Posts Tagged ‘Carla Verdugo’

Jakarta: Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF burn down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, 'The Media Hotel and Tower' (Indonesia)

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

“Brothers in chains, comrades in suffering, the battle is at hand. Soon we will launch our attack, intoxicated with vengeance; the enemy will flee, because the Federation of Sorrow is terrible.” Bruno Filippi

Our action (if it can) can be named PHOENIX PROJECT-PART 3. This is our collective decision to respond to the call from our Greek comrades – (1), (2).

Tonight (June 26) we moved out and brought the fire and burned down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, ‘The Media Hotel and Tower’, in Sahari Mountain Street, Jakarta. Our fire is to respond to the call from our brothers in Greece in the Phoenix project and as a gesture of solidarity to K. Sakkas, anarchist in hunger strike action to reach his freedom. We put the incendiary with timer in one of the trash cans in the karaoke room (which is located on the third floor) and let the fire speak for us.

Bring far our revolutionary greetings to the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Imprisoned Members Cell, to the 4 anarchists who were arrested in Kozani –we never forget you, for Cospito and Gai, to Carla, Ivan, Juan, Marcelo and Freddy, and to Henry and always to the anarchists prisoners in Greece and Italy, and to other cells of FAIIRF around the world.

We will never say that we are just a few, but we will let the fire speak on our behalf.

Let’s make the Phoenix project as an international project for revenge!


News media link:


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Posted in Direct Action

Dark Nights #35 : 'Fragment: Violence' + 'Letter from Giannis Naxakis' – Late June 2013 (ACN)

Monday, June 24th, 2013

New issue of the international news letter for mutual aid and solidarity, compiled from reports from the global informal network of anarchist counter-information and translation… Download and distribute!

Dark Nights #35

1. Letter from Giannis Naxakis, Athens, Greece.
2. ‘Fragment: Violence’ by L.
3. Hunger strike declaration by Kostas Sakkas, Koridallos prison, Greece.
4. Chile: Carla and Ivan trial results.
5. Italy: Communiqué from RadioAzione on counter-info and repression.
6. Italy: Operation Ardire update.
7. Belarus: Support Dmitri Zvanko, antifa prisoner.
8. Bolivia: Letter from Krudo, accused and imprisoned in the FAI case.
9. Direct Action Chronology.
10. ‘Hero with a 1000 Faces’ by V.Q.


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Tomohon: Vehicle arson by Argirou Cell / ICR – FRI – FAI (Indonesia)

Friday, January 11th, 2013

325 receives and transmits:

Last night [10/1/13], we did it once again. Direct action based on our revolutionary values, as nihilists, as individualists and as an expression of the hatred of this society. Covered by the night, we burned a private car in Tomohon (small city in North Sulawesi), owned by an unknown person. It was a car located near the local TV station in that town. A car as a symbol of slavery, eco-disaster and the meaninglessness of life.

We believe, through direct action each revolutionary can speak, even separated by continents and nation-state borders. We believe that revolutionary actions speak loud and reach our sisters and brothers in the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front.

We dedicate our action to our brother in arms, Panagiotis Argirou, –revolutionary and proud member of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire— who fell down and has to face surgery. When we heard this news, it hurt our heart. We burned a car to send our warmest revolutionary greetings to you, comrade. To let our enemies know that no revolutionary will be left alone. Strength brother! Fire of health for you.

To other members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and revolutionary anarchist, T. Mavropoulos: all of you are never alone. Our actions are also your revenge.

Not to forget to mention our brothers in Italy who are kidnapped by the state and are seized behind bars. To Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai. Our hearts always with both of you.

We also want to send our revolutionary greetings to Villa Amalias and all the free spaces that are invaded by our enemies. To all squatters who are kidnapped by pigs of the state. Your bravery inspires us to keep our heads up. ‘Fire’ is how we spell solidarity.

And to all anarchist prisoners: to Ivan and Carla, Freddy, Marcelo and Juan, in Chile, to Henry in Bolivia, to John Bowden, to Gabriel Pombo da Silva, to Marco Camenisch, and others around the world. This fire is a metaphor of hugs from us full of respect, solidarity and anger against Power.


Argirou Cell
International Conspiracy for Revenge
International Revolutionary Front
Informal Anarchist Federation

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Posted in Direct Action

'Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI / FRI' attack electrical substation with incendiary device in Manado (Indonesia)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

From Membakar Senj[a]:

It’s always a reason to say that the lack of numbers is the main reason. But for us the only obstacle is fear. Theories, reasons and situations are the walls of the labyrinth which always became a reason for obstruction and restriction. As well as the accusations that the kidnapping of two members, of our comrades Billy and Eat, is a barrier to the ongoing actions for destruction.

On August 23, at a power plant in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, we put an incendiary device that failed to ignite. We were disappointed with ourselves and the ability of each individual who was involved in the attack. But on the other hand, we learned that no one should regret. Tonight August 31, we re-commit to do the same “crimes”. Leaving the device in order to burn an electrical substation in Tuminting, Manado.

The goal is clear. We are angry. Really angry!

This action is also as a response and as an answer to the unlimited solidarity from many rebellion comrades and companer@s.

To the uncontrolled and brave comrades in the darkness of Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Greece, Argentina, and England as well as to other places that were never mentioned.

To Olga and all the comrades from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Tasos Theofilou who was recently arrested because he was an anarchist. Also we do not forget to mention Theofilos Mavropoulos, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Rami Syrianos, and Marco Camenisch who are undergoing a hunger strike. All of you are rebels who inspired us despite the fact that you are seized behind bars.

