Posts Tagged ‘Amelie Pillierst’

Sabotagemedia corrects a mistake in the counter-info work concerning Amélie Trudeau Pelletier (Canada)

Friday, March 28th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

Greetings comrades,

With this message we would like to inform that the name of Amélie is not Pillierst, this is an error being reproduced in various communiqués and contra-info sites. Her name is Amélie Trudeau Pelletier. We normally do not modify errors in the original communiques (only in our translations) but seeing the extent it has taken, we are modifying all references to Pillierst in past communiques. To avoid more of this confusion, we strongly advise you to correct your references or “tags”.

warm embraces


The error that was reproduced by 325 site amongst others originated here:
reproduced by 325 amongst others

Sabotagemedia clarified that it was not their mistake originally.

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Posted in Autonomy

5E: End of the arraigo, terrorism case falls – Comrades now detained under charges of damages and attacks on public peace (Mexico)

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

from fuegoalascarceles
translated from Spanish by sabotagemedia

Yesterday February 17, marked the end of the 40 days of arraigo* decreed by the Attorney General of the Republic against our compañerxs Carlos López, Amelie Pelletier and Fallon Poisson.

During these forty days they tried to put together a case for Terrorism and Organized Crime against them, however, and despite intimidating and inquisitorial methods, they were unable to mount their case, so that at the end of the arraigo our compañerxs were released for lack of evidence. The Local Police of the Federal District has since detained them on charges of damages and attacks to public peace. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #39 : ‘Long live the new Anarchy!’ – Jan 2014 (ACN)

Monday, January 20th, 2014

PDF: Dark Nights #39 – Jan 2014

32 page issue of Dark Nights covers two months prisoner’s letters and extended direct action chronology (always incomplete), all translations via the international network of informal counter-info!

1. Letter from anarchist comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
2. Letter from anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza
3. Solidarity with Maria, Javier & Gabriel
4. Text about the struggle against torture and the FIES isolation units
5. Letter from comrades Monica and Francisco
6. Text in solidarity with Franscisco Solar and Monica Caballero by CCF
7. Anarchist comrade Sebastián Oversluij killed during bank expropriation
8. Update on the CCF trial
9. “Let’s become dangerous… For the diffusion of the Black International” by CCF-FAI/IRF
10. ‘Requiem for the Passing Moon’ by Hans Niemeyer
11. Letter from eco-anarchist comrade Marco Camenish about his hungerstrike
12. Letter from Giannis Mihailidis
13. Letter from Spyros Mandylas
14. Carlos, Amelia & Fallon – 3 anarchist comrades arrested for molotov attacks
15. Adriano Antonacci and Gianluca Iacovacci accused of subversive association with terrorist intent
16. Inter Arma’s text about being targeted by the lackeys of the anti-terrorist agency
17. ‘A Vision of the Future: Where All the Roberto Adinolfis Walk With a Limp’ by Sean Swain
18. Direct Action Chronology



ACN 2014

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Posted in Library

Hastings: Bannerdrop – Solidarity to anarchist comrades captured by the Mexican State (UK)

Monday, January 20th, 2014

From Prison Island UK:

Banner reads: “End State Terror! Torture and Murder. Eng.-Mex. Free Carlos, Amelia, Fallon, G. Rodriguez”

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Carlos, Amelie et Fallon: Mises à jour sur les 3 camarades anarchistes arrêté-e-s pour des attaques avec usage de cocktails molotov (Mexique)

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

Mise à jour urgente: trois camarades anarchistes arrêté-e-s au Mexique, détenu-e-s sans possibilité de liberté sous caution, accusé-e-s de dommages à la propriété d’autrui, et possiblement de crime organisé, de sabotage et de terrorisme.

Appel à la solidarité internationale le vendredi 17 Janvier.

Dans la nuit du 5 Janvier, Carlos – un camarade du Mexique, ainsi qu’Amélie et Fallon – deux camarades du Canada, ont été arrêté-e-s dans le cadre d’attaques avec usage de cocktails molotov contre le Ministère des Communications et des Transports et un concessionnaire Nissan à Mexico. Les trois ont depuis été placé-e-s en détention et n’ont presque aucun contact avec quiconque, y compris avec leur avocat. Cependant, Amélie et Fallon ont été visité-e-s par le consulat canadien. Bien qu’ils aient d’abord été accusé-e-s seulement de dommages à la propriété d’autrui, les trois pourraient maintenant faire face à des accusations supplémentaires pour sabotage, crime organisé et terrorisme. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Carlos, Amelia & Fallon: Updates about the 3 anarchist comrades arrested for molotov attacks (Mexico)

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

Urgent update: three anarchist comrades arrested in Mexico, detained without bail, now facing charges of property destruction, and possibly organized crime, sabotage, and terrorism.

Call for International Solidarity on Friday, January 17th.

On the night of January 5th, Carlos – a comrade from Mexico, and Amelie and Fallon – two comrades from Canada, were arrested in relation to a molotov attack on the Ministry of Communication and Transportation and a Nissan dealership in Mexico City. The three have since been held in detention and have limited contact with anyone, including their lawyer, and Amelie and Fallon have also been visited by the Canadian consulate. Though they were initially accused of property destruction, the three may now face additional charges of sabotage, organized crime, and terrorism.

More info here plus letters from the imprisoned comrades.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Urgente: Detienen a 3 compas – Amelie Pillierst, Fallon Poisson & Carlos López Martin (Mexico)

Friday, January 10th, 2014

Detienen a 3 compas acusadxs de Daños.

A diferencia de lo que reporto la jornada:


Ayer Domingo 5 de Enero, alrededor de las 10 de la noche dos núcleos de individuxs vestidxs de negro atacaron con PIEDRAS Y COCTELES MOLOTV las instalaciones de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes y una concesionaria NISSAN causando daños en los inmuebles y varios automóviles.

En el acto contra la SCT, nos reportan que los policias federales que resguardaban el edificio dispararon primeramente hacia el cielo como forma intimidatoria y despues dispararon en repetidas ocaciones al cuarpo de lxs compas sin resultar nadie herido.

A raíz de esto la PGJ-DF reporto tres personas detenidas, ellxs son:

Fallon Poisson (de origen Canadiense)
Amelie Pillierst (de origen Canadiense)
Carlos López Martin (de origen Mexicano)

Lxs tres son compañerxs anarquistas participantes en varios proyectos e iniciativas de afinidad. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle