Genius crossword No 146

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Before being entered in the grid the solutions to twelve clues need three or more of their letterschanged to 19 22 alternatives. All resulting words are real.

Genius 146
Click here to access the print version Photograph: Guardian


6 Former Asian PM divorced husband by note for stud (6)

7 Calls for strong acids? (6)

10 Small vehicle race (6)

11 Key exercise removes hair (8)

12 At home I’m spinning a dress (4)

13 Artist born with excessive diamonds rejecting 75% of will (10)

14 Cheer up birds, it’s digital entertainment! (7,4)

19 Anticipating pierced hysterics over ITV comic (10)

22 Reading from New Testament extract (4)

23 Provisionally arrange course of medicine with iodine left out (6,2)

24 Feel angry about sport being used for punishment? (6)

25 After taunting Eton, I received good kicking (6)

26 English tax firm returns set of 8 (6)


1 Third person assumes fitting rank (7)

2 Stomach upset at lunchtime - working, for a change (8)

3 Leave girl and monitor lizard (6)

4 Singer welcomes 1 after 6 dropping by (8)

5 Outlaw delivers one better than 3 NT? (6)

8 Suddenly, even around ten, lady forgets today’s date (6)

9 Lots and lots of money? I will get a number of notes (11)

15 Silence before one’s final bet, with Greek leader playing for time (8)

16 Unorthodox mother, Queen Victoria embraces king (8)

17 Defend American then lock up (6)

18 Former wife’s suggestion about daughter: send to Coventry? (7)

20 Stood in awe of The Listener under fine editor (6)

21 Best agent promoted by top club (6)