To Luciano Tortuga and Mario Lopez, also never forget to mention Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo in Chile. Henry Zegarrundo, Juan Aliste Vega, Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda also are an inspiration. Do not forget to dissidents like Felicity Ryder, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa also lastly to K. The fugitive member of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI / FRI).

But with fully of shame in our face we mention our two brothers in struggle, members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front; Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat). Also do not forget the brave one of Kulonprogo; Tukijo. For those we send our greetings with the lights of fire from the street. To them we are sending our love.

These actions are also as a manifestation of anger and disappointment.
Impatience for those rebels who after attacks returned to run and hide and spent long time to keep waiting, including us.

Comrades, it is time to strike back.
Do not wait. Time to light it up!

Long Live Anarchy!

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell
International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front

Adalah sebuah alasan untuk mengatakan bahwa jumlah adalah alasan. Karena bagi kami ternyata satu-satunya halangan adalah ketakutan. Berbagai teori, alasan juga situasi dan kondisi adalah berbagai tembok labirin yang selalu jadi alasan tentang halangan dan pembatasan. Juga seperti tuduhan bahwa tertangkapnya dua orang kamerad anggota kami Billy dan Eat adalah penghalang akan aksi pengrusakan yang berkelanjutan. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Multiple Arsons: Olympic torch returns to Bristol (GB)

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

From Bristol IMC:

On Monday 31st we lit up the opening week of the Olympics with an attack on two vehicles (and all the equipment they contained) belonging to British Telecom (BT), an “official Olympic partner”. It’s a small reply to the heightened repression in London.

In Longwell Green this week we then sabotaged a mast owned by BT’s parent company, O2, the mobile phone network. We burnt out the mast by setting fire to the cables at the bottom.

While the thousands who can afford to swell the economy are welcomed by the state for the Olympics, O2 profits from the exploitation of a literal captive audience of “illegal” migrants who are forced to use O2 phones with extortionate pricing in a pilot scheme at Yarl’s Wood “Immigration Removal Centre” (prison) which is run by Serco. The authorities can monitor calls with ease, and the network is easier to shut down in the event of a disturbance or as punishment for rule breaking. There are currently mass hunger strikes in Germany and the UK (in Morton Hall, a former open prison now specifically designated for “foreign nationals”), these hunger strikes are an expression against detention, control and isolation. (more…)

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International Conspiracy for Revenge – Informal Anarchist Federation claim incendiary attack on Santander Bank in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

From vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety:

21 May 2012

Today, Monday May 21st at around 1 AM, we attacked the Santander Bank located on Parana street between Tucuman and Viamonte. For this we made use of 2 liters of flammable liquid plus 4 butane gas canisters and an ignition mechanism. The fire completely destroyed the front part of the bank, leaving the 4 ATMs that were there unusable, as well as busting out several windows. We mark this action as an action remembrance of the warrior Mauricio Morales, fallen 3 years ago from the explosion of his own bomb destined to the prison guard school in Chile. And with care for Luciano “Tortuga” Pitronello, wounded after the attack on a Santander Bank last year, now imprisoned. This is how we understand solidarity, stopping here where a comrade “fell,” in order to radicalize and deepen our practices.

The society in which we live intends to condemn us to misery, to alienation, to stupid consumption and docility. We as combatant individuals deny all of this, we reject and attack its symbols and its capitalist, policial, patriarchal, religious and ideological values. We go on the offensive with conviction as our primary weapon. We do not illusion ourselves with “hope” of some change in the people, the people that does not react even when a loved one of theirs is locked up in the prisons or asylums of the Argentine State, the people that do not react even when they are evicted from their homes and have to sleep in the street with their children, the people who have lost all dignity before the dream of a bourgeois life that the mass media of communication offer them. We do not waste our time on raising the consciousness of the masses nor discourses like that, we choose for ourselves the rebel, illegal, delinquent life. And we have imprisoned comrades in this war who we want to name. Eat and Billy, brothers of the FAI, recently sentenced to 1 year 8 months for the attack on a bank; all the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who maintain with pride their anarchist values in spite of the constant attempts to diminish their morale such as the recent transfer and punishment of the comrade Olga; Freddy, Marcelo and Juan, dignified prisoners in the Chilean prisons, after being expelled by the wretched Argentine government; the recently arrested Carla and Ivan; and so many others who we carry within ourselves, day after day, night after night, who give us strength and another reason to keep fighting.

An autonomous subversion, in the form of anarchist guerrilla, is expanding through the most remote places of the earth, from Bolivia to England, from Italy to Chile, from Indonesia to Mexico… with weapons, with explosives, with fire, but above all with values and dignified conscience. And that is what they will never be able to stop.

International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation

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Posted in Direct Action

Urgent: Two arrested transporting an explosive device in Santiago (Chile)

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

From vivalaanarquia, 4/16/2012, transl waronsociety:

Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo were arrested transporting an explosive device in the Granja neighborhood today at 3:30 AM.

They were taken to the 13th Precinct where one of the prosecutors of the Bombs Case, Christian Toledo came. Ivan and Carla were carrying a backpack which according to the press had a fire extinguisher full of black powder with two butane gas canisters and a fuse as well as a change of clothing.

It was also reported in the press that Carla had romantic ties with the compa Juan Aliste Vega.

According to police sources, Carla and Ivan wanted to plant the explosive device during the night because today the trial preparation hearing of Juan Aliste Vega was happening.

We know that the state and its representatives will try by all means to dole out an exemplary punishment, therefore we call all individuals and affinity groups to show once again the solidarity and support that unite us in this struggle against the system of domination.

Imagen:Operativo Policial | Rodrigo Pino (RBB)

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