Understanding capital gains tax relief could help your bottom line

Capital gains tax relief is available only if the asset was owned by the fund on November 9.
Capital gains tax relief is available only if the asset was owned by the fund on November 9. Gabriele Charotte
by Bryan Ashenden

With all the changes to superannuation set to be introduced on July 1, one of the less understood but perhaps most important measures is the potential ability to reset the cost base of existing super assets for retirees who have pension accounts with balances of more than $1.6 million.

When you reset the cost base the asset's value is changed to its market value, which means you can quarantine unrealised capital gains.

It is arguably one of the more complex changes – and it comes with time constraints. It could be more complicated to administer for self-managed super funds than for retail super funds – which have access to the same relief – but the benefits to SMSFs could be considerably larger.

Capital gains tax (CGT) relief is on offer because of the new rule that will allow retirees to hold a maximum of $1.6 million in a tax-free pension account. Any excess amount must be transferred back to a so-called accumulation account, where a 15 per cent earnings tax is levied as well as a 10 per cent capital gains tax, assuming the assets have been held for longer than 12 months.

 If you have a transition to retirement pension, from July the earning and realised gains will be taxed as if you are in accumulation.

Given the prospect of savers having to shift money from a pension account to an accumulation account and pay CGT when investments are sold, the cost base of the assets is critical.

Nuances and qualifications

When the $1.6 million transfer balance cap was first announced, it was assumed that retirees would need to sell the holdings in their pension accounts and buy replacement assets by June 30, before the changes came into effect. Assets could be sold tax-free, while all pensions are tax-free, and the cost base would reflect current prices.

By providing CGT relief, selling and buying back investments is no longer necessary. It also avoids transaction costs and potential time out of the market, a benefit to everyone.

As with many changes, there are nuances and qualification criteria to be aware of. 

The first is that relief is only available if the asset was owned by the fund on November 9, the date the relevant changes were introduced to Parliament. Assets purchased after that date don't qualify for CGT relief. Similarly, the asset must still be owned by the fund after June 30, which makes sense because if it sold before then, the existing rules already exempt any CGT. 

The next question is: "Which assets do you apply relief to?" 

The relief is not automatic and needs to be applied on an asset-by-asset basis. This is important for a number of reasons. 

First, the relief works by changing the cost base of the asset to its current market value. This makes sense and is logical if the asset has risen in value. However, if the asset has fallen in value, then resetting the cost base means you could lose the benefit of unrealised capital losses into the future.

Second, the way your fund currently operates could affect your course of action.

If your fund operates on a segregated basis (that is, you can identify all the individual assets that as a collective support your pension) then the cost base is simply reset. 

If your fund's on an unsegregated (or proportionate) basis, which means it's a part of all or some assets that support your current pension, you can reset the cost base, but a portion of the unrealised gain is deferred and tax is paid on that amount when the asset is ultimately sold.

Third, the relief is intended only to apply to the extent necessary to comply with the new rules from July. This will cover assets supporting transition to retirement pensions as they are affected in full. But if you have super pensions in place that are below $1.6 million, or you try to apply the relief to assets that take your balance in the pension below $1.6 million, then the Tax Office may seek to apply its anti-avoidance provisions and associated penalties as there is no reason for needing to seek relief.

Voluntary restructure

The final question is: "When do you apply the relief?" The relief is only available if you choose it and voluntarily restructure assets to support the new rules. This means you need to restructure your assets by June 30. In most cases, I expect June 30 will be the date the relief will be applied, as funds will need to get market valuations of assets anyway for their tax returns, and this will allow assets to remain in the tax-exempt environment for as long as possible.

Market conditions before June 30 could give rise to an opportunity to have assets reset at a higher cost base, but this does mean assets will be in accumulation earlier. If you bring an existing pension account down to a $1.6 million balance before June 30, 2017, you still need to ensure it remains below that level at June 30, or might need to restructure the pension again.

There is no doubt that this is a complicated area, but the benefits to be gained are real. Careful planning is required to ensure you don't miss out on the opportunity, and the right assets are chosen for application of this relief. 

Start work early with professional advisers to help ensure you get the best possible outcome. After all, it's your retirement funding we are talking about.

Bryan Ashenden is head of financial literacy and advocacy at BT Financial Group.

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