
Sperm whales use different dialects to 'click' with social clans

Learning the local slang can be a challenge for humans when fitting into a new neighbourhood, but it seems the same can be said for sperm whales.

An 18-year study led by researchers in Canada and published in Nature has found sperm whale clans around the Galapagos Islands communicate in different dialects of their "click" language.

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When sperm whales learn to talk

A Canadian study has found sperm whales around the Galapagos Islands living in different clans speak different versions of the sperm whale 'click' language.

Just like humans, young sperm whales take their language cues from family and friends.

"Our research team spent many years in offshore seas investigating how sperm whales socialise and learn from each other; essentially, if there is culture in the deep ocean," study author Mauricio Cantor, of Canada's Dalhousie University, said.

Whale report author Mauricio Cantor: "It’s quite rare to find groups of animals of the same species in the same area ...
Whale report author Mauricio Cantor: "It’s quite rare to find groups of animals of the same species in the same area with unique behaviours." Photo: Mauricio Cantor

"Groups of females and calves live together for many years and communicate using [a] pattern of clicks, called codas. So we generally find mums, aunts, grandmas and friends, all hanging out and chit-chatting for their entire lives."

He said the different codas were similar to slang, though they were "more like different accents".


"We have no idea [about] the information these sounds are passing between each other, but we know they are different."

Not only do sperm whales perform one of the deepest dives, have the largest brain and nose in the animal kingdom and have the most powerful sonar in nature, but they seem to interact more with other whales which communicate using the same types of codas.

Morse code: Codas are the clicking sounds made by sperm whales to communicate within social units.
Morse code: Codas are the clicking sounds made by sperm whales to communicate within social units. Photo: Mauricio Cantor

"So there is a special structure: the vocal clan, composed of whales with different 'dialects'," Mr Cantor said.

"It's quite rare to find groups of animals of the same species in the same area with unique behaviours. In this case, whales living in the same waters, at the same time, with unique communication signals."

A new study has found different dialects evolve when whales learn and imitate coda sounds from their peers.
A new study has found different dialects evolve when whales learn and imitate coda sounds from their peers. Photo: Mauricio Cantor

To the human ear, the codas are a clicking sound, reminiscent of Morse code.

About 20,000 coda samples were collected during the study. They were recorded via underwater microphones and the recordings were later combined with real data and computer simulations from the past 30 years.

<i>Illustration: Cathy Wilcox</i>
Illustration: Cathy Wilcox 

The study has found different dialects evolve when whales learn and imitate coda sounds from their peers.

Mr Cantor said the findings suggested society and culture could be more connected among sperm whales than previously thought.

"That makes them quite similar [to] us. Learning how to communicate can split individuals into cultural groups," he said.

"This is not to suggest that whale culture equals the diverse, symbolic and cumulative cultures of humans. But it is still fascinating that a society of completely different animals, living in a completely different environment, can have striking similarities with our own."