
Assisted dying: pressuring someone to take their own life could become a crime

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Convincing a person it is time to end their own life could become a crime under Victoria's proposed assisted dying laws, which are to be introduced to State Parliament this year.  

An expert panel chaired by Professor Brian Owler, a former president of the Australian Medical Association, is looking at how the state's physician-assisted death laws would work.

Last year Premier Daniel Andrews' government backed a cross-party parliamentary inquiry that recommended Victoria create assisted dying laws that would allow a narrowly defined group of patients to be prescribed lethal drugs to end their lives.

Questions around patient safeguards, and insuring the scheme cannot be exploited, will be closely examined and are the key to any laws successfully passing Parliament. Many MPs say they are supportive of the principle of assisted dying, as long as there are stringent safeguards.

The panel is now considering "an additional safeguard" by creating new criminal offences for those that pressure someone to take their life under the new system.

"This measure would ensure requests are voluntary by acting as a deterrent and sending a clear message that it would never be acceptable to push someone to access voluntary assisted dying," the discussion paper says.


"Appropriate offences may include inducing a person to request or access voluntary assisted dying through dishonesty or undue influence."

A major challenge for the panel is to define who qualifies for assisted dying. The parliamentary committee recommended that assisted dying only be available to people who are of decision-making capacity, in the last weeks or months of their life, and be suffering from a serious and incurable condition.

Another ethical question that needs to be thrashed out is what doctors who conscientiously object will be required to do. Will they, like doctors who oppose abortion, be required to refer the patient to another doctor who may be more willing to help?

Whether a doctor must be present when a person chooses to take the lethal drug is also posed by the panel, which is calling for submissions.

The panel, which also includes legal and palliative care experts, is due to report in April and then again in July.

Professor Owler said the group would not consider feedback that expressed an opinion for or against assisted dying.

"The panel is seeking feedback that is based on people's expertise and experience to provide perspectives on the access, safeguards and practical considerations in creating a compassionate and safe assisted-dying framework.," he said.

The push has the backing of the majority of Mr Andrews' cabinet and is being spearheaded by Health Minister Jill Hennessy and Attorney-General Martin Pakula​.

"The reality for some Victorians who are the end of their lives is that even the best palliative care will not relieve pain," Ms Hennessy said.

"We must follow the lead of other countries and do more to give people with terminal illness genuine choice at the end of their lives."

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