Dark Nights #43 : 'Beyond right and wrong' & 'Evi Statiri on hunger strike 14/9' – Sept 2015 (ACN)

September 2015 version of the international anarchist anti-prisons newsletter, released with intent to spread info about the hunger strike of Evi Statiri, life companion of Gerasimos Tsakalos of CCF.

PDF: Dark Nights #43 – Sept 2015

1. “Beyond right and wrong” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF.
2. 14th Sept: Evi Statiri starting hunger strike in Korydallos prison.
3. “From the land of the forgotten against oblivion…” by Olga Ekonomidou of CCF.
4. Direct Action Chronology.
5. Chile: Words from anarchist prisoner Sergio Álvarez in memory of Sebastián
‘Angry’ Oversluij.
6. Malaysia: Police raid anarchist centre Rumah Api.


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