Anarchists welcome North Thailand’s new ‘Australian’ Honorary Consul to the job with a home visit

Received on 31.01.17:

On Sunday 29 January 2017, anarchists in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai visited the home of the newly appointed Australian Honorary Consul, Ronald Elliott, to share with him our analysis of Australia’s immigration policies regarding refugees, and to communicate our opinion of Australia’s highly offensive annual nationalist celebration of occupation, displacement and genocide.

We recognise Mr Elliott, who was appointed Australian Honorary Consul in northern Thailand on 17 January, 2017, as representing the vile policies of the colonised land known as ‘Australia’. Hence, in welcoming his new appointment as the ambassador of a government which makes no apologies for its racist immigration policies and unashamed barbaric treatment of refugees, we decorated the wall protecting his expensive upper-middle class property with a demand to “Free the Refugees”.

Similarly, in solidarity with the 7 Days of Resistance to Invasion Day, called by Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR), we also added the demand to “Decolonise “Australia” to Mr Elliot’s property.

We trust that Mr Elliott will report our message to his superiors in the Australian Embassy proper in Bangkok, who will in turn submit a mandatory report regarding the incident to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and their cronies in the ‘Australian’ government.

In undertaking our visit to Mr Elliott’s residence in the over-policed and exclusive gated community, Mod Chic, in Moo Ban Sansaran, the strategy we used to negotiate entry reaffirmed that no matter how many walls and borders the rich, and by extension the State, create to keep out “undesirables”, those with motivation to gain access to spaces will always find a way-  a lesson the ‘Australian’ government would do well to consider when implementing its immigration policies and squandering billions of dollars on “defending the borders”.

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, Australia, Chiang Mai, Decolonize, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Invasion Day, Northern Thailand, Refugee Solidarity Movement, so-called 'Australia', Thailand

Athens, Greece: Riot cops attacked with Molotov cocktails in solidarity with arrested #DisruptJ20 protesters in the US


Received on 30.01.17:

Athens: Incendiary solidarity with the comrades in the U.S.

On Thursday January 26th 2017 at 10pm we attacked with molotov cocktails
against the MAT anti-riot forces that guard the offices of PASOK in
Harilaou Trikoupi St., in Exarcheia.

This action is in solidarity with the hundreds of comrades arrested in
Washington D.C. and across the U.S. during the combative manifestations
against the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20th.

Strength to the IWW member who got shot the same day by a fascist in Seattle.

We stand with all those who fight relentlessly against Power. Wherever we
are, using whatever means necessary, let’s attack the system of

Fire to the borders, cops and prisons!

Suga Kanno Anarchist Cell

Posted in #DisruptJ20, ACAB, Athens, Direct Action, Exarcheia, Fuck Trump, Greece, International Solidarity, Molotov Attack, Uncategorized, USA

Thailand: Anarchists visit the Philippines Consulate in protest against the murderous Duterte regime

Received on 30.01.17:

Anarchists in Northern Thailand visit the home of the Philippines Honorary Consulate to communicate our rage at the murderous fascist Duterte

In solidarity with recent actions undertaken by anarchists across South East Asia and Oceania, on Saturday 28 January 2017, anarchists visited the Chiang Mai residence of the Philippines Honorary Consulate to add our voices to the regional response challenging the murderous and fascistic policies of President Rodrigo Duterte.

Since Duterte’s2016 election to power, based on a popularist, nationalist, pro-cop ‘law and order’ campaign, over 9000 illicit drug users –the majority of whom are economically and socially marginalised, and include underclass sex workers, trans people and men who have sex with men- have been indiscriminately slaughtered in bloody extrajudicial rampages by killer cops and vigilante Catholic citizen groups drunk on the vilest forms of morality and urged on Duterte’s guarantee of impunity.

International bodies, including the ‘UN and ASEAN families’, have responded with their usual incompetence- evidence that they care more about maintaining the regional economic status quo and trade deals than any ideals pertaining to human rights. Meanwhile Duterte’s junky genocide continues unabated. According to Filipino friends, local vigilantes have created ‘black lists’ naming drug users and other ‘undesirables’ to target. Many drug users are terrified for their safety and are attempting to escape the slaughter by voluntarily reporting themselves to State authorities in an attempt to preempt visits from the death squads. Subsequently, thousands of people been detained in overcrowded disease infested disused Filipino military camps deemed “rehabilitation centers”. There are no release dates for people detained in these barbaric “rehabilitation” centers which function as ad-hoc prisons, complete with screws who subject drug users to torturous “character building” practices” to “atone for their sins” and activities designed to instill (by force) nationalist pride as a “rehabilitation” strategy.

Hence, we repeat the call of Filipino drug users to undertake autonomous actions to challenge the murderous policies of the fascist Duterte. We understand that consulates, high commissions and embassies are required to report political actions against them to the nation States they represent; thus we recognise actions undertaken against such institutions as an effective method of directly communicating our messages to the States whose policies we are challenging. Subsequently, we encourage our comrades across the region to continue to maintain the campaign against Duterte using whatever strategies are locally available.


