Obama makes pitch for ObamaCare signups despite repeal threat

Obama makes pitch for ObamaCare signups despite repeal threat
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President Obama on Friday made the case for people to sign up for ObamaCare, pushing back on congressional Republicans calling for the law's repeal.

In a video message streamed live on Facebook, Obama encouraged viewers to go to HealthCare.gov to sign up for coverage for next year before a Dec. 15 enrollment deadline.

Obama addressed concerns that GOP repeal efforts could mean coverage won’t be there.

He acknowledged that the debate in Washington “might make it sound like your insurance is somehow at risk,” but he said ObamaCare is still the law of the land. 

However, as Republican repeal efforts push ahead, Obama urged viewers to tell Congress not to repeal the law. 

“Don’t let Republicans in Congress take us back to the days when you could be denied insurance for having a pre-existing condition,” Obama said. 

He noted that 20 million people have gained coverage because of the law. 

Despite the uncertainty, the administration says more people have signed up for ObamaCare in 2016 than at the same point last year.