Posts Tagged ‘Chaotic Variables’

Dark Nights #46 : ‘Chaotic Variables’ by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell (ACN)

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

‘A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform’
by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell

Dark Nights #46

The text comprises a proposal for continued informal coordination and includes an analysis of the Black December experiment, in printable Dark Nights format. The text just missed our deadline for April’s version and so gets an issue all to itself… print & distribute…

Long live the black international!


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Posted in Library

‘Chaotic Variables – A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform’ by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell (Greece)

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Chaotic Variables

A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform

1) Disobedience is a virtue

You are obliged to pretend to respect people and institutions that you consider irrational. You live by fashion in a cowardly era, attached to ethical and social conventions you despise, that you condemn and you know they lack of any background. It is this constant contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and conceited spearheads of a culture that makes you sad, disoriented and unbalanced. In this unbearable struggle you lose every dance for life, all sense of your personality as every moment they oppress, they limit and control the freedom of your strength. This is a poisonous and deadly blow caused by the civilized world.”

Octave Mirbeau

We have long since opposed the world of authority and its countless projections and impositions on our lives. We have toed the line with the world of anarchy seeking to find accomplices in the “crime” of anarchist insurrection as a living stance towards the barbarism of modern times.

So far we have attempted to realize smaller and bigger mutinies, always on the principles of self-organization, anti-hierarchy and horizontal structures. Seeking through collective processes to achieve our personal self-education in order to acquire experiences, becoming familiar with anarchist procedures while making our “possessions” more and more forms of struggle, we came to meet each other based on common objectives and aspirations so as to continue wandering on the paths of anarchist action, walked or not up to now. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy