Kim Kardashian Serves Up Statistics In The Face Of Trump's Executive Order

She's the latest in a string of celebrities to respond to Trump's immigration ban.

30/01/2017 10:31 AM AEDT | Updated 19 hours ago
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Eduardo Munoz / Reuters
Kim Kardashian posted the graphic to her Twitter with the caption: "Statistics".

Kim Kardashian West has delivered an insightful response to Donald Trump's 'Muslim ban' with cold, hard statistics.

It was in response to Trump's executive order restricting travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.

The president has linked the threat of extremist group ISIS and global Islamic terrorism to the need for tighter immigration policies, particularly on Muslim nations.

Kardashian is one of a number of celebrities who shared a graphic which shows what Americans are killed by annually -- and it's more likely to be by a lawnmower, lightning bolt or a fellow American than an Islamist jihadist immigrant.

The image was originally shared in this blog post in September 2016 by Todd R. Miller on The Huffington Post.

Although there may be a slight variation in numbers (due to dates) -- there is an indisputable gap in Trump's reasoning behind the so-called immigration ban.

It shows that on average annually just two Americans are killed by Islamist jihadist immigrants, as opposed to 11, 737 who were killed after being shot by another American.

It puts things into perspective by showing that 737 Americans are killed from falling out of bed and 69 people by lawnmowers.

"On average, 11,737 Americans have been shot to death every year by other Americans since 9/11," Miller said in his blog post.

"That's over 180,000 lives lost - 60 times the number of people killed on 9/11 and 7,200 times more than have been killed by Muslim immigrants in the United States over the same period."

Kardashian is not the only high profile person to post on social media on this. Miley Cyrus, Lily Allen, Alec Baldwin and America Ferrera are among the list of celebrities to speak out against Trump's executive order.

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