Posted in Chiang Mai, Direct Action, Drug Users, Fuck Duterte, Graffiti, International Solidarity, Northern Thailand, Philippines, Thailand

USA: Communique from the #DisruptJ20 affinity group 17s


Received on 30.01.17:

Less than a week into the Trump administration we have begun to see the startlingly swift emergence of a prototypical fascist regime. One such indicator has been the quick and brutal repression of the free expression of political activists: at least two hundred J20 demonstrators in DC are facing felony riot charges with up to ten years in prison and $25,000 fines in an abrupt break with precedent.

In a few days, more executive orders have been signed or planned than in the last decade. Hate crime statistics have risen drastically. Many of us have friends and family who have been targeted by right-wing hate groups and disconnected individuals. Anti-fascists are being shot by white supremacists without recourse.

Trump is an international diplomacy time-bomb waiting to happen with executive authority on the use of nuclear weapons. This is a global issue. Trump has specifically targeted Black Lives Matter, Muslims and Latinx people, culminating in an immigration ban against seven countries that will kill people. Trump is acting faster and more decisively than anyone was willing to predict. Militarized police forces have been targeting organizers and activists all over the country, at Standing Rock, acting against people of color and the poor, neuro-diverse and homeless.

In our city, the presence of a well-organized black bloc at J20 seems to have incited an absurd police response which included the use of pepper spray, tear gas, flash-bangs and rubber bullets. By the end of the night, our small affinity group had swelled in numbers with people I had never seen shouting the name we had decided beforehand to use to find each other– for that day, we were the 17s.

The urgency of our political situation manifested directly in the entire bloc’s naturally-emerging cohesion. The 17s’ well-prepared riot shields and medics gave confidence to countless new anarchists that day as members of the march called on us to rush to the front to defend everyone from police violence. Our use of shields was noted on national news. We later read people we had never met who wrote about the power of our group’s presence and we knew we had been successful in our goal.

We wanted anarchists to be known as the ones who will be protecting their communities in the face of fascist violence and this is why we decided to march; however, we believe in sustained and targeted acts of direct resistance. In the days following, a city-wide call for autonomous action was circulated in response to the police repression. This marked a vitally important transition in tactics in the movement, with people of all levels of experience engaging in acts of resistance independently, in small groups in a decentralized manner.

Two groups of fifty or so protesters were in one case stopped before marching with plans to occupy a downtown bridge; in the other case members of the second group were arrested in a downtown park with unnecessary force by riot cops with batons who chased down and tackled to the ground people that were running away. Highly visible organizers were targeted in specific, to equal parts rowdy cheers and angry boos from bystanders. Further, there were two separate reports from police of freeway-blocking attempts by one or few demonstrators.

These acts speak to our desperation and resolve; they speak to the fact that it is anarchists who see the tanker ship of fascism bearing down on us over the horizon. It is anarchists who see this because it is a form that we know as the oppressed know the shape of the whip that subdues us. There will not be one singular event that signals the rise of fascism. But there will be monolithic indicators that mark the extent of its growth in the same way that the volatility of a structure fire can be predicted based on the lay of the flames. And we do not want to be caught sleeping drunkenly in the penthouse of a building whose foundation is aflame, subdued like so many moderates in denial.

If it is what happens the “day after the revolution” that matters, then J20 marks a distinct shift in attitude in the movement. The many widespread and autonomous actions that are taking place show a marked willingness to elevate the methods of resistance and the risks we are willing to take. Groups formerly tied up with the government and the status quo such as Alt National Parks, EPA, NASA and so many others are coming to the surface and normalizing resistance in a way we have never seen before. When this kind of behavior happens en masse, it empowers us all and lowers collective risk, opening a path to sustained and widespread radical change through direct action.

These decentralized acts also speak to the desperation of some of our most vulnerable comrades, who know that the next four or more years will threaten their lives, health and safety. We stand with them and we take risks to empower them. There is a feeling in the air that we are all picking up on with the sharp awareness of a hunted animal. If we use our fear, constrain it in a way that supplements drive and sharpens our senses, we can find each other and hide like guerrillas waiting in ambush.

We can outsmart them. We can learn from the way they use technology, we can co-opt science, and we can use it against them to create a world of boundless possibility out of what looks now like a grave. We may not be able to defeat them with sheer might, but we can defeat them with our cleverness.

This is a call to action that goes out to all anarchists on the planet Earth. For a long time we have been marveling at how close we are to imminent destruction and yet still live: we are teetering so close between the risks of nuclear proliferation and the environmental crisis alone. Let us not stand in the graves we dug while the dirt is piled in on top of us. Now may be the last chance at resistance. As Hitler himself said in a 1933 speech, “Only one danger could have jeopardised this development– if our adversaries had understood its principle, established a clear understanding of our ideas, and… from the first day annihilated with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement.”

