Posts Tagged ‘Fragment: Violence’

Dark Nights #35 : 'Fragment: Violence' + 'Letter from Giannis Naxakis' – Late June 2013 (ACN)

Monday, June 24th, 2013

New issue of the international news letter for mutual aid and solidarity, compiled from reports from the global informal network of anarchist counter-information and translation… Download and distribute!

Dark Nights #35

1. Letter from Giannis Naxakis, Athens, Greece.
2. ‘Fragment: Violence’ by L.
3. Hunger strike declaration by Kostas Sakkas, Koridallos prison, Greece.
4. Chile: Carla and Ivan trial results.
5. Italy: Communiqué from RadioAzione on counter-info and repression.
6. Italy: Operation Ardire update.
7. Belarus: Support Dmitri Zvanko, antifa prisoner.
8. Bolivia: Letter from Krudo, accused and imprisoned in the FAI case.
9. Direct Action Chronology.
10. ‘Hero with a 1000 Faces’ by V.Q.


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Posted in Library

'Fragment: Violence' by L

Monday, June 24th, 2013

This short text is part of a collection of critical writings in progress concerning “civil anarchism”, as put forth by Venona Q. and Dark Matter publications, which is a response to a statement by the UK Anarchist Federation/Libcom denouncing the non-fatal shooting of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare in Genoa, Italy(1). Two anarchist comrades, Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito are accused of the action, which was claimed by Olga Cell-FAI/FRI. Solidarity to the accused, who are imprisoned in Ferrara, Italy. This fragment is simply a meandering series of thoughts, the results of a notepad and a rainy afternoon, rather than a ‘manifesto’ or the kind of dry political statement that it is in response to.

I. “By having carried out dozens of attacks against targets of the system, with especially destructive material results, we were and will always be precise. We aim specifically against the institutions and the officers of the system, giving special attention to not injure someone who is not a target to us.” CCF

Violence is neither good nor bad.
It is the State’s basis for it’s domination and consent. Any one who breaks this relationship is usually deemed criminal and/or insane. Any acts used in this transgression are usually deemed “unlawful” or further, “terrorism”. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty