Qantas, Virgin implement Trump Muslim-nation travel ban

Protesters assemble at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on Saturday after two Iraqi refugees were ...
Protesters assemble at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on Saturday after two Iraqi refugees were detained while trying to enter the country. Craig Ruttle

Qantas Airways and Virgin Australia will immediately begin implementing US President Donald Trump's ban on immigration from seven majority Muslim nations, a decision that applies to Australians with dual citizenship.

The two airlines will instruct staff to refuse access to US-bound flights to citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Because customers aren't required to disclose their citizenship when they book tickets, some passengers could be turned away at airport check-in counters as they try to fly.

In a presidential order that even some conservative American political leaders believe goes too far, Mr Trump ordered on Friday that citizens of the seven countries be barred from entering the US for at least 90 days. In addition, Syrians will be barred from entering as refugees indefinitely. 

The ban applies to people who hold passports from the seven countries, even if they have dual citizenship with another foreign country such as Australia. US citizens aren't affected.

President Donald Trump has announced a ban on immigration from seven majority Muslim nations.
President Donald Trump has announced a ban on immigration from seven majority Muslim nations. Olivier Douliery

One person who could be caught is Sam Dastyari, a Sydney Labor politician and federal senator born in Iran, and members of his family.

"It's so saddening that as an Australian senator, despite having taken every possible step to renounce my Iranian citizenship, I can not tell you with any certainty whether I would be allowed in the US today," he told Fairfax Media.

The Australian Embassy in Washington is discussing with US officials the implications for Australian travellers, including dual nationals, a spokeswoman for Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said.

US developments

Google said the order would affect at least 178 employees, including one who had to rush back to the US to avoid being banned from entry. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Tesla founder Elon Musk criticised the decision and said the Trump administration shouldn't punish people who weren't a threat.

Protesters temporarily block an intersection near Terminal 4 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.
Protesters temporarily block an intersection near Terminal 4 at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Craig Ruttle

A New York federal judge blocked part of the decision on the weekend by ordering that refugees and others trapped at US airports should not be returned to their home countries. But she didn't rule on the constitutionality of the order.

Hundreds of protesters gathered at John F. Kennedy International airport in New York and San Francisco International Airport while more than 1000 people protested at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. Some senior Republicans opposed the decision too.

"I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion, goes against everything we stand for and believe in," former vice-president Dick Cheney said in a radio interview.

Entitled Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States, Mr Trump's order freezes the US refugee program for four months, cuts the total refugee intake this financial year by more than half to 50,000, and bars Syrians from entering as refugees indefinitely.

There was widespread confusion at airports across the globe as immigration and airline officials tried to interpret the new US rules.


In Australia, Amnesty International, GetUp! and the Human Rights Law Centre condemned the selective US immigration policy. 

There were 48,169 people born in Iraq living in Australia in 2011, according to the latest census figures published by the Bureau of Statistics, and 34,454 people from Iran, 19,370 from Sudan, 9670 from Syria, 6590 from Somalia, 2900 from Libya and 610 from Yemen.

The government said it doesn't track how many Australians have dual citizenship. 

Anne Aly, a Muslim Labor MP and terrorism expert, said the policy wouldn't stop many or any Islamic State terrorists entering the US because it doesn't cover Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Tunisia, which are more likely be the home of supporters of the radical organisation trying to get to America. Ms Aly was born in Egypt.

"It seems quiet ineffective, which feeds the perception that it is a stupendous act of populism," she said.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson, who wants tougher restrictions on Islam immigration, implied that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Labor leader Bill Shorten were allowing extremists into Australia by accepting Middle Eastern immigrants.

The government is in the process of admitting 12,000 refugees from Iraq and Syria for permanent visas as a one-off act to help relieve the regional refugee crisis.

"You know where President Trump & I stand on protecting our nations from Radical Islamic Extremism," Senator Hanson tweeted. "Now others should follow our lead."


The decision would only affect a small number of Qantas customers, an airline spokesman said. 

"Qantas notes the tighter travel conditions imposed by the US government on citizens from some countries and has placed a travel advisory on its website," he said. "We will offer a refund or change of itinerary to those affected."

A spokeswoman for Virgin Australia, which flies to Los Angeles from Sydney and Brisbane, said it had no current staff or passengers who would be affected by the ban but it would adhere to all government regulations put in place.

Shakira Hussein, an honorary academic at Melbourne University's Asia Institute specialising in gender and Islam, said the ban would affect "quite a few" colleagues. She said Australia was more likely to accept Christian than Muslim refugees from the Middle East, which meant US policy was becoming similar to Australian practice.

"It is like watching a couple of decades of Australian immigration policy unfolding overnight," she said.