Posts Tagged ‘Adriano Antonacci’

Eco-anarchist Gianluca Iacovacci is free from house arrest (Italy)

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

We learn that Gianluca Iacovacci, who had been under house arrest since 16th June 2015, is at last free without any restrictions. The comrade was arrested along with Adriano Antonacci following a string of sabotages in the Castelli Romani area, and had claimed responsibility for the actions. The first-grade sentence of 6 years was reduced to 3 years at the appeal trial, after the charge of terrorism was dropped.

Translated by actforfree from CNA Italia

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Gianluca Iacovacci and Adriano Antonacci: Appeal court drops Terrorism charges, Adriano is free! (Italy)

Friday, May 29th, 2015

22/05/15 – The appeal court dropped charges of terrorism against Gianluca and Adriano.

The two anarchist comrades, held prisoner under the High Security 2 regime since 19th September 2013, had been accused of association with purposes of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order, as well as arson, aggravated theft in concurrence and defacement and soiling of private property: judicial concepts and repressive instruments to punish the 13 actions attributed to the comrades.

Specific charges remain in place, but as the charge of terrorism was dropped Adriano has been released, while Gianluca remains in prison.

via actforfree.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: Palabras desde la prision para la actividad "Hermosamentx Violentx" – Mayo 2015 – ($hile)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

PDF: folletohermosamenteviolentx

Saludos queridxs compañerxs… a continuación publicamos las palabras
enviadas y leídas para la actividad “Hermosamentx Violentx” del 17 de
Mayo en la Okupacion La Kolera, ademas del diptico repartido para
aquella jornada.

Buscamos difundir y expandir la insurrecta memoria, esa que construimos
entre todxs. Hoy distintas palabras en distintos idiomas y desde
distintas aristas llegan buscando acuchillar el olvido junto con la
multiplicacion imparable de gestos y actividades en recuerdo del Mauri.

Agradecemos a cada compañerx que participo y colaboro con esta actividad
y en las expansiones de otras que contribuyen a traer al presente al
punky mauri. Saludamos las distintas iniciativas que se han organizado
durante estos dias en recuerdo y combate. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communiqué from the anarchist comrades locked up in the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara (Italy)

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

From anarchicipistoiesi.noblogs.org, crocenera.org, informa-azione.info
Translated by act for freedom now

After the news that circulated between 13th and 17th February, here is a communiqué signed by the prisoners of the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara. The prisoners decided not to be silent in the face of yet more abuse from the guards and to protest against the solitary confinement inflicted on a comrade in the unit. We believe it is necessary not to allow their words to remain dead letter; on the contrary it is important that they circulate as much as possible, among comrades outside as well as inside prison.

To the comrades outside, 14th February 2015

A few words to let you know what’s going on in the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara.
No will/intention to feed the ferocious appetite of victimization’s cultists or anti-prison experts in view of the latest prisoners’ lament.

On Friday Alfredo [Cospito] was subjected to the judgement of the prison little tribunal, following a report issued a few nights earlier for having insulted a guard who had turned to one of us, Graziano [Mazzarelli], in a disrespectful and provocative fashion. Graziano was guilty of asking the disgusting man to turn the volume down. For the record, all this happened after midnight. Besides causing him lose the 45 days of earlier release, the ‘sentence’ implied that Alfredo was immediately put in solitary confinement, or rather, as they say, excluded from all social activities (exercise yard, sociality, gym and football pitch). As soon as news spread in the unit, after a short discussion, we started making noise and banging at the bars. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter by Adriano Antonacci about 'citizenism' and other topics (Italy)

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

Contribution of Adriano from the prison of Ferrara: “A sad circus. Vote for Gianluca and Adriano!”

Contribution to the Croce Nera Anarchica bulletin # 1 – September 2014

With the usual unpromptness caused by the imprisonment, I came to know about the spreading of a public plea aiming at collecting signatures in support of Gianluca and myself. In the beginning I understood it was a proposal for a referendum. A referendum about the “right to resistance” or even the “legitimate sabotage” and I said to myself: if they will reach the quorum, what will ever happen? What will we do? Will we all be “immediately free”? Will we all attack together the existing order?

I had the blurry feeling of being kidnapped by the state and right in the middle of a trial, instead I find myself co-candidate and in full electoral campaign. I had a bit of a headache.

Dear comrades, it’s hot and this sickening vacation doesn’t allow any relief valve, let me then waste a bit of ink to write some obvious things concerning this sad circus and I recommend, vote for us!

