Posts Tagged ‘FIES’

Letter from imprisoned comrades Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel & Freddy Fuentevilla in solidarity with Monica & Francisco (Chile, Spain)

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

In active solidarity with our comrades Francisco Solar and Monica Caballero, anarchist prisoners in Spanish state jails.

From the high security prison of Santiago, Chile, we make an international call for active solidarity with Francisco and Monica, who soon will face the legal farce of the Spanish State. They are accused of being part of Insurreccional Commando Mateo Morral who have claimed responsibility for two explosive attacks on historic symbols [1, 2] of the Spanish Catholic church in the course of the year 2013.

On the next 8, 9 and 10 March, the trial in the National Court in Madrid is determined to perform an exemplary punishment on the lives of our comrades.

With rants and cockiness the judiciary orders more than 40 years in prison for various charges as the servile Chilean State celebrates and rejoices the omen of a long sentence hanging over these dear fellow anti-authoritarians. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gabriel Pombo da Silva on hunger strike against his conditions of imprisonment (Spain)

Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

Anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva who is held hostage by the Spanish state and has recently been ‘ghosted’ (transferred suddenly to another prison) from Topas, Salamanca, to Dueñas, Palencia, has started a hunger strike. The hunger strike is to demand a single cell, as the Spanish authorities always try to revenge Gabriel by putting him in cells with junkies, snitches and other scum, like rapists. By censoring, monitoring and interfering with his correspondence and visits in direct provocations and keeping placing him with the scum, the authorities want to make Gabriel pliant to the new incentives and privileges scheme that they are using across Spain to keep the prisoners heads down. Gabriel has already been forced to endure over 30 years of imprisonment at the hands of the Spanish State, in some of the worst conditions of annihilation. Gabriel started the hunger strike on 17th January, and he is joined by another companion, Juankar Santana Martín, also in the prison of Dueñas.

Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter by Anarchist Comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (Spain)

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

via actforfree:

‘While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.’ Eugene Debs


Today I’m in high spirits (you know our life is not a straight line, nor constant, or static…), and those who know me personally know that I have a pretty black a sense of humour (what ‘scandalizes’ others makes me smile, etc. …) almost cynically (especially when it comes to talking about/describing facts to do with the ‘Law’, ‘Rights’, the ‘Authorities’, etc. …); because these are ‘things’ that I can’t take seriously (even though my life is wrapped up in all that), no matter how serious these ‘things’ are.

So I’m writing informally with a smile on my face (even if I’m talking about serious ‘things’) because a sense of humour is one of the ‘things’ that has always kept me ‘struggling on’. I can’t help feeling surprised when I hear/see parlour politicians filling their mouths with words/concepts such as ‘we live by the Rule of law’, ‘we are all equal before the law’, etc. The ‘Spanish Trademark’ (as they now call it) doesn’t know what Democracy is (considering that I’m not democratic either); the Law is a ‘mino-cracy’ and only serves the interests of the caste (I like this about the caste, because that’s what we’ve got in this Country), and those of us who don’t laugh at their jokes are all ‘anti-system’. Does anyone have any doubt about it? (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Acerca del Companero Gabriel Pombo da Silva y las Macrocarceles (Espanya)

Friday, August 21st, 2015

English version

Hace un año que el compañero Gabriel Pombo Da Silva fue trasladado al centro penitenciario de Topas (Salamanca). Ahí continúa resistiendo a la dura experiencia de la privación de libertad (después de haber pasado ya más de 30 años trás las rejas), así como a los distintos dispositivos que la administración penitenciaria no para de perfeccionar como mejor conviene a sus intereses y los de sus patrocinadores.

La prisión de Topas fue creada en el marco del programa de construcción de 20 macrocárceles promulgadas al inicio de los años 90 por el gobierno del PSOE de Felipe González. En la misma época, el siniestro y socialista director de Instituciones Penitenciarias, Antoni Asunción, introdujo la directiva interna que administraba los regímenes FIES.

La prisión de Topas tiene pues, las características de estas nuevas fábricas de encarcelamiento en masa – en España el número de personas presas se ha doblado en 20 años, pasando a grosso modo de 35.000 en 1991 a 70.000 en 2011. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

"Hallucination, intimidation and control" : Letter from Chilean comrade Francisco Solar about 'Operation Pandora' (Spain)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

From Pubblicacion Refractario:

‘Are we persecuted? Well, it’s logical that we are persecuted because we are a constant threat for who represents the system. In order not to be prosecuted we would have to adapt to their laws, comply with them, integrate into the system, let bureaucracy penetrate our spinal cord and become perfect traitors… but is that what we want? No. So our everyday actions have to be nourished with our creative imagination. Our strength is our ability to resist. We can fail but must never bow down to anyone.’ Buenaventura Durruti.

There can be many and varied explanations for the repressive blow of December 16th, just as the general and specific causes that intertwined to create a delirious net of power leading to the arrest of our friends and comrades are many.

