Posts Tagged ‘Braulio Arturo Durán González’

Dark Nights #38 : ‘Letters of Nicola Gai & Alfredo Cospito’ – Nov 2013 (ACN)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Another issue of the international anti-prisons anarchist newsletter. Download and distribute as you like…

Dark Nights #38


1. Genoa, Italy – Court declaration of anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai at the trial for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi.
2. ‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas.
3. CCF trial updates.
4. Italy: Communiqué of counter-information group Culmine, target of ‘Operation Ardire’.
5. Italy: Comrade Gianluca Iacovacci transferred to the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria.
6. Italy: Comrade Francesco Carrieri imprisoned in Savona.
7. Switzerland: Update on anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch.
8. Mexico: Eco-anarchist and vegan straight-edge prisoner Braulio Duran is free.
9. UK: New zine ‘On the Out’ by Bristol ABC.
10. Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos.
11. Greece: Text by the detained anarchist comrades of the Nea Filadelphia case in Athens.
12. Greece: Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo, Kozani about their trail on 29 November.
13. Greece: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas.
14. Greece: About the case of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou.
15. Direct Action News.


Anti-Copyright Network 2013

International Network of Counter-information and Translation

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Cell of Revolutionary Action for the Destruction of the State – Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrero claim responsibility for sending 2 explosive packages to the Greek embassy (Mexico)

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

From liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

“The struggle against the government turns into, in the final count, the physical and material struggle… The government makes the law… It is thus necessary to prepare oneself morally and materially so that, upon the explosion of the violent revolt, the victory will be the people’s…”
Errico Malatesta,
“Anarchist Program” (Bologna, July 1920)
in Umanità Nova, August 12, 1920

This physical and moral preparation is a latent necessity that should be present in the everyday of our lives and actions. When the anarchist has at an individual level decided to take a step from talk into daily action, this action acquires in her life a strong sense, a strong importance, a potency that gives way to continue forward and to not look back to yearn for the comfort of her cowardice and ignorance. When an individual or collective project is put on the table, the anarchist feels herself already in the humble necessity of giving everything for this struggle that she has begun, since for her it is not a fashion. Anarchy is life itself, and in her the revolutionary fetishism that sometimes manages to commodify revolt is put aside, it is not important to dress in black, green, blue or yellow, or at least these folklores–personal tastes–do not strongly relate with the strength of her struggle, she does not identify in and with them. It is not important to her to fetishize weapons and guerrilla strategies since she knows well that that this is only an inevitable consequence in the struggle against power; nor even is it important to her to fetishize violence. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

State Security Agency vehicle torched by Cell for Violent and Excessive Attack on Power / FAI (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

From Liberación Total (April 15, 2012) via This is our Job:

14 April 2012

Let us therefore trust the eternal Spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unfathomable and eternal source of all life. The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too!

M. Bakunin

Last night, we took to the streets with the clear intention to rupture their social peace, to break the order constituted by most of society’s passiveness, conformism, and ambition for power. At around 11:30 p.m., we placed two delayed incendiary devices next to a State Security Agency (ASE) patrol car parked in front of the ASE headquarters on Avenida Texcoco in the Juan Escutia suburb on the border of Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl and the Federal District. At the site, we also left graffiti claiming responsibility by the FAI!

We attack the property of the State/Capital’s security forces with fire, just like we would lethally and explosively attack those henchmen of power. The conflict with authority also exists in the neighborhoods on the edge of the city. We don’t expect to turn the system on its head with a single action. This is a daily war for freedom and individual rights. May they burn wherever they are, whether in Polanco or Santa Fe, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl or Ecatepec! Let everyone destroy their own oppressions and burn down the city! Conflict is in the streets, and it is accompanied by incendiary discourse that incites breaking the chains on thought and action that are encouraged, espoused, and imposed by pacifism and nonviolence!

Solidarity with comrade Tortuga!

Solidarity with Gabriel Pombo da Silva!

Solidarity with Braulio Durán!

Solidarity with the compas who were recently retaliated against in Italy!

Solidarity with Eat and Billy of the Indonesian FAI!

Against the police: arsons every day!

Against the State/Capital: Social War on all fronts!

Long live anarchy!

Cell for Violent and Excessive Attack on Power (Informal Anarchist Federation); A; April 13, 2012

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Posted in Direct Action

Bristol: Attack against Communications Infrastructure by ELF (UK)

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

From IMC UK:

11 April 2012

We take responsibility for the attack on the communications mast on Dundry hill on 11th April, that took out five communication services and took off air BBC Radio Bristol and Jack FM for more than 16 hours, as well as disrupting Avon and Somerset Police radio communications it seems (although they are refusing to comment on this).

We did this by stuffing two tyres with rags and methylated spirit, jamming them in the bundles of wires at the bottom of the mast and then igniting them. It was our pleasure to demonstrate that with modest ability and ample will we can create a rupture in ‘business as usual’.

We want to interrupt the spectacle of the mass media, and the administration of the technological-information society.

These radio stations and the media in general enforce the interests of the ruling class – the state and corporations. Propaganda masquerading as ‘objective news’ comes ad verbatim from government and corporate sources, and listeners get blasted with a tidal wave of adverts worshipping commodity lifestyle. Any criticism of the status quo is allowed, as long as it occurs within certain parameters, taking capitalism and civilisation as given, and entrenching the idea that these are inevitable. These criticisms, drained of any vitality, actually help maintain the existing order by making it appear tolerant. Genuinely revolutionary ideas are met with violent repression, as in the recent case of the anarchist counter information websites Culmine and Parole Armatein Italy. Every repressive blow deserves an answer. Mass media is the enemy of all rebellion and of every attempt to create a free life.