With this letter I don’t want to express resentment towards those who promoted this initiative, I wouldn’t dream of it! I can say I have appreciated it from a human point of view but, given my disagreement, on every perspective of it, I think it’s important to reply. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Hundreds of mink freed in Animal Liberation Front operation against fur farm in Scorzè (Italy)

Monday, October 6th, 2014

received anonymously (translation):








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Posted in Direct Action

Filton, Bristol: 'FAI "Sacco & Vanzetti" Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed' take responsibility for an incendiary attack against BAE Arms Development Centre in the context of the NATO Summit (UK)

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

In the context of the NATO summit in Newport, a cell of the Federazione Anarchica Informale (FAI) has struck BAE Systems in Filton, Bristol:

We mounted our attack against the BAE Systems arms factory in the Filton area of Bristol by setting a fire against the fuel tank outside the onsite Advanced Technology Centre (Impact Facility – High Power Electro Magnetic Facility section) on August 29th. Today we now announce carrying this out in the context of the NATO summit in Newport in five days. Britain is rife with military industrial complex structures all year round and everyone can draw her or his own conclusion.

BAE Systems are possibly the largest so called defence multinational and they are Britain’s largest manufacturing employer. Some of their major projects with the British Armed Forces alone are the NATO Eurofighter jets and nuclear submarines.

From artillery and aerial drones with specialist communication systems to the Israeli Air Force F16 fighter bombers and the shackles used on detainees in Guantánamo Bay you can find BAE Systems across the world behind imperialist conquest and the death or immiseration of millions. The company now has branches in criminal intelligence and investigation that deal with matters like cyber threats to the banking industry and was contracted by the European Union to devise the Strategic Crime and Immigration Information Management System : essentially an international police database. They are in line to profit from managing the transition of analytics from analysis of physical locations to analysis of individuals and how they interact for the advantage of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

The factory where we hit produces hardware including that of naval frigates and combat vehicles and there hundreds of staff with the Advanced Technology Centre design cutting edge weaponry for global markets. Just a few of their specialities are :

Abnormal behaviour detection & video analytics
Bio-inspired technology
Micro & nanotechnology and smart materials
Technologies for covert & secure operations

BAE Systems are at the forefront of military robotics as well as the latest innovations such as cloaking devices for tanks and body armour formed from liquid to make the modern flesh and blood killing machine even more agile and deadly. Look to their armoured land vehicles which are autonomous of human supervision (like those patrolling the Israeli-Gaza and Israeli-Lebanon border zones) or the tiny above ground or under water machines modelled on insects for audio-visual reconnaissance to see a sign of our future they are preparing.

The company make explicit reference to the age of asymmetric warfare and the crossover from use of their products on the battle field to use within society at large : a common phenomenon in the sector. A case to illustrate this is the high power BAE Systems night vision gear finding its way into the civilian surveillance camera market to advance the project making open prisons out of the urban centres and anywhere it is needed to protect the system and its commodities.

Need we write more to demonstrate how technological development under the civilised power structure is leading us to a desolate automated landscape of near total dominance and potential annihilation? The hour is late and the brave new world with amplified demand for submission will be the price for our indifference.

To go after them on what they thought was safe ground is what we decided to return in kind for the business BAE Systems have chosen. Through the attack we are with those incarcerated for their own path towards anarchy :

Gianluca Iacovacci and Adriano Antonacci
Marco Camenisch
Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito

Every year they spend inside, the destructive acts will multiply. Honour also to fighters of days gone by who walked armed against dominance in their time.

FAI “Sacco & Vanzetti” Circle of Propaganda by Life & by Deed

August 23-30, Anarchist Prisoners Global Week of Solidarity!

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Posted in Direct Action

Out Now : 325 #11 – Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Brand new magazine from the furnace of the 325 editorial collective free online now. 60 pages of b&w printer-friendly insurrectional nihilist-anarchy and anti-civilisation war.

