaign with our imprisoned compañeros who are on hunger strike in the murderous and torturous state jails: José Adrián Poblete Darre, Xavier Corporales Barruecos, and Antonio Chavero Mejías. We do this for you.

In solidarity with the compañerxs Monica and Francisco who have recently been charged in the first degree to 12 years (a sentence is but an opinion). Strength and courage.

[This was done] in protest of the violations which are penetrating the Earth and nature, such as the TAV and the other infrastructures which serve only for the interests of the same people as always. Ama lurra defenda dezagun! [Euskara language.]

PS. It’s a shame that the fire we had hoped to gift in the end did not happen…. Do not fret, as we will take care of that next time. estatuari gerra, gerra beti!
[Euskara language.]

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Two vehicles of private security company ‘Securitas’ burned in Fennovoima anti-nuclear struggle – Solidarity to Monica & Francisco (Finland)

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

We take responsibility for the arson attack on the 29th of March. We burned two cars of the private security company Securitas. With this attack we want to bring to light the co-operation between Securitas and Fennovoima nuclear energy company that is known for its destruction of the environment.

The 1st of April will be the first day that Securitas will be in charge of the construction site in Hanhikivenniemi, where the latest nuclear plant is meant to be built.

With this arson we welcome Securitas to Fennovoima!

We want to send our solidarity to Monica and Francisco.
And all the prisoners of the world!

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Anarchist comrades Mónica and Francisco sentenced to 12 years prison (Spain)

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

via contramadriz:

Today March 30, 2016, lawyers of the compas Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar were notified that the sentence of the High Court condemns the anarchists to 5 years in prison on charges of “injury”, plus 7 years for “damage with terrorist purpose”, with a total of 12 years in prison for each of them. They were acquitted of the charges of “belonging to a terrorist organization and conspiracy” against the Monastery of Montserrat.

Facing the condemnation of our comrades we have the challenge of extend the struggle and solidarity, to defend our ties and our ideas, to deny that their world is reduced to the four walls that keep them locked up.

Strength to our imprisoned comrades, always present in our struggles and our
daily lives.

There is no “inside”, nor is there an “outside”, there are only enemies against the state and all authority.

Death to the state and long live anarchy!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Acciones en Santiago (Chile)

Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Bomba de ruido en visita nocturna a sede de la UDI.

Madrugada del 23 de Marzo – Santiago

Cuando nos declaramos a viva voz enemigxs de la dominación, contrarixs a la forma de vida impuesta vigilada y controlada por el poder, es una obligación aportar en aquel camino elegido, aportar desde la multiformidad de la acción directa en pos de la lucha. Es así como queremos vivir y lo demostramos con acción antagónica, diciéndole a las policías, al poder. Aquí estamos, existimos, no nos rendimos. Multiplicaremos nuestro accionar, lo potenciaremos, para atacar cuando menos se lo esperen. (more…)

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Hamburg: Churches desecrated in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Germany)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

In the early hours of March 20th 2016, unknown persons desecrated three churches in Hamburg with a fire extinguisher filled with paint, slingshot and stone. In addition to this vandalism, slogans such as “No God – No State – No patriarchy”, “Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco” and circle-A’s were spray-painted. Flyers were thrown on the streets, reading: “Religion means oppression! Against every domination! Solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, anarchists imprisoned in Spain”.

via contrainfo… see the photos.

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Montreuil-sous-Bois: Arson attack against ‘Archi 5’ studio of prison architecture in solidarity to Monica and Francisco (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

On the night between 8 and 9 March 2016, using dumped garbage and flammable products, we set fire to the front of the architect’s studio in Archi 5, rue Voltaire in the centre of Montreuil-sous-Bois.

On its website Archi 5 boasts of having achieved, or being in the act of achieving, alongside innocuous buildings, the following list of gruesome projects:

The prisons of Bourg en Bresse, of Draguignan, of Mont de Marsan, of Rennes, the jail of Condé-sur-Sarthe and Vendin the Veil, the Pole of the Judicial Police of Cergy-Pontoise, the police station in Clichy-sous-Bois, the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Chartres, the detention centre of French Polynesia in Tahiti.

We dedicate this action to all those fight for freedom and against all authority, especially the anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar in the clutches of the Spanish State and are risking very heavy prison sentences, do not deny a word of what they think and what they are.

Fire to the prisons.
Fire to those who build them.

[Published on Indymedia Nantes, March 11, 2016]
Le Chat Noir Emeutier, Translated by Act for freedom now

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Lisbon: Gathering 24/03 at the Spanish consulate in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Portugal)

Monday, March 21st, 2016


For the State, terrorists are those that endanger its interests. Fed up with this reality of fear, corruption, police abuses, media manipulation, some decide not to give up, and fight. For this they are persecuted.

Thursday 24th March at 17:30
Consulate General of Spain
3, Salitre St., Lisbon

We gather to oppose the parody trial against the anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar.




-via contrainfo

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Asturias: Spanish trains sabotaged in solidarity with Mónica and Francisco (Spain)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

On March 11th 2016, we cut the counterweights along the catenary of Avilés/Xixón rail line in both directions. The cuts were made at the height of the town of Villabona, locality where our comrades Mónica and Francisco are held hostage. These cuts produce a voltage drop on the line forcing a halt to train traffic, causing serious delays and economic losses. The action aims to send a warm revolutionary hug to our comrades on the occasion of the trial/farce organised by the Spanish State.

Also solidarity graffiti were painted on the two signs of the -penitentiary centre- indicating where they are held hostage.

Love for freedom, and hate of those who take it from us

Some anarchist individualities

-via contrainfo

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