Dems plan rally at Supreme Court to protest Trump's executive order

Dems plan rally at Supreme Court to protest Trump's executive order
© Keren Carrion

Democratic lawmakers will host a rally on Monday evening at the Supreme Court to protest President Donald TrumpDonald TrumpAARP launches ad campaign urging Republicans to 'protect' Medicare '60 Minutes' changes lineup to re-broadcast Syrian refugee piece Trump, like Obama, signs flurry of first week executive actions MORE’s recent executive order imposing a temporary ban on nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries entering the United States.

“Tomorrow at 6:00 p.m., House and Senate Democrats will gather for a press event in front of the steps of the Supreme Court to demand the President withdraw his disreputable executive order. All Members are urged to come to express our solidarity,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a letter to her Democratic colleagues in the House.

Trump on Friday signed an order that imposed a 90-day ban on nationals from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen entering the United States. The order also included a 120-day ban on admitting refugees and an indefinite halt on admitting refugees from Syria, which has been embattled in a civil war since 2011.

“We are witnessing an historic injustice unfold, and we must keep the pressure on,” Pelosi said in the letter.

Senate Minority Leader Charles SchumerCharles SchumerSecond day of protests breaks out against Trump's immigration order Trump faces pressure to keep sanctions from GOP Democrats denounce Trump's actions barring refugees MORE (D-N.Y.) on Sunday said Democrats are considering legislation to overturn Trump’s order, but will need Republicans to be on board.

“If we get a few more Republicans, I think we might be able to pass legislation to overturn it,” Schumer said Sunday at press conference in his home state. “It will be up to getting more Republicans.”

Pelosi, in the letter, echoes several of her colleagues by saying the order constitutes “a Muslim ban.”

“As Members of Congress, we take a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Democrats intend to honor that oath by fighting the unconstitutional injustice of the President’s Muslim ban.”