325 #11 : Against the Post-Industrial Consumer Society and the Technological Singularity

325 #11 cover image : A3 download – Full size, Hi-res


3. Direct Action Chronology
8. No Illusions – Alfredo M.Bonanno
9. Climate change, nuclear-energy and urban war in the new century – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Road Ahead Closed – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
13. Electricity grid at risk as floods increase – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
15. The Dictator – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
15. Industrial Alienation – B.I
23. Memories from the Future: The Coming Technological Singularity – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
29. Information and Slavery – Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis – N.T.
31. Anarchist comrades contributions to the IX Meeting for Animal Liberation in Italy, 2013 – Silvia Guerini & Costantino Ragusa
38. War against the machines! – Gianluca Iacovacci
41. Letter from Adriano Antonacci about the refusal of video-conference trial
42. Necrotechnologies – Synthetic biology
43. Parts & Labour – Fabricating life in a lab
45. The Daleks Are Coming! – Robot security guards
46. Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behaviour
48. Predictive Surveillance Technology Arrives
48. The Problem of Strategy – Alfredo M.Bonanno
49. Empty House & Crowded Forest – Eat
51. Some Thoughts on FAI/IRF – Eat
53. Don’t Trust, Don’t Fear, Don’t Beg – Ihar Alinevich
54. Fear – Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco
54. Escape into Sanity: The Fall – V.Q.
57. In the Fall-out of the Black Smoke Cloud of Black Rock Quarry
57. Perpetual Cycles
58. Someone else’s meal – L
58. Mechanics of Nature


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Posted in Library

Comrades Gianluca and Adriano sentenced (Italy)

Sunday, July 20th, 2014

Rome – 18th of July 2014

The anarchist comrades Gianluca Iacovacci and Adriano Antonacci were
sentenced today by the judge Simonetta D’Alessandro to 6 years (Gianluca)
and 3 years and 8 months (Adriano) of jail for several sabotages and incendiary attacks against ENIL, ENEL [Energy companies], a fur shop, banks and the working site of a refuse-dump in the area surrounding Rome, between 2010 and 2013.

The judge confirmed the charge of 270bis (subversive association) with the aim of international terrorism. Gianluca claimed some time ago the responsibility for some of the actions they were accused of, the ones signed by FAI.

During the trial he refused to defend himself and resigned the lawyer, both of them refused to participate in the trial by video-conference.

Incendiary solidarity with our two comrades!!!

To write them:

Gianluca Iacovacci

CC di Alessandria
Via Casale 50/A
15122 San Michele (AL)

Adriano Antonacci
CC di Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

via fenrir

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update about the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano (Italy)

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

via fenrir:

On the 4th of July in the court of Roma (Italy) the second hearing of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano was held. Even though it was supposed to be with closed doors, a group of comrades managed to enter the courtroom in a moment of distraction of the security guards, in the initial bureaucratic phase of the hearing. They shouted strongly their rage against a proceeding which occurs in the complete absence of the accused. After some minutes they were jostled outside of the courtroom by the Carabineros [military police], while the judge pretended not to even notice what was going on.

We remember that the judge D’Alessandro, accepting the request from the prosecutor, decided that the trial was to be held on videoconference; both Gianluca and Adriano decided not to attend the show-trial, refusing to appear through a screen.

The prosecutor Minisci, already known by the comrades since he’s the same prosecutor in the case for the riots of 15th of October 2011 in Rome, to
reinforce the charges of 270 and 270bis (association for the purposes of terrorism) quoted also some actions that happened outside of Italy, with the aim of inventing some fictional international subversive association. He closed his speech with his request of sentence against the comrades:

– 8 years for Adriano
– 9 years for Gianluca

Next hearing will be on the 18th of July for the speech of Adriano’s defence lawyer and probably for the sentence.

Solidarity with the accused comrades!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on anarchist prisoners Gianluca, Adriano, Daniele and Francesco (Italy)

Friday, June 13th, 2014

325 receives and transmits these links and a translation sent to us by Fenrir.

Italy: A contribution from anarchist comrade Gianluca Iacovacci from
Alessandria prison

Italy: Text by Adriano Antonacci on the refusal of the trial via teleconference

Italy: Trial against anarchist comrades Gianluca and Adriano postponed to 4th July

Italy: Operation Ardesia: anarchist comrades Daniele Casalini and Francesco Gioia jailed owing to residual sentence

Updates on the show trial against Gianluca and Adriano

On the 26th of May the first hearing in videoconference of the trial against Gianluca and Adriano was held. Some time ago Gianluca had decided to reject the defence revoking his lawyer. Furthermore, both Gianluca and Adriano decided, as a gesture of non-cooperation with the show trial on videoconference, not to attend it, not even through the monitors. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Towards the trial against Gianluca and Adriano on 26 May in Rome (Italy)

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

Also, check out the latest letter and drawings of Gianluca. International solidarity to the two anarchists against all systems of domination – War to the techno-industrial complex and the immiseration of life.