Let us heed these words and do what we have always known we could when the stakes were not yet high enough: let us take up individual action and swear secrecy to ourselves for every action which does not require a group. Let us form affinity groups of the closest friends and co-conspirators for group action because we know they would spend life in prison before snitching on us; let us target the sensitive nodes of society of which anarchists are so inescapably aware, so that the flow of the system is radically redirected toward the society we want to create.

We are calling up our old friends in our old hometowns and sending them this communique with PGP encryption. We are mailing this communique via snail-mail to the press and the publishers from random mail drops. We are telling our friends about it in person while our phones are signal-blocked. We are translating this communique into every language. The future of complex life on the planet is at stake. If we do not resist now, we will pass a point of no return. We are so close to that point already. The time is now. The stakes will never be higher.

In defense of love and liberty,
from your anarchist comrades,


Posted in #DisruptJ20, 17s, Affinity Groups, Direct Action, Fuck Trump, Resistance, Riots, USA, Washington DC

Greece: Two comrades from Spain on trial following the eviction of a squat for refugees


Itziar and Iñaki, Zabaldi’s internationalist militants, were arrested in the eviction of a space occupied by migrants and Greeks in Thessaloniki. The police operation resulted in three evictions and several detainees, some of whom have already been tried. These two comrades will not be present at the trial.

On July 27, the police carried out the coordinated eviction of three buildings that had been squatted in Thessaloniki, Greece, which provided shelter to some of the thousands of displaced persons who were trapped in the country following the border closure.

The people who were in the buildings were then treated differently: non-European migrants were sent to militarized refugee camps, while Greeks and Europeans were detained and prosecuted, including the two Zabaldi militants. This Thursday, January 26, two of the three trials related to these events will be held. The comrades are facing squatting and property damage charges.

The three projects, Orfanotrofeio, Nikis and Hurriya, responded to the needs of people trapped by the closure of borders in Europe. Nikis was a squatted social center that decided to welcome migrants who had to stay in the country due to closed borders. Orfanotrofeio was squatted in December 2015 in order to accommodate displaced people. Its food store, pharmacy and all the collected materials were lost when the building was demolished after the eviction.

Hurriya was a new project, it was occupied only for two weeks and was full of people dedicated to the tasks of reconstruction and adaptation to make it habitable. It was a project of coexistence and joint struggle, in which people from the social movement and migrants would live on the basis of self-management.

(via Ahotsa, submitted by BlackCat)

Posted in Greece, Iñaki, International Solidarity, Itziar, Refugee Housing Squats, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Spain, Squatting, Thessaloniki, Zabaldi

So-called ‘Australia’: Some anti-colonial actions in Sydney

Received on 27.01.17:

Over the past week thousands of anti-colonial posters were put up all around Sydney, especially around locations holding “Australia Day” celebrations. On the 26th of January, six Unaustralian banners were tied to various highway overpasses.

While these minor acts can not prevent the official celebrations of Australian colonialism, it was very inspiring to see an increase in acts of resistance to ‘Aussie’ patriotism this year.

We’ve seen anti-Australian graffiti in a bunch of areas, including some huge indigenous flags painted in prominent locations,heard of paint attacks on colonial monuments and seen a bunch of videos of people burning captured flags. But most of all we were encouraged by the massive Invasion Day march, the front of which was attacked by riot police with fire extinguishers to prevent an indigenous revolutionary from burning a colonial rag. The crowd immediately reacted to this aggression by physically expelling the cops from the march, forcing the arrogant dogs of the riot squad to flee in fear, a very rare sight at demonstrations in this city.

This year has also seen a large increase in those calling for changing the date of Invasion Day, to a more “appropriate” time. The Greens mp David Shoebridge spruiked this agenda in his speech at the Invasion Day rally, which the Greens attempted to dominate with dozens of their party flag spread throughout the crowd. This is the very same party that a week ago denounced flag burning for being “violent” and in complete opposition to the party principles.

We stand alongside the indigenous and non-indigenous people who oppose any date to celebrate this nation of occupation. Every day is invasion day and every day is a good day to fight back against the promotion of patriotism and loyalty to the state and its institutions.

For the spread of anti-colonial resistance.
Fight Australia, every day!


Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, #InvasionDay2017, Australia, Banners, Graffiti, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Posters, so-called 'Australia', Sydney

So-called Australia: Banner drop in southeast Victoria for #7DaysOfResistance

Received anonymously on 25.01.16:

Banner drop on an overpass above the Princes Freeway, heading east in southeast Victoria as part of the #7DaysOfResistance in the lead-up to Invasion Day 2017.

The banners read: ‘No Pride In Genocide’ and ‘Abolish Aus Day’. A poster placed next to the banners features an Aboriginal flag with the words ‘Always Was Always Will Be’ super-imposed over it. This is a reference to a chant regularly heard at demonstrations in so-called Australia: ‘Always Was, Always Will be Aboriginal Land!’

Apologies for the poor quality of the photos!

Posted in #7DaysOfResistance, #InvasionDay2017, Australia, Banners, Direct Action, Indigenous Solidarity, Indigenous Struggle, Invasion Day, Posters, so-called 'Australia'