Donald Trump's obsession with China will make life difficult for Malcolm Turnbull

Donald Trump has met with Kanye West.
Donald Trump has met with Kanye West. Seth Wenig

This could be the most irrational year in international politics since George W. Bush decided to avenge the 9/11 terrorist attacks by invading Iraq, which had nothing do with bringing down the World Trade Centre.

US President Donald Trump looks like he wants to cosy up to the Russians, who have relentlessly undermined Western influence around the world and interfered in the US election using cyber-terrorism.

Mr Trump is shaping up for a confrontation with China, which is the America's biggest creditor and provides it with countless cheap goods, from clothing to computers.

If he carries through on his campaign rhetoric - and appoints a quasi-Russian ally as Secretary of State suggests he may - the global balance-of-power status quo is about to shift tectonically.

Events could have a bigger impact on Australia than even the invasion of Iraq, which provided dramatic television footage but had little geostrategic impact in the Asia-Pacific.

The focus of global political rivalry would switch to the US-Chinese relationship. One of the world's biggest sources of trade could be disrupted, leading to heightened military tensions in the Pacific Ocean, the Royal Australian Navy's frontyard.

Rationality doesn't matter

The rationality, or otherwise, of Mr Trump's arguments doesn't seem to matter to Americans. 

"Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country," Mr Trump tweeted on December 4.

Can any informed Australian imagine the Reserve Bank of Australia seeking US Treasury permission before selling Australian dollars? How about the People's Bank of China?

Australia does not want a trade war between its biggest customer and its greatest investor. But the government's ability to influence events is limited.

Yet years of exaggerated and Canberra-centric coverage has created the impression among Australians they are players in global affairs. "PM warns Beijing against rules breaches," is a recent example of the genre.

That Malcolm Turnbull got the incoming president on the phone through a favour from Greg Norman suggests Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has less sway with the Trump camp than Kanye West, who not only was invited to a private meeting but a joint media appearance.

"You take care of yourself, I'll see you soon," Mr Trump told the singer in the Trump Tower lobby.

If the new cold war between Russia and the West switches to the US and China, Turnbull and Bishop will face an incredibly delicate challenge. Not only will they have to maintain good relations with a belligerent super-power and its resentful rival, the will have to explain to economically insecure Australians why their closest ally is feuding with a country that spends billions on Australian iron ore, coal, wheat, wool and wine.