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Chilling video of Swan River victim inside doomed flight's cockpit emerges

Chilling video of plane crash victim Endah Cakrawati filming the doomed flight's take-off has emerged as authorities removing the wreck from the Swan River are expected to lift the exclusion zone on Monday. 

Ms Cakrawati and her partner, Peter Lynch, 52, died on Australia Day when the Grumman G-73 "Mallard" plane they were flying in nose-dived into the water around 5pm in front of thousands of horrified on-lookers lining the foreshore for the Skyworks show. 

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Chilling last words

A chilling video has emerged of plane crash victim Endah Cakrawati from the cockpit of the plane just moments before it crashed into the Swan River.

The plane, piloted by Mr Lynch, was part of an Australia Day display. 

Nine News Perth reported on Monday moments from the final hours of the couple's life had been posted to Ms Cakrawati's Instagram page. 

The videos show the 30-year-old smiling as she sits in the passenger seat of the plane while it takes off, with the caption 'display soon'. 

"We're ready to go for Skyworks today, happy Australia Day," she said in another video.


Authorities tasked with carefully removing the wreckage from the water are expected to lift the exclusion zone around the crash site on Monday, Nine News Perth reports. 

The City of Perth was forced to cancel its fireworks display - the biggest in the country - in the wake of the accident, out of respect for the victims and to maintain the integrity of the crash site. 

Witness Lloyd Douglas told ABC News he was on a nearby boat when the plane smashed into the water. 

"As he banked left he seemed to go further to the left ... and lose forward momentum and lost altitude fairly quickly," he said.

"My concern was that he'd landed in amongst all the small boats up at the east end of the Perth water.

"I don't think — looking through binoculars — that he did hit other boats.

"It did hit the water with a fairly decent force, and goodness, if it had another boat in the water or something it would be a tragedy."

Mr Douglas said rescuers raced to the plane and were climbing over the wings shortly after it crashed, trying to extract the people inside.

He said it took several minutes for people to reach the plane, and it was nearby revellers who were first able to get to it.

Mr Lynch had recently moved to Perth from Brisbane to take a role as business development director at Fortescue Metals Group.

Ms Cakrawati worked with Mr Lynch as investor relations manager at Cokal, a mining company he founded in 2009.

Family, friends and the greater flying community are mourning the loss of Mr Lynch and his partner, with his former wife posting a heartbreaking message on Facebook just hours after the crash.

"With great difficulty I am unbearably saddened to confirm that my great friend and the father of my children passed after a tragic accident on the Swan River in Perth yesterday," she wrote. 

Friends wrote back to Ms Lynch in support, expressing sympathy at the loss of a man who "lived his life with great joy ... a good mate, father and friend"

Just six months ago - around the time Mr Lynch moved to Perth - Ms Cakrawati had written on her Facebook page: "I have a great life, great friends, and great LOVE.....JUST PERFECT."

Friends in Indonesia have paid tribute to Ms Cakrawati, whose photos show her going out with friends, playing the guitar and modelling. 

"Rest in peace for my beautiful friend.. Still proud of u sis Endah Aricakrawati, u reach ur dream high..
We love u," wrote one friend.

"Rest in peace my dearest friend," said another.