Perhaps one of the general causes could be the introduction of the Law on Citizens Security, known as the ‘Gag law’; this, along with the exacerbation of the penal code, which has re-introduced life sentences, creates a pattern whereby the control exercised by power is more efficient and strengthened by constant paranoia. Sentences for attacks on authorities, public disorder and disobedience have been exacerbated; at the same time social protests like those of 15M [blockade of parliament] and of PAH (a group against housing taxes) are being punished. Progressives and social-democrats say that the State is ‘leaving less space for freedom’ and that ‘the struggle for rights is being criminalized’. As you can see, the turn of the screw by the repressive-judicial apparatus is striking citizens, that is to say those who struggle for more and better laws, more and better democracy, for more participation in the management of misery. Freedom and law is inconsistent with one another. As anarchists we are aware that the more rights are granted the stronger the State becomes and as a consequence our submission grows. Not because it will cease to be such with a subtle, more democratic oppression, but quite the opposite it becomes more natural and firm in its being invisible. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Call for initiative in solidarity with anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (Spain)

Monday, June 30th, 2014

From informa-azione.info – Translated by act for freedom now

Comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is being held in temporary solitary confinement in the prison of A Lama since 17th June because he refused to be transferred to a maximum security module with all the restrictions involved, and because he refused to share his cell with another prisoner, something that they’ll try to impose on him once again. We’re waiting for what is going to happen…

The case is already going through judicial procedures, but we think it is important to show that our comrade is not alone, by demanding (via fax, telephone, mail, according to the circumstances) the end of all harassment inflicted on Gabriel by the prison administration. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

'Si tocan a unas' – About Monica & Francisco (Spain)

Friday, January 31st, 2014

It’s been two months since five people were arrested and isolated. Two of them, Mónica and Francisco are locked under the harsh Spanish FIES regime, and the rest of them are in parole (obliged to weekly signatures on judicial buildings), waiting for trial with the same accusations.

Many comrades from around told us about the apparent aura of secrecy perceived in everything related with the current situation of the compañerxs and the case as a whole and that after the mass-media circus that surrounded the detentions, something should have been said. Truth is that, as we already know, against mass-media and their advocates, little can be done in terms of countering their propaganda. We can denounce it, learn how they build their webs and see how they work hand-to-hand with the State they build a hole which they try to fill with next domestic enemy: muslims, independentists, galicians, animalists accused of opening too many cages, anarchists… (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #39 : ‘Long live the new Anarchy!’ – Jan 2014 (ACN)

Monday, January 20th, 2014

PDF: Dark Nights #39 – Jan 2014

32 page issue of Dark Nights covers two months prisoner’s letters and extended direct action chronology (always incomplete), all translations via the international network of informal counter-info!

1. Letter from anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
2. Letter from anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza
3. Solidarity with Maria, Javier & Gabriel
4. Text about the struggle against torture and the FIES isolation units
5. Letter from comrades Monica and Francisco
6. Text in solidarity with Franscisco Solar and Monica Caballero by CCF
7. Anarchist comrade Sebastián Oversluij killed during bank expropriation
8. Update on the CCF trial
9. “Let’s become dangerous… For the diffusion of the Black International” by CCF-FAI/IRF
10. ‘Requiem for the Passing Moon’ by Hans Niemeyer
11. Letter from eco-anarchist comrade Marco Camenish about his hungerstrike
12. Letter from Giannis Mihailidis
13. Letter from Spyros Mandylas
14. Carlos, Amelia & Fallon – 3 anarchist comrades arrested for molotov attacks
15. Adriano Antonacci and Gianluca Iacovacci accused of subversive association with terrorist intent
16. Inter Arma’s text about being targeted by the lackeys of the anti-terrorist agency
17. ‘A Vision of the Future: Where All the Roberto Adinolfis Walk With a Limp’ by Sean Swain
18. Direct Action Chronology



ACN 2014

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Posted in Library

Text about the struggle against torture and the FIES isolation units (Spain)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013


In October 2011, prisoners of several prisons of the State of Spain organized and began the Campaign Against the Torture and Ill-treatment in Prison. The offer of action arose from inside after several months of previous debate and exchange of ideas between the own prisoners and the groups of support of the exterior about what tactics and forms of fight could be carried out. The common action agreed was a symbolic day of fasting the first of every month, which is accompanied with denunciations at the Congress of the Deputies for their political responsibility in the torture and death in the prisons, and denunciations at the Courts of Penitentiary Vigilance for his its complicity as the well to a group of official institutions of prevention of the torture for his permissiveness and complicity (Ombudsman, committee of Geneva and committee of Strasbourg). (more…)

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Review of "Flee, man, flee. Daily of a FIES prisoner" by Xose Tarrio (Spain)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

The story, set in Spain during the 90s, speaks about a prisoner’s life under the FIES (Prisoners’ Files in Special Pursuit) regime. Xosé Tarrío takes the chief role in this testimonial story, reporting the humiliations and tortures towards prisoners. Through escapes, he develops his protest against the prison system, the same system that imprisons him by theft when he was 17 years old. He was sentenced to two years but, for his rebel attitude, there two years transform into almost twenty years.

The best of the story is its vision of a reality, its report of an inhuman but legal system.

The bad point, is that: this story isn’t fiction.

Xosé died in prison on January 2005, by the AIDS that he contracted in jail.

This is his story.

PD: If you want, the book is available -in Spanish- on

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gabriel Pombo Da Silva – “Don Pedro” an authentic stoic (Spain)

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

From liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

Don Pedro was (and may still be) a “true Stoic,” a “Unique” and “Egoist” being who ended up in prison for killing or stabbing someone (I have never been able to find out the entirety of that chapter of his life)…

I met him in the “Special Department” (FIES module) of “El Acebuche,” in Almería. Physically, he was a person who perfectly matched that stereotype we all have of Don Quijote: relatively tall, thin, in his fifties, with a pointy grey goatee and short hair… (more…)

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