The media is just one tool of modern alienation. Technologies such as mobile phones and online networks have become so all-pervasive that other more meaningful forms of communication have been undermined. We are increasingly atomised and connected to each other through the mediation of mass electronic devices. The technological-information society makes it easy to bury yourself in obsessive updating, reality TV, ‘social media’, popularity games and whatever gets handed down to blot out a way of life which hinges on control and exclusion.

Faced with all this, we aren’t bought off as accomplices to an impoverished society that is collapsing the ecology which hosts us on this planet, and we reject the endless slide show of media revelry.

This was our torch of solidarity to; Luca Abba (injured whilst resisting the military-style occupation by police thugs in the Susa Valley) and the 25 arrested across Italy fighting against the high speed train line construction; the jailed eco-sabateurs Braulio and Adrian in Mexico along with Sadie and Exile in the US; and members of the Greek revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (who are now threatened with having their sentences lengthened) and the others accused in their case.

For a renewed spring offensive – THE TIME IS NOW AND THE ENEMY IS EVERYWHERE

Some rising flames, ELF Empowering inferno

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Posted in Direct Action

Solidarity letter with the anarchist comrades and with Culmine, from Conspiración Acrata (Mexico)

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:

It is the hour of the social tragedy!
We will destroy laughing.
We will set fires laughing.
We will kill laughing.
We will expropriate laughing.
And society will fall.
The fatherland will fall.
The family will fall.
All will fall after the free man is born.
The one is born who has learned the Dionysian art of joy and laughter through tears and sorrow.
The hour has come to drown the enemy in blood…
The hour has come to wash our minds in blood.
Enough, enough, enough!
As the poet transforms his lyre into a dagger!
As the philosopher transforms his probe into a bomb!
As the fisherman transforms his oar into a formidable ax.
As the miner comes up from the unbearable caves of the dark mines armed with his shining iron.
As the farmer transforms his fruitful spade into a war lance.
As the laborer transforms his hammer into a scythe and cleaver.
And forward, forward, forward.
It is time, it is time — it is time!
And society will fall.
The fatherland will fall.
The family will fall.
All will fall after the Free Man is born.
Forward, forward, forward, oh joyful destroyers.
Beneath the black edge of death we will conquer Life!
And we will make it our slave! Laughing!
And we will love it laughing!
Since the only serious people are those who know how to be actively engaged laughing.
And our hatred laughs…
Red laughter. Forward!
Forward, for the destruction of the lie and of the phantoms!
Forward, for the complete conquest of individuality and of Life!

1922, ITALY.

A few days ago, the security apparatus at the hand of the Italian State perpetrated a repressive raid against anarchist comrades and the Culmine blog, a raid carried out in various cities and towns of that country, resulting in 4 comrades arrested under accusations that are the most common accusations in Italy and under which many other comrades have been arrested and incarcerated in the past, in similar repressive raids. Accused of Terrorism and subversive association, our comrades find themselves in the clutches of the State and need to be vindicated in the same way that those anarchist comrades in affinity in Italy have shown themselves in solidarity with the struggles and the prisoners in other parts of the World. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Conspiración Ácrata #15 – New Issue – Insurrectional Anarchist Magazine (Mexico)

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Conspiración Ácrata #15


6-Documento: A cuatro años del nacimiento de la Federación Anarquista Informal
8-Hablando de insurrección: Entrevista con Costantino Cavalleri
17-Comunicado del paquete explosivo enviado contra Norberto Rivera, México
19-Comunicado del ataque incendiario contra centro comercial Las Torres en Ciudad Juárez.
21-Comunicado del ataque www.buyambienguide.com explosivo contra el Instituto Italiano de Cultura, México D.F.
22-Comunicado del incendio de camionetas de valores en Cuahimalpa México D.F.
23-¿Fortalecer el frente revolucionario internacional y la FA sin el informal? Por: Giuseppe Dondoglio Antolini
24-Comunicado del ataque explosivo contra empresa ENEL en Italia
25-Anarquistas Nihilistas: La ciudad de las bombas volverá a arder! – Comunicado de acciones en Barcelona y declaración anti-carcelaria
28-Algunas notas de acciones y comunicados en México y el Mundo
30-Articulo de opinión: Sobre el tema del anarco-primitivismo
31-Póster-Afiche en apoyo a Braulio

Este es el numero 15 de Conspiración Acrata, una publicación de afinidad Anarquista Insurreccional, editada en algún lugar de México.
Contacto solo via e-mail: conflicto_cotidiano(at)riseup.net

¡Muerte al Estado/Capital… Viva la Anarquía!!!!!

Link medifire:


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Posted in Library

Braulio Arturo Durán González – Fighter for Total Liberation (Mexico)

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Braulio Arturo Durán González is an Eco-anarchist imprisoned since he was arrested 24 September 2010. Braulio is accused of involvement in a series of attacks against banks and other targets. He is being held at the state correctional facility in León awaiting sentencing. Braulio is vegan.

Download the soli-poster and print out!

To write to him:


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Posted in Eco Struggle