Gianluca and Adriano, anarchists, were arrested 19 September 2013.

The operation was co-ordinated by the deputy prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo of the anti-terrorism unit and the general commander of Mario Parente Ros, and considered the anarchists authors of a number of various kinds of damages that occurred in the province of Rome : Thirteen acts of sabotage committed against some banks, a fur shop, and branch offices of ENI and ENEL (energy companies) and the Roncigliano landfill.

The authorities impose upon them the charges of association for purposes of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order, as well as those of fire and theft, aggravated by the circumstances of competition, disfigurement and contamination of other people’s property. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Phoenix Project #12 : ICR – FAI/IRF take responsibility for arson barrage in solidarity with Adriano Antonacci, Gianluca Iacovacci, other worldwide anarchist prisoners and the combative memory of Sebastian O. Seguel (Indonesia)

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Phoenix Project #12 [previous acts here.]

“Our words, carve today like a blade and our actions burn the bridges with yesterday… With tenacity and will, until we murder authority.”

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis and Sypros Mandylas, (Letter to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai)

The declarations of war against authority won’t stop with one single action nor one single letter of publication. It is a totality of our lives, each one of us, who stands here as egoists under the name of International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR) as part of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front. We won’t step back, even if we are isolated or deserted by the other “revolutionary anarchists” who devoted themselves to the dreams of society, those who let their own values as anarchists be imposed wholly by reformism, negotiation and conformity. We are out of their league and we won’t play their game. We have our own, one of violence and direct action. With nihilist comradeship through fire and fists to our comrades locked behind bars everywhere, in Europe, in South America and Mexico. Our comradeship also goes to those anonymous comrades who went underground to carry on a constant confrontation with Power.

Recent Situation Concerning the General Election in Indonesia

Since the first New Year fireworks started, all forms of oppression revelled in the curiosity and impatience before the general election (both the parliamentary election and the presidential election). We saw how the oppressors and the oppressed were walking hand-in-hand to celebrate what they call: The time of new hope for a better change. They printed the faces of those who are running for parliament and others are debating what should they do to contribute to make democracy better than they have it nowadays. Mass and social media all filled with empty words and the camouflage of how the general election will bring the oppressed to gain their freedom. And that is definitely right, because Indonesians will have the chance to choose who will be their oppressors for the next five years.

We are not even surprised when we found out that those who claimed themselves as anti-authoritarians were also merely trapped into the logic of giving your voice during an election or abstaining.

They producing memes, producing posters, shouting it out, organizing people, just not to vote. To say no to voting boxes, to say no to the parliaments candidates; they say no to the parties, they say no to every infrastructure of the voting system, but forget one important thing. To say no to the boundaries that kept them away from real freedom. They wish a different result by trying the similar way as used by Power. And how it can lead you to freedom? A question that doesn’t need an answer, since it is useless to question the choices of these people.

Anarchism is dead. And these people are the ones who proudly carry the coffin of their so-called ideology: Anarchism. An ideology of the weak and cowardly who called us “obsessed with violence” to cover up their fear. They are afraid to arm themselves and walk alone into battle, a long battle without end or goal.

And how different are we from these mobs?
We performed our disagreement with both those mobs by burning down two offices of the general election committee located in Donggala, Central Sulawesi on 16th April. We won’t stay away and let our enemy play around with their party of democracy. We directly sent our anger and transformed it into fire. We are not abstaining in this war. We attack.

We are not those anarchists who went to voting spots and painted slogans and chants on the ballot boxes. We won’t smear our values by letting our finger be painted with purple ink, a sign used by the authorities to identify who voted and those who did not. We won’t let one single inch in our body be polluted by our enemy. On the contrary, we attacked them without compromise.

On another chance, we sabotaged two cars (28th April) which were planned to transfer the ballots from South East Minahasa district to the capital city of province, Manado. We hit them not only to cause delay, but for our further action, which we cancelled because of an intervention by some “good citizens”. Next time, we will hit those who prevent us from our actions. With violence, of course.

Abstaining by not giving our voices is not enough for us. We want to bring this confrontation to be more wild than mere words or posters. We want to speak through fire, as we mentioned in one of our communiques before. But we don’t invite anyone to join us. We are not interested to have new members. We are not a party nor an anarchist collective. We are an armed group of the tendency of violence. To attack, and not to open a dialogue with our enemies.

Solidarity and Fire

During our campaign, we targeted some important spots which were never targeted before. We are expanding our targets by adding some more variety to them. On 19th April, for example, we burnt down the branch of the national electric office in Madiun, East Java. This action is part of our campaign to hit the vital spots of the enemy. By causing as much damage as we can. Causing terror as wide as we can. We set the fire early morning 3.00am, and let the flames do the rest. Awakening people in the morning with fire is our way to show our sarcasm to the workers who need to get up in the early morning for eight hours of slavery.

We chose this target as our way to send a message to Adriano Antonacci and Gianluca Iacovacci. Both are Italian comrades arrested and accused for several actions claimed by Anti-Civilization Subversive Individualities FAI/IRF. And our fire is specifically dedicated to two of them, to share our thoughts and dreams, our values and solidarity and to let both of them know that they are in our hearts. We will never forget comrades who are captured by the enemy.
And revenge is the only way to reply to this repression.

We continued our campaign by putting a similar incendiary device in the national electric company located in Semarang, Central Java, in early morning 23rd April, which failed to ignite. In fact, we swarmed over the security guard that came by when we were sneaking into the office. He is lucky we decided to let him down and not put an end to his life.

It’s not a mercy from us, but merely a warning that we are not playground kids who are playing around with fire. If one steps before our path, we won’t regret to help you to meet your end. All snoopers or wannabe good-citizens are part of the enemy for us. And please take it serious and do not say that we never warned you beforehand.

In the early part of this month, we continued our campaign by attacking another three power plants in three different places. One in Ternate (5th May), North Maluku and another two in Ambon (8th May), Maluku. We would like the enemy to know that all the regions are not safe and we will attack more and more next time.

All these actions are dedicated to our beloved comrades, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis – Spyros Mandylas, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Monica Caballero, Fransisco Solar, Tamara Sol Vergara, Fredy Fuentevilla – Marcelo Villarroel – Juan Aliste Vega, Hans Niemeyer, Alvonso Alvial – Hermez Gonzales, Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai, Giannis Mihailidis, Grigoris Sarafoudis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Alexandros Mitrousias, Dimitris Politis, Fivos Harisis, Tasos Theofilou, Argiris Dalios, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Babis Tsilianidis, Giannis Naxakis, Nikos Romanos.

And to remember our brother, Sebastian O. Seguel, who fell in the battle against the enemy in Chile. These acts of revenge are for you, brother.

Through these actions, we want to re-call our comrades of FAI-IRF to once again strike and re-launch the Phoenix Project. This time, harder than before. We want to call all active cells of FAI/IRF to once again go to reinforce the war, this time until the end.

Violence of war against the existent
Down with Society
Fire to the enemies

International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR)
Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
International Revolutionary Front (IRF)

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Posted in Direct Action

Communiqué in solidarity with Gianluca and Adriano (Italy)

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

Download English Hi-Quality PDF here.


“As a prisoner I can’t stop dreaming nor imagining a world free from authoritarian violence, free from the pairs of oppressed-oppressors, exploited-exploiters. Free from moral and social restraints that regulate-inhibit appetites and circumscribe the horizons. A world free from every cages… shame of mankind. A world where human arrogance is put aside for a symbiotic and empathic coexistence with all living beings, in the respect of natural balances and where the search for individual freedom is the only path to trace for a real and collective self-determination”
(from a letter of Adriano)

Since September 2013 two anarchists from Albano Laziale and Frascati (Rome) have been locked in the high security sections of the prisons of Ferrara and Alessandria, together with other anarchist and revolutionary prisoners. The charge of “subversive association with finality of terrorism”, which will bring them to trial on the 26th of may, concerns 13 incendiary attacks and sabotages against several banks, an ENEL branch, an ENI petrol station, the working site of a discharge and other companies responsible for ecological devastation and animal exploitation. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Letter from anarchist prisoner Adriano Antonacci (Italy)

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

“Violence generates violence. Regardless of what is right or wrong, no matter how abstruse is the boundary between opposites and how easily they can converge. The word violence and the concept it expresses present deep mystifications to those who have the monopoly on it. All expressions of dissent are being disproportionately repressed… no surprise… ‘go and tell them that it’s springtime’ [rough translation of ‘vagli a spiegare che è primavera’, a verse by the late anarchist singer and song-writer Fabrizio De Andrè].”

The modus operandi of cops and politicians is infamous enough, with their artistic architecture made of inexistent castles in the sky, and their accusing anarchists of belonging to imaginary associations; and with the judiciary of the State-Capital, servile and functional to miserable power, advocate and perpetrator of the dictates of dominion. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle